![]() June 13, 2012 - 9:15pm | I made this on another forum. It is a basic list of races and KH ships converted into the Mini-Six rules. Any suggestions or recommendations are welcome. As well as anyone's additions.RacesThe following are the "core four" playable races:Human (0): No special rules. Dialasite (1): They are a race of blob-like creatures. Do to their elasticity, they can form limbs - arms and legs - equal to their dice in Agility, plus one. Even though they can grow many arms, they can only use two arms in a fight and are treated as humans when armed with multiple weapons. They need at least two legs to move, but they loose 1D to Agility do to their awkward shape. Ideally, they use three legs to move normally, but at a speed of 20 feet per action. Four legs allow them to gallop at 30 feet an action. It takes five minutes to grow or absorb a limb. Do to their ability to read involuntary actions within other creatures, they have a +1 to detect a lie. Vrusk (2): They are a race of mantis-like creatures. They are ambidextrous, and as such, they can use two weapons simultaneously without penalty, unless they fire the weapons at multiple targets or as multiple actions. Do to their complicated nature, they get a +1D to comprehend unusual activity or foresee unusual trends. With their eight legs, they can move at 40 feet an action, but their large body can be a major disadvantage. Yazirian (2): They are a race of ape-like creatures. Do to their primitive nature, they can build themselves in berserk state. When in a fight, they may make a Rage (Charm skill) roll as a Difficult (16+) action. In this state, they get a +2 bonus to both Melee attack and Melee damage rolls. This last for only one battle scene, before they need to rest. Their skin-flaps allow them to glide between .6 to 1G of gravity. They need to be at least 30 feet off the ground to glide, and they loose 1 feet for every feet moved. Optional Core Races: S'sessu (2): They are a race of worm-like creatures, vary much like the Sather. Do to their competitive and exploitative nature, they can judge the strengths and weaknesses of opponents by observation. This is treated as a free 2D Insight (Wit) skill. Do to their worm-like bodies, they slither at 20 feet per action. (They were originally going to be a the fifth core race in Alien Worlds, but became the enemy race - the Sather - when Star Frontiers was finished) The following are from the Rim Confederation: Humma (3): They are a race of kangaroo-like creatures. They have a prehensile tail, that allows them to use a melee weapon in combat. They loose heightened (+1 Agility) balance when swinging their tails an enemies. They can move 40 feet an action, but can leap 80 feet per action. If they do a lot of leaping in a fight, they must rest afterwards. Being total omnivores with a highly robust digestion system, they are immune to food-poisoning. Ifshnit (2): They are a race of Ewak-like creatures. They have an inner eye-lid and highly developed eyes that allows them to shrug-off strobing or blinding effects. Being a barter-based race, they get a +2 to tasks involving appraisal, gemology, or haggling. Osakar (4): They have long-necks, barrel-bodies, two arms and four legs. They have a highly developed olfactory, which allows them to pick-up sent like a bloodhound. They are the finest linguists in the Frontier, and can learn and create languages like second nature. As a result, they get a +3D to encryption and translation rolls. The following are generally considered NPC races, as they are enemies or closed-off to the Frontier: Sather (4): They are a race of worm-like creatures. In non-combat situations, they act hypnotize someone. The target can be fooled into thinking that something/someone is something/someone else, or to do something and forget it. Targets resists using their Charm vs the Sather's Charm. Do to their worm-like bodies, they slither at 20 feet per action. They are considered a dangerous enemy, who should be avoided or attacked on sight, so they are a generally considered an NPC race. Zuraqqor (2): They are a race of bug-like creatures. Do to their secular bug eye vision and fast reflexes, they are hard to surprise. They can fly at 60 feet an action. Mechanon, Laborer (5): Being andoids, they do not eat, breath, or sleep. They cannot be healed, but can be repaired. They are ambidextrous like the Vrusk. They have a +1D to Wit and Might. They are an unusual race, and maybe off-limits to players. Mechanon, Warrior (5): As Laborer, but built for combat. They have a +2D to Wit and Might. All members of the warrior class have at least one built-in weapon, usually a proton beam or laser. Mechanon, Thinker (5): As Laborer, but built for science and engineering. They have a +3D to Wit, and can figure out the use of any manufactured item in a matter of minutes. It is suspected that the thinkers have even more powerful armament then the warrior class, but this is unconfirmed. They also skilled debaters, and get +2 on efforts to persuade. Here are some odds-and-end races that may join the UPF worlds, and have never been made playable: Edestekai (0): They have bulbous-bodies, with three-eyes, three limbs ending in three-finger hands, and three genders. They have 360 degree field of vision. They move at a speed of 20 feet per action. They are highly dogmatic and primitive. Kurabanda (1): They are a race of monkey-like creatures. They have prehensile tails, and are superior climbers, with a +2D to climbing and normal movement. They have a strong warrior's pride, that makes them hostel to cultural offenses. Mhemne (0): As Human, but furry. They have a better tolerance (+2) in cold conditions. Ul Mor (1): They are a race of squid-like creatures. They can communicate with any species using their ninth tentacle to establish a direct mind link. Notui (1): They are a race of ostrich/velocirapture-like creatures. They have toe-claws that can deal damage like an axe (+3D). SpaceshipsThe following are house-rules to the normal vehicle combat rules: With fixed-forward weapons, the attacker has to make a piloting roll (with Maneuverability) vs 11 to bring the weapons to bear. Batteries on the other hand, can freely aim at any angle, but only half of each type of weapon can target a single target, because they are usually arranged around the hull.Twin Laser Guns -- Damage: 2D Range: 1/3/5 -- Basic forward-facing guns mounted on Fighters. Missiles -- Damage: 4D+1 Range: 2/5/8 -- Simple forward-facing anti-ship missiles mounted on Fighters. This weapon ignores Damage Resistance bonus from scale. Torpedoes -- Damage: 8D Range: 5/10/15 -- A powerful self-guiding anti-ship nuclear warhead. When mounted on a Bomber, it ignores Damage Resistance bonus from scale. Mines -- Damage: 6D Range: 0 -- This is a wildly dispersed set of nuclear mines that detonates when a full-sized ship cross into their field. They are easy (6+) to spot in open space. They are best used in asteroid (11+ to spot, but damage is 12D) and debris fields (16+ to spot). Laser Battery -- Damage: 4D Range: 5/10/15 -- They serve as anti-fighter guns, and ignore scale when attacking Fighters. Missile Battery -- Damage: 4D+2 Range: 4/8/12 -- These are anti-Fighter that ignore scale when attacking Fighters, and anti-missile systems that can shoot-down Missiles and Torpedoes (11+). They can fire ten (10) rounds before becoming depleted. Particle Battery -- Damage: 5D Range: 6/12/18 -- They serve as primary anti-ship weapons on warships. Laser Cannon -- Damage: 6D Range: 6/12/18 -- This is a large forward-facing anti-ship cannon. Particle Cannon -- Damage: 8D Range: 7/15/22 -- This is a more potent weapon then the Laser Cannon. This is a fixed-forward weapon. Wave Motion Cannon -- Damage: 12D Range: 10/20/30 -- Yeah, this is the BFG of battleships. This also is a fixed-forward weapon. Note: Most people would consider nukes as overkill, but nuclear explosions are not as effective in space, as they are on land. They are more effective on land because they push a lot of mass, but in space, a nuke has a shorter range, as it looses a lot of force over a greater distance (as noted here. Oh yeah, that site is technical B-) ). Fighter -- A fast, maneuverable attack craft. $$$ Scale: +6D Skill: Pilot MNV: 3D+2 Move: 4D HD: -- Body: 2D Shields: -- Crew: 1 Pag: 0 Cargo: 0 Weapons: Twin Laser Guns (2D); 3 Missiles (4D+1). Bomber -- A fast, maneuverable anti-ship craft. $$$ Scale: +6D Skill: Pilot MNV: 3D+1 Move: 4D HD: -- Body: 2D+1 Shields: -- Crew: 2 Pag: 0 Cargo: 0 Weapons: Laser Battery (4D); 2 Torpedoes (8D). Note: Bombers count as two (2) Fighters in fighter carriers. Assault Scout -- A fast, maneuverable patrol boat. $$$ Scale: +6D Skill: Pilot MNV: 3D Move: 4D HD: x1 Body: 3D Shields: 1D Crew: 5 Pag: 3 Cargo: 5tons or 8 Troops Weapons: Laser Battery (4D); 4 Missiles (4D+1). Note: Assault Scouts count as three (3) Fighters in fighter carriers. Corvette -- A swift, compact patrol ship. $$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 2D+1 Move: 4D HD: -- Body: 4D Shields: 1D+1 Crew: 10 Pag: 20 troops Cargo: 10tons Weapons: 2 Laser Batteries (4D); 1 Missile Battery (4D+2); 1 Torpedo (8D). Frigate -- Small, swift escort ship. $$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 2D Move: 3D+2 HD: x2 Body: 4D+1 Shields: 2D Crew: 25 Pag: 5 Cargo: 10tons Weapons: Laser Cannon (6D); 2 Laser Batteries (4D); 2 Missile Batteries (4D+2); 2 Torpedoes (8D). Destroyer -- Small warship. $$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 2D Move: 3D HD: x2 Body: 4D+2 Shields: 2D+1 Crew: 40 Pag: 10 Cargo: 15tons Weapons: Laser Cannon (6D); Particle Battery (5D) Particle Battery (4D+1); 2 Laser Batteries (4D); 2 Missile Batteries (4D+2); 2 Torpedoes (8D). Minelayer -- A slow, bulky specialized mine transport and deployer. $$$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 1D Move: 1D+2 HD: x4 Body: 4D+2 Shields: 2D Crew: 30 Pag: 10 Cargo: 20tons Weapons: 20 Mines (6D); 4 Torpedoes (8D); 2 Laser Batteries (4D). Assault Transport -- A bulky military troop transporter. $$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 2D Move: 3D HD: x2 Body: 4D+2 Shields: 2D Crew: 40 Pag: 1000 troops Cargo: 25tons, plus 10 shuttles. Weapons: 1 Laser Battery (4D); 2 Missile Batteries (4D+2). Light Cruiser -- A maneuverable and versatile warship. $$$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 2D Move: 2D+2 HD: x1 Body: 5D Shields: 2D+2 Crew: 70 Pag: 30 Cargo: 50tons Weapons: Particle Cannon (8D); 2 Particle Batteries (5D); 4 Laser Batteries (4D); 6 Missile Batteries (4D+2); 4 Torpedoes (8D). Heavy Cruiser -- An old, heavy battleship. $$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 1D Move: 2D HD: x4 Body: 5D+2 Shields: 3D Crew: 100 Pag: 40 Cargo: 80tons Weapons: Particle Cannon (8D); 2 Particle Batteries (5D); 4 Laser Batteries (4D); 8 Missile Batteries (4D+2); 6 Torpedoes (8D). Battleship -- A newer heavy flagship. $$$$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 2D Move: 3D HD: x2 Body: 6D Shields: 3D+1 Crew: 250 Pag: 50 Cargo: 100tons Weapons: Particle Cannon (8D); 3 Particle Batteries (5D); 6 Laser Batteries (4D); 10 Missile Batteries (4D+2); 12 Torpedoes (8D). Dreadnought -- A slow, but powerful battleship. $$$$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 1D Move: 2D HD: x3 Body: 6D+2 Shields: 4D Crew: 300 Pag: 80 Cargo: 150tons, plus 6 fighters. Weapons: Wave Motion Cannon (12D); 4 Particle Batteries (5D); 8 Laser Batteries (4D); 12 Missile Batteries (4D+2); 16 Torpedoes (8D). Assault Carrier -- A maneuverable and versatile fighter transport. $$$$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 1D+1 Move: 1D+2 HD: x2 Body: 5D+1 Shields: 3D Crew: 300 Pag: 100 Cargo: 100tons, plus 12 fighters. Weapons: 2 Laser Batteries (4D); 8 Missile Batteries (4D+2). Fleet Carrier -- A large fighter transport. $$$$$$ Scale: +12D Skill: Command MNV: 1D Move: 1D+1 HD: x3 Body: 6D+1 Shields: 4D Crew: 500 Pag: 150 Cargo: 150tons, plus 36 fighters. Weapons: 4 Laser Batteries (4D); 12 Missile Batteries (4D+2). Fortress Ship -- A massive, mobile battle fortress! $$$$$$ Scale: +24D Skill: Command MNV: 1D Move: 1D HD: x5 Body: 7D Shields: 5D Crew: 1,200 Pag: 3000 troops Cargo: 15,000tons, plus 108 fighters Weapons: Wave Motion Cannon (12D); 10 Particle Batteries (5D); 24 Laser Batteries (4D); 48 Missile Batteries (4D+2); 24 Torpedoes (8D). So what do you all think? |