I love Marines

jedion357's picture
October 13, 2012 - 5:30am
No marines in my family but I like marines, a buddy at seminary was a marine- one of the sweetest, nicest guys I ever met- taught me some cool stuff they did with ropes in the corp when I was first getting into rock climbing and rappelling- things that usually freaked out "professional" rock climbers but after I investigated them and the science and safety factors behind them I was confident doing. But I ramble...

Any how I really like marines and appreciate the service they give and their willingness to lay their lives on the line for the rest of us but stuff like this really gets me:

I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

OnceFarOff's picture
October 13, 2012 - 7:49am
Awesome story.

A little less heart warming, but one of my favorite Marine stories comes from my hometown of Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. There was a subways sub shop that got robbed late one night. It was like 10pm or so. There was a couple of store employees and a couple of customers, including a man of around 70 years of age.

Two kids come in with guns and start robbing the place. IIRC one was 20 and the other was 22. So they're waving their guns around and yelling and everyone hands over their wallets and the employee empties the register. And then the situation took a turn. Instead of leaving with their couple of bucks, the two robbers start rounding everyone up and telling them to go in the back of the store. It was at this point that the 70 year old man, who had been content to have his wallet taken if it ended the situation, decided that their lives were probably in danger if they were taken in the back of the store.

So not knowing the old man was a former marine - and legally carrying a concealed pistol , the two punks were utterly surprised when he pulled out his 45 and shot them each once center mass. One guy dropped dead on the spot, the other, hit in the lung, ran out of the store. He collapsed within a hundred yards, was captured by the cops, and ultimately charged for armed robbery and murder, because in the Gunshine State if you use a gun to commit a crime you are held responsible for anyone that gets hurt or killed.

The thing I love about this story is that the guy was minding his own business and would have allowed the thieves to take his wallet with no incident. But when he felt the situation turn the corner and believed all their lives in danger, he acted swiftly and ended the entire scene in about 10 seconds. At 70 years old. There's no such thing as an EX-marine. HooAH!

Karxan's picture
October 13, 2012 - 5:10pm
Love both stories guys. Thanks for sharing, it is always a pleasure to hear about how our soldiers have good hearts and good instincts.