Virtual Con Special Sessions

TerlObar's picture
March 1, 2012 - 11:05am
We blocked out two one-hour sessions on Saturday for some sort of general sessions during the Con.  The intent was to have some sort of panel or roundtable discussions on various topics.  The scheduled times  for the general sessions are 9am Pacific/noon Eastern and 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern.  I kind of dropped the ball on getting those origanized early but thought I'd give it a try anyway.

My thought was to use Team Speak for the sessions if we do them.  It is an audio chatroom system that has both the audio component and a text chat window.  My thought was to have the panel members broadcasting and then have any audience members that have questions post them in the text chat.  The TeamSpeak client is free for any platform (desktop or mobile) and easy to set up.  I have a TeamSpeak server set up at to use for the Con and for on-line gaming in general.  Best of all it is opt-in.  No one has to corral a list of attendees and connect them or requrire any special usernames/passords/registrations anywhere.  You just grab the software.  Plus it allow you to record sessions for later use (i.e. review to do a game report/podcasting, etc).

So the technology is in place, we just need topics and panelists.  Ideas I have include:
  • Open Star Frontiers Discussion that will go out as a podcast episode
  • Refereeing - Idea generation/running a great game/how to build a good adventure/etc.
  • Star Frontiersman - A look behind the curtain.  What's involved in putting out an issue.  What the community can do to help, etc.
  • Pick a topic from the forums and discuss - There are a variety of topics such as race/creature creation/plague worlds/etc that would could have a big roundtable discussion on.
If you have other topic ideas or would be interested in participating in any of the above post here and we'll try to get at least one session organized.  Post what you'd like to do and when you could call in.
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Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
March 1, 2012 - 11:43am
I'm at Soccer during this time, but it sounds fun.