![]() August 23, 2012 - 7:26pm | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 08-23-2399: As of this Date, August 23rd, 2399 at 16:00 Hrs. Earth Standard Time, Command Of The Colonial Space Fleet Exploration Vessel William Logan Was transfered from Captain Marshall Dunn to Captain Bishop Crane. The Logan is still undergoing minor equipment refits to all systems and exterior hull replating in preparation for its voyage to the Vega Colony. Ensign K'Zel became ill today and was treated in the med bay infirmary for minor digestive distress. I suspect our new cook is not yet acustom to preparing Xin food yet. Our chief medical officer has not yet arrived from Anchorage station for a propper diagnosis but the med bot has given an initial diagnosis of food poisoning and predicts complete recover with 72 hours. Of the new officers Lt. Cmdr. Michael Bell was the first to arrive and I have found him very resourceful working dilligently at the Logan's astrogation station preparring the ship for our jump to Vega. The new Sol Hyperspace Gate should make our transition to hyperspace and back much faster but I still feel better having a live person working the numbers. Lt. Julu Ayobi reported that cargo upload has started and we have taken on 20 metric tons of food stuffs, two XH Jetcopters, 60 hydrogen Fuel Cells and ten Hanzo P-Series robots. |
![]() August 27, 2012 - 5:58pm | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 08-24-2399: |
![]() September 16, 2012 - 10:35am | Captain Bishiop Crane. Ship's Log 08-25-2399: Lt. Ayobi reported that 10 metric tons of miscellaneous scientfic research equipment were uploaded today into our cargo hold for delivery to the Vega colony. It is my understanding that these supplies are intended for a future colony expedition being mounted by the Isogen Corporation and I have seen a large number of their cargo haulers requesting docking with the Logan since we received orders for the Vega mission. Ship's Log Supplemental Entry:While walking through the observation deck today I observed an unscheduled shuttle flight in route from Anchorage Station to the Sol Hyperspace Gate (SHG). While I have never been comfortable with such careless conduct I will be much happier when our Security Chief arrives from Anchorage to inquire into such matters. As it stands today, I will have to submit the report of the unscheduled flight to Anchorage flight control myself and hope its not some Space Fleet Intel Op they didn't bother to advise me about. |
![]() September 16, 2012 - 10:36am | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 08-27-2399: Lt. Commander Bell is coming along with our contingency jump calculations and I haven't seen him leave his station since he arrived on ship and got his first cup of coffee from the ship's mess. Cook has been brining him a fresh pot at the turn of each watch. With no one on the bridge yet I felt it more than appropriate for Bell to use the med pod bed to get some rack time in between mapping sessions at the astrogation station. Besides, straightening up the med pod will give our new Doc something useful to do when he arrives from Anchorage. Since our mission is s voluntary assignment, Commnad has had a difficult time getting our new command crew assembled. Those who shown the initiative to sign up for this mission are coming in from all parts of the colonies on pretty short notice. As for myself, I know I wouldn't miss an opportunity to take a ship through the new hyperspace gates. |
![]() September 6, 2012 - 7:04pm | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 08-31-2399: The crew is looking forward to an extended liberty Earth-side over the course of the Labor Day Holiday. The E4 EVA robotic crews continue to perform their maintenance duties on the exterior hull plating and the finishing the last of the refit upgrades. This time around we were fortunate enough to get a brand new dual emitter fire control linked laser battery mounted on the space hull of the upper crew habitat module. The new battery will provide a large field of fire and is control linked to both the pill box twin cannon battery and the bow mounted laser cannon. Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-04-2399: The crew has returned from their Holiday liberties on Earth or Anchorage Station just in time to begin final preparations for our launch next week. Lt. Bell informs me that he has finished plotting our contingent jump courses and locked them into the Grey 3000 computer core for fast retrieval should we need them. Lt. Ayobi notified me today that five metric tons of various mechanical supplies just arrived at the space dock holding zone awaiting clearance for off load. Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-05-2399: Today the C.S.S. Aspire arrived in synchronous orbit around Space Dock to provide additional security during the launch. Space Fleet Command seems particuarly concerned about the security of the upcomming launch and we have seen an increase in corsair defense ship patrols between Anchorage and Space Dock. While the usual suspect of inter-system troubles, the Centauran Separatists Movement, has been suprising quiet since the announcement of the SOL Gate's completion. I would have expected at least a public protest by the legitimate political wing of their organization. With no indication of terrorist activity I am a little perplexed over this high level of security surrounding our mission. Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-06-2399: I am becoming increasingly impatient with Anchorage Flight Control's continued delays in clearing my remaining command crew. There is a lot of work still left to be done and I hate to behind schedule as we approach our launch date. With the Nav's completed, I sent Lt. Bell down to the recreation area to work with the laser rifle training course simulator to improve his qualification rating. Hopefully, things will go smoothly on this mission and he won't need to be a crack shot with his rifle. |
![]() September 6, 2012 - 10:10pm | Captain Crane, the diagnostic on the ship engines have been completed and everything checks out. We are good to go down here sir. |
![]() September 6, 2012 - 10:49pm | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-07-2399: Today the shuttle arrived from Anchorage delivering our new Engineering Officer Commander Kyrell. After being cleared by Anchorage Flight Control to assume his post on the 'Logan we put him to work right away running a diagnostic on the ship's engine's. I don't think he even had the chance to find his quarters before he was busy acquainting himself with his new home in Drive Core Module. Commander Kyrell completed his initial diagnostic of the ships engineering systems in record time and feel it is safe to say that we are a go for engine testing before departing Space Dock. A newly refurbished Omaha Dropship shuttle was also delivered today and installed into our docking craddle. When Captain Dunn transfered command of the Logan to me he notified me that the old dropship was in need of a serious overhaul and it was good see that my connections at command came through for us with this new vehicle. |
![]() September 9, 2012 - 11:07am | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-08-2399: The late shuttle delivered our Chief Medical Officer last night and it is good to have the Doc aboard so that he can finally get Ensign K'zel in the green (forgive the pun). The engine start up and test went very well today and Chief Engineer Kyrell has the engineering staff up to speed on his expectations. I was pleased to see them getting their exercise today outside of the recreation area and holo training center. The 60 colonists for the scientific expedition will be arriving tomorrow in stasis. The use of cryo stasis during FTL travel is considered mostly unneccessary these days. However, the colonist's passage on our vessel is but one of several legs on their journey. Their continued slumber in cryostasis will eliminate the need for housing, food, or additional resources until they reach their final destination. Our doctor will certainly be busy with their arrival making sure their cryo pods are properly stowed and all the passengers are in good health. I received good news from Anchorage Station today notifying me that my new first officer and our new security chief will be arriving tomorrow. I would have liked to seen them arrive sooner but but Anchorage control can't release anyone for duty until after they have finished being cleared. Having a security liasion on board will do wonders for speeding up the process. I am told that our new Security Chief is a Ganai, one of the first to graduate from Space Fleet Academy's cultural exchange program. I have advised our crew to refrain from referring to any Ganai personnel as "Tin Man" or "Bucket Head" as the use of such pejoratives by anyone serving in Space Fleet is unacceptable. |
![]() September 9, 2012 - 9:18pm | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-09-2399: Today my new X.O. Commander Ameila Grant and Security Chief Commander Ky Rojan arrived on board The 'Logan and began debriefing on our mission. Grant has an impressive record as a pilot and may have to put those skills to work if our assigned pilot doesn't clear Anchorage control before end of last watch on Monday when we depart Space Dock. Lt. Ayobi notfied me that the transfer of our passengers in cryo went smoothly and that the last of our supplies and perishible goods for the mess were loaded on board today. Cook should enjoy having fresh stores to cook with and I hear we should avoid his Tripe soup. |
![]() September 10, 2012 - 8:21pm | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-10-2399: I always find it difficult to sleep the night before a big operation. A lot of people are counting on us to make a sucessful trip to Vega. Failure is not an option and would set Operation Express Way back by months and possibly years. A permanent stable hyperspace link between Sol and Vega would benefit countless lives throughout the United Colonies and reduce the cost of commerce between these two sectors. All departments report that all systems are ready to make way tomorrow. For now, I have small mountain of Data Pads with deparment logs and records for review. No rest for the weary, I guess I'll have plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead. |
![]() September 16, 2012 - 6:33pm | Captain Bishop Crane. Ship's Log 09-11-2399: Today as we departed for Vega a lone Fen warship jumped into the SHG restricted fly zone and attacked our ship and the gate. The Logan has sustained moderate damage from both the attack and our rough entry into hyperspace. The C.S.S. Aspire was destroyed during the attack and it appears that all hands were lost. We managed to enter the gate but something happened during our transit and we have mis-jumped into an uncharted hyperspace jump point. My Astrogator, Lt. Commander Bell seems to have a solid plan for returning the ship to normal space and we are preparing the crew for a series of two complex high risks jumps. Commander Grant was injured during the Fen attack and Doctor Forrest is working to stabilize her serious injuries. It is unclear to me why the Fen warship attacked the Gate during the transit event. The Xin, even the Fen Clan, have been strong supporting members of the United Colonial Alliance and no incidents to my knowledge could have provoked them to violence. I do not know if this attack was a isolated incident initiated by rogue forces within the Fen or if this is the first offensive in a declaration of war. The Xin members of our crew are understandably shocked by the incident and claim to have no idea why a ship from the Fen Clan would act against us. I hope Lt. Commander Bell's plan is successful and we can soon return to normal space and re-establish communications with Space Fleet Operations for Debriefing. Captain's Log Supplemental: Today, the valiant sacrifice of Captain Simms and her crew certainly saved our lives. Let the record show that as of today I am recommending Captain Karyn Simms and the crew of the C.S.S. Aspire for post-humous accommodation for honor and service in the most noble tradition of the armed services. |