The Not So Megacorps

iggy's picture
December 23, 2012 - 5:47pm
With all this talk about the megacorps one would think that they are the only show in town for their particular business.  I am proposing that we detail some of the corporations that are well known and not in the fortune 500 that hold the status megacorp.  See this analogy to current status of the movie making business:

The wealthy get to hire MerCo.  The poor hire thugs.  Who to the middle class hire?

rattraveller's picture
December 23, 2012 - 8:13pm
While I will still be concentrating on the megacorps the lesser corps are there. Like the Subsidiaries and the Vrusk Trade house listed in the Dark Side of the Moon module.

Independents like the Gullwind are still good too.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

JCab747's picture
August 26, 2016 - 9:21am
Iggy: The wealthy get to hire MerCo.  The poor hire thugs.  Who do the middle class hire?

They hire Murder, Inc. or it's a DIY job.
Joe Cabadas

rattraveller's picture
August 27, 2016 - 6:16am
Galactic Task Force
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

iggy's picture
August 28, 2016 - 4:52pm
Fun resurecting old threads.

I still think that we should develope a list of companies that compeete with the megacorps.  Guys that have 3-5% market share and can survive in their niche against the megacorps.  Guys that may not be a niche but through cooperation or use of aniti-trust type laws survive and compete in mega-corp dominated industries.  Guys that are known for high-end or leading the way where the megacorps dominate the common mass produced and established trends.  These companies would be fun for PCs to interact with and give some color to the frontier. 

JCab747's picture
August 28, 2016 - 7:43pm
iggy wrote:
Fun resurecting old threads.

I still think that we should develope a list of companies that compeete with the megacorps.  Guys that have 3-5% market share and can survive in their niche against the megacorps.  Guys that may not be a niche but through cooperation or use of aniti-trust type laws survive and compete in mega-corp dominated industries.  Guys that are known for high-end or leading the way where the megacorps dominate the common mass produced and established trends.  These companies would be fun for PCs to interact with and give some color to the frontier. 

A lot of these old discussions are new to me. And, I see a lot of potential in them. They could be turned into articles for Frontier Explorer... or if they want to resurrect Star Frontiersman.
Joe Cabadas

rattraveller's picture
August 29, 2016 - 12:53pm
Star Frontiers will only be resurrected if the current copyright owners see some kind of profit in it. Currently we need someone to make a Star Frontiers Go app.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

iggy's picture
August 29, 2016 - 5:57pm
JCab mentioned Star Frontiersman not Star Frontiers.  There has been talk off and on about more issues of Star Frontiersman but the amount of content we recieve is not at a level to support two fanzines.

JCab747's picture
August 29, 2016 - 7:49pm
iggy wrote:
JCab mentioned Star Frontiersman not Star Frontiers.  There has been talk off and on about more issues of Star Frontiersman but the amount of content we recieve is not at a level to support two fanzines.

So, you need more content, eh?

That's a challenge!
Joe Cabadas

jedion357's picture
September 6, 2016 - 9:39am
Prengular Police & Security Services. Galactic Task Force, being closely allied with PGC is not the first choice of PGC competitors in the Prengular system for security. The company has carved out a niche business on Gran Quivera & Morgaine's World supplying security and police details to clients who desire an alternative to GTF. Some towns and villages on Morgaine's World have even out source their police departments with PPSS. 
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!