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    Version: 1
    Project: Titan Rising Game Setting
    File Name: 81.png
    File Size: 1.59 MB
    File Type: image/x-png
    Updated: August 26, 2012 - 6:25pm
    Submitted: AZ_GAMER

    Colonial Space Fleet Emergency Escape Vehicles EEV Are Automated Life Boats Which Automatically Eject From Starship In The Event Of A Catastrophic Emergency. They Are Equiped With A Short Range Drive Thruster And A Micro Fusion Power Cell. The Vehicle Is Self-Guided And Is Designed To Hold Three Emergency Survival Pods Which Also Can Be Ejected In The Event That The EEV Becomes Damaged.

    A Troop Deployment Drop Pod Variation of this craft also is found in use in the Colonial Space Fleet Which is almost identical to the EEV. Drop Pods are used in extreme circumstances when troops and supplies must be landed into a hostile area inaccessible to shuttles and drop ships. Drop pods can only be used once and are only able to deploy troops and supplies. EEV's can be modified for use as drop pods but cannot serve as drop pods without the modification.

    3d Model By Simon3d