Early Star Routes

Anonymous's picture
February 28, 2012 - 9:03pm
Refer to: STAR ROUTES.

I was giving some thought on star routes and believe they should be sparse. A big push for adventure in this time should be exploration - charting new routes. The main "core" system should have 1-2 routes, however as you get farther away a single route to a system should be maintained. 

Travel Between Systems
I'd like to keep the AD 1 light-year travelled per day. 
In the Alpha Dawn Frontier, it takes over 50 days to travel the width of the Frontier, astrogation skill can reduce the time. 


Malcadon's picture
February 29, 2012 - 6:05am
My ideal star map has the old worlds connected by solid lines for established star routes, with yet established routes marked by dotted lines to outposts and colonies, and they branch-out to known paths that disappears to the void.

Then again, I get the impression from the rulebooks that the explored Frontier was larger by the time the Sathar arrived, and they got pushed back until the Frontier built fleets that stop their advancement. Imagine all the nameless colonies lost to the Sathar menace? Like I said, this is just an impression I get from the old rulebooks.

I do like the slow travel time. Basically, long hours to plot-out and align a course, then a number of days to reach the destination.

I remember a debate about the time it takes to travel, with the slow AD method, and the instant-after-the-long-mathematical-cram-section KN method. A logical conclusion is that the AD method - as noted as booked passage on civilian transports - is based on established routes that only needs automated astrogation, while older ships (or just a side effect of ion engines) that move slowly in sub-space, and the KH method is based on charting new courses with better ships (or the benefit of Fusion drives over Ions). With this project, travel should be a slow regardless of what route you take.

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
February 29, 2012 - 6:55am
Great idea about the solid vs dashed lines. We could use another type of line for suspected routes (who dares plot this course and verify it's validity!)

I was going to say we could do increments of 0.5 for travel time, the slowest ship are 0.5 LY, the fastest with the newest drives are 2.0 - but I thought of keeping it simple. Allow successful astrogartion skills check and fusion drives to reduce the standard 1.0 LY per day. 

Another thought; automated astrogation feeds VS astrogators. In the early frontier I would suspect only core worlds would have nav feeds while most of the froniter relied on astrogators and nav-bots. 

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
March 9, 2012 - 9:05pm
Malcadon wrote:
My ideal star map has the old worlds connected by solid lines for established star routes, with yet established routes marked by dotted lines to outposts and colonies, and they branch-out to known paths that disappears to the void.

I like this Malcadon.

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
March 16, 2012 - 8:33pm
I need to modify my online frontier map to include coordinates, fyi.

Malcadon's picture
March 17, 2012 - 1:09am
I was thinking that the following systems are established: Athor, Cassidine, Dramune, K'aken-Kar, Kizk'-Kar, Madderly's Star, Prenglar, and White Light.

Known, but yet-established systems: Araks, Dixon's Star, Gruna Goru, K'tsa-Kar, Theseus.

Everything else is nameless, and are the destinations that "branch-out to known paths that disappears to the void." Other disappearing routs go out from Araks (to the north and west), Gruna Goru (to the south), Kizk'-Kar (to the north-east), K'tsa-Kar (to the east), and Theseus (to the east and south (to Padda)). These routs go mostly unexplored even in the UPF era. The reasoning for these extra routs is that they get discovered - possibly across a number of never published systems akin to the (KH) Beyond the Frontier series - but the Sathar wars pushed the frontier back.

The homeworlds never get discussed on official sources, but if I was to guess, I would say Ken'zah Kit (K'aken-Kar) or Zik-kit (Kizk'-Kar) is the Vrusk homeworld, Inner Reach (Dramune) or Terledron (Fromltar) is the Daralasite homeworld, Tride (Cassidine) or Gollywog (White Light) is the Daralasite homeworld, while Hertz (Araks) or Hargut (Gruna Goru) is the Yazarian homeworld.