Larger 2x3 (1.5"x1") Jet Copter Chit

    Version: 1
    Project: The Chit Factory
    File Name: 300DPIJetCopter.jpg
    File Size: 25.68 KB
    File Type: image/jpeg
    Updated: January 2, 2012 - 11:11am
    Submitted: iggy
    Downloads: 7
    This is a larger Jet Copter Chit I made for use in SF1 to put in the hanger garage of the pirate outpust map that I posted here: .  This is 300DPI 1.5"x1" in size.

    jedion357's picture
    January 2, 2012 - 5:20pm
    I like this, makes me think I should go looking for my car wars counters. They'd be a good match for SF counters.
    I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!