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    Raptor Cross Section

    File Name: Raptor Cross Section.png
    File Size: 49.05 KB
    File Type: image/png
    Updated: October 9, 2011 - 6:07pm
    Submitted: jedion357
    A cross section of the Raptor Class showing power systems and deck alignments.

    Little WIP project with a view to doing an abstract damage and KHs combat as AD style action.

    Idea is that damage against the Raptor is rolled on for location: 1d10 with 6 results covering the 6 decks, 2 results covering the 2 engines, one result covering the laser battery and the last result covering the Assault Rocket weapon system.

    Each deck is detailed with a list of equipment that is located there. and once a GM knows what deck the damage is hitting he rolls against whats there with a chance for collateral damage against crew present.

    A power system hit against deck 3 will cut power to decks above and force them onto local battery power.

    AZ_GAMER's picture
    October 10, 2011 - 6:48pm
    very cool