Description:I recently unearthed this article from the 80th, which had been published in "Drachen-Magazin" if I remember it correctly (a magazine that tried to be a German counterpart to DRAGON but never made it that far).
The critical hit table shown here is quite straightforward, the skill system (adding sharpshooter skills from weapon rank 6, 1-6 ranks) is much overpowered in my opinion. I remember my 80th Vrusk, a Blaster rank 6/Sharpshooter (Blaster) rank 3 (95% to-hit / 35% critical), would blow an enemies head off with almost every second shot ... now that's not Star Frontiers ... yet with some tweaking, it might still be interesting.
Also interesting is the artificial limbs-section to "heal" crippled limbs.