![]() February 27, 2012 - 6:44am | This is not one big happy Frontier yet. I think that some thought ought to go into factions based on the core four. As broad brush stroke what are the agendas of the core four? PGC is just a rising corporation and it has not had time to homogenize the culture and industry of the Frontier. Tech is different based on race (it should be based on planet but that's too much to track four races will be enough). There are a few mixed race colonies, Prengular and Cassidine and they have B5 sort of feel with the sorts of relationships that the B5 ambassadors had but on a majority of the racial population. Player character parties of mixed races are possible but not the norm. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 27, 2012 - 10:04pm | From the game's canons, the Vrusk entered space first, followed by the Dralasites, then the Humans, and lastly the Yazarians. I can see that the Vrusks and Dralasites would perceived the newer races as irrational barbarians. Humans would likely perceive Vrusks as like the aloof Vulcans from Star Trek, but even less human. I have seen someone's fan-made timeline that establishes the relationship between Humans and the Yazarians before the established setting. Shame I cant find it. It was really well-written, and played-out an English Colonial adventure. I can the Yazarians as newcomers, with lingering tribal traditions and superstitions. And I can also see that the Vrusks and Dralasites being really annoyed by the Humans for inviting an even more savage race into space. All this racial tension can really add drama to the game. |
![]() February 27, 2012 - 10:14pm | Good points. I suspect Yaz were in space before Vrusk and on their way to the frontier territory. We need to get some writeups on these ideas. :-) |
![]() December 28, 2013 - 8:12pm | I think conflict between the races at least concerning understanding each other is a very good point, all the races where in space just super slow travel... it is the Vrusk Jump-drive that gets them meeting so the drive is new, and now trade is easier, contact and checking on colonies easier, less lost colony syndrome: which I imagine was a big issue to all the races, lost colony ships never heard from, garbled messages about plagues, pirates, alien attacks, famine, war, disaster and by the time anyone could try and send relief it is always too late. Just imagine a Home World getting a help request or a warning all garbled but it will take the Home World 100 years to get to the colony to find out what happened and why there is no more contact via sub-space radio. Imagine how differently a colony culture would develop with just slow space travel between worlds, all the colonies would be very independent because they would have had to be, even planets in the same system would have heavy independent leanings, then all of a sudden fast ships show up, new tech changes everything, expeditions to go and find old colonies long out of contact would start up, governments would want to "unify" the colonies, new ideas would come to isolated populations, and colonists who thought the Home World didn't even exist or was so far away might be in for the shock of their lives when someones Imperial Fleet Ship shows up to say hi and check on the Colony and collect data and goods for the Home World, all sorts of things would be set in motion. No it might be a rough and tumble and awkward sort of meeting... "You are from where?" "Home World Government?" "What? You want to review our progress? Now look here Mister Fancy Pants Appointed New Governor we rule ourselves. So you can go home, but could you leave those new Jump-drive Tech Specs?" "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() December 29, 2013 - 3:05am | You bring up a good point that may be new or I'm just not up on enough colonial history here on earth. space colonies have gone their own way, home world has gone its own way and now home world has the ability, will or technology to exert its will /power/force on the new colony. And why not the new colony owes the homeworld something doesn't it? So here is the "imperials" with newer/more advanced drive tech and the colonials with greater numbers, home court advantage and logistics that are not even close to the nightmare the imperial commander faces. Were the colonials even thinking in terms of the neccessity of military hardware for space? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 4, 2014 - 12:15pm | I think a lot of things probably happened based on what the SF rules imply... First Humans appear to have been gearing up military wise prior to the Sathar War I, the rules say problems with pirates and the other three races... it is written also I noted from a human perspective... so that does not sound fluffy. When looking at RL colonies: Greenland is an example of failure: plague in Europe resulting in no ships coming, pirate raids, no one wanting to visit for trade as it was a long and dangerous trip, church taking best land from colonists and slaughtering the animals taking the crops and sailing away, famine, climate changing, and neglect all ended up working to destroy the first attempt. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() January 4, 2014 - 12:59pm | First Humans appear to have been gearing up military wise prior to the Sathar War I, the rules say problems with pirates and the other three races... it is written also I noted from a human perspective... so that does not sound fluffy. When looking at RL colonies: Greenland is an example of failure: plague in Europe resulting in no ships coming, pirate raids, no one wanting to visit for trade as it was a long and dangerous trip, church taking best land from colonists and slaughtering the animals taking the crops and sailing away, famine, climate changing, and neglect all ended up working to destroy the first attempt. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 2, 2015 - 1:12pm | I no old thread... but... I am thinking some humans may have been threatened by the fact that Drals & Vrusks had a jump start on them by the humans' perspective (which was pretty subjective & skewed) on trade, technology, and may have viewed the 2 other races as in cohoots against humnaity. So that would explain a lot of human exploration. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 9, 2015 - 4:12pm | And expansion is in our nature. We are a greedy lot. -iggy |
![]() May 9, 2015 - 9:14pm | I agree... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEx5G-GOS1k "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 10, 2015 - 11:59am | Yup, those stupid vrusk and dralasites didn't have any flags. At least the yazirians posted clan banners. -iggy |
![]() May 10, 2015 - 4:52pm | Now we know the truth about what happened in Maddery's Star System... silly Vrusk, but they got flags after that. ![]() "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 11, 2015 - 3:58am | Vrusk never thought in terms of countries, nations or empires. For them their citizenship is with their trade house. Conglomerates may have been a response to empire building demonstrated by the other core four. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 11, 2015 - 4:59am | That's a good point and makes logical sense, that is how they would build their empires once they figured out the Yazi & Humans where more aggressive than say the Drals and not always interested in Coexistence. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 12, 2015 - 6:27am | That's a good point and makes logical sense, that is how they would build their empires once they figured out the Yazi & Humans where more aggressive than say the Drals and not always interested in Coexistence. And...this could be the reason that the vrusk homeworld has not come to dominate in the Frontier. When the hive system fell apart and trade houses arose you dont get the classic empire/nation state that would seek to "plant the flag" Instead there is a potent council of vrusk trade houses that effectively controls the home world that have an effective strangle hold on power (part of the impetus for younger vrusk trade houses to seek new opportunities in the Frontier. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 12, 2015 - 12:03pm | Makes one wonder if their is a Vrusk world though that decided to go back to Hive structure what sort of Vrusk vs Vrusk culture clash would occur. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 12, 2015 - 9:14pm | I can see an isolated colony going back to the hive after one corporation survives to dominate. However, with the other vrusk worlds still in contact I do not see the other corporations allowing such a structure to reform as it would hurt their business. -iggy |