![]() October 23, 2011 - 7:44am | Location: Port Loren, Gran Quivera, Prengular Net Relay Notice #9947-43219 Hiring: Skill Spacers and Cargo Handlers Enquire at Dinza's Antiques. This is how the adventure begins: Shipmaster Kleevor Gin is using the front business of another Capellan Free Merchant to interview prospective crew. His former crew, two humma and a human were involved in a bar fight where weapons were drawn. They were arrested then charged with a variety of charges including attempted murder. Kleevor paid for a lawyer and has done his best to support them but the legal proceeding look to drag out for months. His discretionary cash is running short and he must take a job soon. The new crew and Shipmaster Kleevor will load several crates (player characters with Military PSA will suspect they look like weapons crates just by size and shape though there is no outward sign) aboard Kleevor's shuttle. If asked, Kleevor will simply say its supplies for farmers on Lossend. Once aboard the freighter in orbit, Kleevor will detail the PCs to take care of some routine maitenance that has been left undone. They'll have to stow the freight, complete maintenance, and orient themselves to the ship even as the ship accelerates toward jump speed. The crew will be kept busy with work and cleaning while the ship makes the trip to Timeon. However once a 20 hour day Kleevor will have a dinner for the whole crew to sit down together. It's and opportunity to talk and socialize. Once the ship is underway He will reveal that their job is to deliver some weapons to a farming settlement in exchange for twice the value in ag goods as well as the promise to purchase more at cost. He's not sure why the settlement needs the weapons but his contacts on Gran Quivera suggested that reports of pirates extorting from small outposts may be behind it. Therefor the crew will take the shuttle down, rent a cargo copter and deliver the weapons. They will also have a credit draft to purchase enough ag goods to fill the ship's hold. Kleevor will watch the shuttle. Everyone is to be armed with at least a side arm and rifles or heavier weapons ready to hand. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 24, 2011 - 5:18am | I just had a thought that because of the title for this when it comes to writing up the opposition that the major NPCS will get a stat block each and then the mooks will get a listing that says, "20 or so mooks" with a basic stat block. OR an encounter can have a mechanic that has a chance for 1d5 mooks to show up every couple of turns till all the major NPCS are dead. Other wise you will be able to number the mooks and that won't be keeping faith with the promise implied by the title. EDIT: this looks to have a lot of combat have to try to work in role play and other skill possibilities. Might have to complicate the PC's lives with equipment breakdowns on the ship. Perhaps a d10 table of Techno babble stuff that can breakdown requiring repair or parts not on the ship. A creative GM should have no trouble turning an equipment breakdown into a mini side quest for a part. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 24, 2011 - 7:45am |
What if the PC's try to take the ship? Or turn Kleevor over to Star Law for gun running? |
![]() October 24, 2011 - 9:26am | OK Larry were getting some where. But first I don't think the farmers will think he's part of it as Kleevor obtained the desired weapons and wants to recover his money plus profit. What does make sense is that they could blame him for not getting there sooner. Suppose he did delay with this delivery out of loyalty to his jailed crew hoping to get the the charges dropped. Then Kleevor would feel some moral responsibility for what happened to the farmers. Which will explain his getting involved further. Suppose a group of farmers hid in a drainage culvert, cave or similar these could be found by the PC's or they venture out if the PC's fail to scan with IR and beg for transport to another settlement where they have friends and family. Since they lacked the guns and just gave the pirates the extortion and the pirates still committed rape pillage and burn its obvious that this new farm outpost needs the guns which leads to a new negotiation where the farmers want not just the Huns but training with them and or help. (Role play). The pirates have already demanded extortion from these farmer they just have not got around to collecting it. Even if the PC's don't agree to help fight the pirates the farmers can negotiate for training (1 week) and this will keep the PC's at the village past the time the pirate's deadline. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 24, 2011 - 9:59am | The party/festival/marriage idea is straight out of Firefly and can lead to the sort of game session like in the Mrs. Renolds episode. As for the party taking off with Kleevor's ship they will have to avoid ever showing their face around another CFM captain plus since CFM captains hold reserve commissions in the Flight; Space Fleet and Star Law will be obligated by the UPF's treaty with the Rim to help recover the ship since CFM ships also act as a naval reserve/merchant marine for the Flight. Of course I'm actually referring to info in Zebs Guide to the Rim which will be in the SFman in 2012. And who says Kleevor is gun running? These are all legal fire arms (nothing to heavy or military grade) though when Kleevor finds out what sort of scumbags these pirates are he may just kick in some "stuff" he just remembered was squirreled away in a crawl space behind a bulkhead. You know stuff that could get him in trouble. The crew probably should not mention anything if they notice that that crawl space has extra shielding similar to what you would use to shield power conduits as that shielding will no doubt make the crawl space appear to be nothing more than a shielded power conduit during an inspection of the ship by any nosey navy types who felt the needed to scan for weapons. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 24, 2011 - 10:15am | I have way too many irons in the fire! It just occurred to me that the barely conceptualized battle dawn rules would be best for a defend the farm village encounter. Aarg! I need to do that too. Each PC leads a squad of farmers vs the pirate squads and their vehicles. Or the PC's fight a small corner of the battle and the GM abstracts the rest. OR the whole battle of 40-50 combatants can be resolved with AD rules. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 24, 2011 - 11:28am | Grrr, my post was ate by my mouse! (from memory)
![]() October 26, 2011 - 8:24am | ok the plan is for the first real combat to be a "Magnificent Seven" style defend the farming outpost from the pirates who have already burned to the ground the farming village that ordered the guns from the PCs (who didn't get there in time) and the pirate did the rape pillage and burn thing despite being given the extortion. So the PCs are stuck holding weapons with no one to pay them and end up trying to sell to another village that has also recieved an extortion demand from the pirates. The head man at this village negotiates for help in fighting the pirates and barring that will settle for training in using the weapons (he knows full well that if the PCs hang around training them they'll be there for the pirates to show up) So since the "Town" on the back side of the Port Loren map is probably in most peoples hands and I'll see about getting a scan of the map of that town and legend from SF-1 as page 19 of the PDF has a numbered version. The thought being that it already exist and is easily used the con on that is that its tight and congested and doesn't look like any farm I've ever seen but is sufficient for our needs. So, unless there is a terrible outcry over the map I'll likely not bother trying to whip up a propper farm settlement. EDIT: been back to this thread to do some more development of Lossend in the setting: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5572#comment-20460 may need to whip up a planetary brief for Lossend soon. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 3, 2011 - 6:32am | Ok, farmers were saved and they got their cheaply priced ag goods and are looking to sell at Laco which is commanding higher prices on food right now which is only 2 jumps away. PCs should get their pay day on arrival at Laco after the goods are unloaded. probably going to be about 1 month pay. The grain will be unloaded at Point Glass which is the only commercial star port open to non PGC flagged ships, Low and behold the pirate band that the PCs dealt with on Lossend is here also unloading their stolen ag goods and pissed off about what the PCs did to them. Point Glass is a major market place on Laco with a healthy black market. PCs should have an opportunity to poke around and spend money. (beware of friendly merchants offering rare Tetrarch artifacts, most are fakes and should they purchase the real deal its illegal), Occassionally someone is selling "recovered sathar tech" which is highly illegal but harder to fake and left over since the First Sathar War so it may be problematic, Flute Flutterers are a popular pet and a common trade item but do your homework as not all breeds are created equal. Also keep one hand on your credit folio as theives and pickpockets abound. The Layover at Laco will be a list of random small encounters, some will be the pirates expressing their displeasure: 1. PCs are unloading the shuttle and some one takes a rifle shot at them 40% chance to hit one random PC with one bullet (aimed shot) if a miss, it richochets off the shuttle doing damage that requires a tech roll and 30 minutes time to repair. No further shots taken and the shooter is unlocatable. Star Law marshal will take a statement. 2. 2-3 pirate ruffians try to isolate and ruff up a PC in the market place. 3. Before the PCs Leave a named pirate with supporting goons drops by the shuttle for a talk. They dont pull guns but just bluster and threaten promising to see them soon real soon. (hinting that they'll go after them in space) Because of previous trouble the Star Law Marshal is close by so the pirates wont start trouble. Leaving Laco the main encounter is a space battle. Pirates will outnumber the CFM ship but the CFM can radio for help from any other CFM ship. A second CFM ship will turn up on a random turn (1d5) travelling at 3d10 speed from a random map side (roll d10: one chance each for the short sides, one chance each for the 4 corners, and 2 chances for each long side ) At this point if the PCs survive with their ship in tact. describe a number of cargo runs covering 3 months time and pay the PCs. They have effectively crippled this band of pirates. Perhaps even run a session with a one shot adventure to take the players minds off the pirates. The last dregs of this band are looking for revenge (likely led by a named pirate the PCs have met) they've arranged for special cargo with a high proffit margin to come available at the time the CFM ship docks. hidden within the cargo is 10 + 1d10 pirates. they'll wait till the ship is well on its way to come out and begin trying to take over from within. This encounter will work with a timeline charting where the pirates are until they are encountered by a member of the crew. This is the grand finale with a deck by deck fight for their ship. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 16, 2012 - 8:27am | (from memory)
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
June 17, 2012 - 12:53am | I think if you are looking for a role-play option in the mix of fighting, give the pc's a chance to build defenses, creatively of course. Maybe a few homemade traps and such. This would be a good way to draw out some ideas from the players. Maybe have a d100 list of random farm items or supplies that can be used for building traps. Give the pc's, based on how well they have done so far with the rest of the encounters, so many rolls on the chart as to what they find laying around. This could lead to some interesting items. Randomly receive, skillet, hoe, 20m rope, 10- 3 meter drainage pipes, and Grandma Bitty's linen drying rack. See what they come up with? Oh, and don't forget the local farm animals. |
![]() June 17, 2012 - 3:49am | Oh, and don't forget the local farm animals. I like the d100 list idea but I think that there will have to be a list of x is here such as the farm animals. But rather than Grandma Bitty's linen drying rack I think Grandma Bitty's bloomers would be more fun. This is almost like the one room in SF-1 where the players are locked into a supply room by the inhabitants of the eorna insane asylum and have to escape using the equipment there. Since the players have only had NPC interactions to this point in the adventure the number of rolls they get is based on that they have done in NPC interaction which sort of reminds me of a story read to us in 2nd grade- something about stone soup- where 3 French Napoleanic looking soldiers show up at a village starving and the locals have already hidden all the food (wisely IMO) the soldiers decide to make a stone soup to feed everyone and thus fill a huge caldron with water and one mellon sized stone. Then began to lament that if they only had a few carrots, and then one of the villagers says they may be able to find a few so those go in then the soldiers lament about the next "shame we dont have any item x" the punch line being that the villagers actually come up with enough to feed everyone. Although I think the table that the PCs roll on should be largely potentially helpful things and stuff like hoes and shovels should be automatic. I remember enjoying rolling on the table to see what was in the cargo containers in Crash on Volturnus. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 17, 2012 - 4:38am | Need a Ship's Name, Haven't come up with one yet but will entertain suggestions Captain Kleevor's ship is CFMS Dawn Trader-class light freighter HS:5 HP:20 ADF:3 MR:3 DCR:40 Crew: 14 Weapons: LC, LB, HARM(RB) Defenses: RH, MS(x1) Engines: 3 Atomic "B" The Cappellan Free Merchants' stock light freighter, and its most common merchanter, is slightly smaller than the Frontier's Pacific-class, with comparable performance. The Dawn Trader served briefly as the Flight's first warship, until its shortcomings forced the Flight to build the Springblade-class patrol combatant. Possible names: Nebula Dancer, Galactic Trader, Spirit of Capella, to bad Enterprise is taken as it would make a great name for a merchant vessel. I think that the crew number listed is perhaps high and that labor can be beefed up with robots. there are opertunities for PCs to man the 3 weapons or for one PC to simply control them from the bridge. Very likely that Kleevor will be a level 3 or 4 pilot and level 2 or 3 astrogator so that he can cover any holes in the party of PC's skill set (you can always find PCs who will shoot shoot a weapon and it makes no sense for the ships captain to be stuck in the engine room). I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 17, 2012 - 11:52am | How is this for a ships name? CFMS Venture -iggy |
![]() June 17, 2012 - 12:46pm | How is this for a ships name? CFMS Venture I like Venture. It works on a lot of levels. The cargo shuttle is named Capitol I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |