Personalities; Clarion/White Light

jedion357's picture
August 4, 2011 - 9:45am
THE BOUVIER FAMILY on Clarion date from the founding of the colony. The leading member of that family is undoubtably Lord Piers Bouvier, Duke of Green Moor. Lord Bouvier is a third cousin to Margret Bouvia the CEO of Tacton Instruments but a certain coolness exists between the two branches of the family dating to Margret's family's immigration to Lossend. The Duke's wife is Lady Adele Bouvier. Lord Bouvier has traditionally espoused liberal social politics and generally sided with the opposition against the crown. His hobby is wine making and the estate includes several domed gardens with carefully maintained climates (proof against the constant rain) that are dedicated solely to grape vines. Green Moor wines are quite good but command ridiculous prices due to the fact that the Duke considers commerce beneath his dignity and they rarely make it onto the market. Depending on the year and circumstances of the sale they command 500cr to 1200cr.

EDIT: ooops my smart phone auto corrected Tacton into Yatching and I just cleaned up some of the wording some as I was at work while posting this.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jacobsar's picture
September 2, 2011 - 6:06am
Typical. "I am no capitalist" but he knows how to drive up the profits. Sounds like a house Harconin trick. 

The Bouvier family would make for great intrigue fiction. Love it! keep going!
Reasonable men adapt to the world around them; unreasonable men make the world adapt to them. The world is changed by unreasonable men.
Edwin Louis Cole

jedion357's picture
September 2, 2011 - 7:17am
Lord Dunsinane

Albrect Reginold Concepteur, the Baron of Dunsinane.

Son of Captain Albert Concepteur commander of one of the three colony ships that fortuitously made their way to the White Light system, is a cousin by marriage to the king but a secret supporter of the opposition to the Crown. At the founding of the colony Captian Concepteur along with Captian Leonine and the other leaders lead the colony by commitee. In short oder the colony began to flounder and would have failed altogether if not for Leonine taking power. Leonine's new government bought off the power brokers in the original colonial leadership with royal titles in the new monarchal government.

The Concepteurs, despite accepting a barony, have hated the Leonine Dynasty ever since, largely feeling they were slighted by not getting a duchy and by losing their place of prominence in the colony. The fact that their penchant for kingdom building and crass squabbling over proper use of colony materials nearly doomed the Clarion colony is completely overlooked.

Captain Concepteur, the first Lord Dunsinane died and left his Clarion born son the barony. The young Albrect not only inherited his father's title but alos his hate for the king. The Leonines were well aware of the first Lord Dunsinane's political ambitions and sought to build a bridge with the new baron. Drawing him into the family's confidence and even hosting his marriage at the palace when he proposed to a cousin of the king.

Though gaining a title only in his 18 year, Lord Dunsinane has proven himself an able politician and apt student of his father. At the time of the Free World Rebellion he had crafted a position of cautious concern over some of the crowns policies and was brought into the coalition to support the kings choice of Prime Minister with the offer of a cabinent position. In reality he's plotted with the worst of the king's political enemies all along. He seeths at the insult of only being a baron and views his cousin by marriage as an autocrat that ought to be replaced by someone else; someone like him.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!