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    Version: 1
    Project: Titan Rising Game Setting
    File Name: 1.jpg
    File Size: 339.71 KB
    File Type: image/pjpeg
    Updated: October 8, 2012 - 11:11am
    Submitted: AZ_GAMER
    In the late 2390's the United Colonial Alliance commissioned the contruction of the Titan Class starship. These massive hybrid vessels were designed with the characterstics of both a battleship and space carrier. While other classes such as the Ranger and the Prometheus originally filled these capacities they always fell more into one category than the other. For example the Prometheus Class was essentially a battleship equpped with flight pods containing four fighters each. The Ranger class was essentially a strike carrier with some long range armaments. The Titan Class however contains both a full fighter compliment and long range armaments. A very expensive captian Ships, only a few Titans were constructed with the intent of stationing one at each of the Earth colonies.

    Pictured here is the construction of the first of the Titan Mark 1 Starships, the C.S.S. Titan which bears the name of the class.