Outer Reach, Dramune

jedion357's picture
November 3, 2011 - 11:42am
AD: Outer Reach is a gathering place for criminals and hoodlums and no body asks questions about peoples employment.

KH: Order of Battle: 2 assault Scouts, 2 frigates, ASS, Class 3 star ship construction center.

Zebs echo's the statement in AD
 Race Pop. TR Grav day Sat. Moons Use
 Outer Reach
 * Mod IR 1.0 35 ASS,

Dramune Run:
Note the names of the moons listed in the module differ from Zebs- (normally I opt for the module taking priority but since the Zeb system chart is wide spread it might be confusing to do that)

No native life forms, cold hostile environment, originally vast mineral wealth but mines are playing out, lots of volcanism, rivers of lava viewable from space, and lots of ash in the atmosphere.

Population 20million but still qualifies as Moderate? main economy asset is piracy.
Strong "might Makes Right" philosophy prevails in the society

In the beginning multiple dictators and kings (war lords really) warred against each other till the Styrigians controlled the planet and the Maltharian Confederation controlled the stations in orbit. The two factions have divided control along these lines.

Pinnacle Station is part of the UPF breastwork for defense of the Frontier

Dark World Station is the headquarters of the Malthar
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!