
Anonymous's picture
January 20, 2012 - 7:18am
Keep Darren in your prayers and supplications.
Whether you believe in Fluidism, Baillorism or are part of the Church of Humanity, send up one for the big guy.
In all seriousness, keep Darren in mind, he is touring in Afgah....
Is his brother out there somewhere? Haven't heard back via email. 

I wish I could afford to send him a skeinsuit or two but credits are low. Had to bail jedion out of a Star Law prison block. And by bail I mean break out. Sealed lol.



rattraveller's picture
January 20, 2012 - 8:39am
What the heck are you talking about?
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

jedion357's picture
January 20, 2012 - 11:30am
Prayer said and will keep him in mind.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

iggy's picture
January 20, 2012 - 11:12pm
Hopefully his duty will allow him opportunities to check in so we know he is alright.  We'll keep him in our prayers at my stoa.

Karxan's picture
January 28, 2012 - 10:41pm
My cousin's son is being sent to Afghan too. I will add Darren to my list to pray for.

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
January 30, 2012 - 12:29pm
They all need it. :-/