![]() July 23, 2011 - 4:34am | After returning to Port Loren from our trip to Laco's World we discovered that our videocam was damaged while in the cargo hold of the starliner and we've lost all our pictures. Do any of you have footage or pictures from the trip that you could share with us? My wife if particularly found of the lovely flute flutters and is heart broken to have lost all her pictures of them. In reality this is a request for the artist out there to sketch up an animal or two. I was just editing the extensive Laco's World article and thought that in particular one animal ought to have an image. The Flute Flutterer fills a minor niche in the Laco ecosystem but was also written to be a possible adventure pet since it can be domesticated. It can provide a character with a small advantage (the alert creature prevents a character from being surprised as it is hyper attuned to the presence of predators). Below is data on the Flute Flutters as well as the rest of the zoological report. please consider sketching a creature. Note the flutters and the mawe have the most details about how they look but for the rest there is opportunity for an artist to put his own interpretation on them. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 23, 2011 - 5:04am | Flute Flutter Type: tiny omnivore (10-15cm), Number: 10-100; Move: Flying-Fast (90m) Climbing or Crawling-slow (25m); IM/RS: +7/70; STAMINA 1-10; Attack: N/A; Damage: N/A There are 63 species of flute flutters that differ largely in coloration and beak structure. They have four bat like wings with clawed fingers at the wing knuckle and no legs. In flight they appear to be a mass of fluttering wings. When predators are in the vincinity they emit a shrill flutting cry and fly away as a defense mechanism. They are otherwise harmless but a popular domesticated pet on Laco. The colonist use them as an early warning alarm for dangerous predators and severe atmospheric disturbances. Easily tamed, some have had their wings clipped (no flight) and others are trained to return to their owner. Typically they cling to the owner's shoulder or back. They will detect predators for their owner, though the fluting cry is sure to give the owner's location away. Most varieties can detect coming sand storms like a 1st level environmentalist. Distinctive Varieties: The Black Lector:Black coloring with white streaking the neck and chest. Detects Sand storms 100% of the time. Cost 500 cr due to demand and rarity. Flute Hawk Flutter: Patch Brown coloration (natural camoflage- 40% concealment) and aggressively swarms predators making a sonic attack (Attack 35%; Damage 2pts sonic). Can be trained to use the sonic attack against opponents engaged in melee with its owner (no penaties for "firing into melee" combat and it benefits from being a Fast moving tiny target) however a trained flute hawk costs more. Cost: 200 cr., Trained: 350 cr. Mute Red Sparrow Flute Flutter: A mute variety bred to not deafen its owner when detecting a predator. Instead of the shrill flutting cry they have a light chirp. They have no sense of impending sand storms but they will not give away their owners location to a stalking predator. They are also quite dull witted. Cost 125 cr. NOTE: The picture of the stirge in the 4.0 D&D monster manual is a close idea to what this creature looks like. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 23, 2011 - 5:33am | Lacosian Eel fish, a tiny aquactic herbavore, the eel fish has poor eyesight and excellent hearing. When it detects a predator it burrows into the mud leaving its poison barb exposed. Unshod individuals walking in shallow water will step on the poison barb based on the number of fish present: 5% for 5 fish, 50% for 50 fish. the barb is sharp and painful (1 STA damage) but delivers its poison immediately. The eel fish is otherwise harmless and good eating. Lacosian Anaconda Eel: medium aquatic carnivore, it looks like a larger version of the eel fish but without the poison barb. It gains from natural camoflage and has perfected the ambush tactics by lurking in shallow water and striking at passers by (when not feeding on eel fish). Once it bites it make an opposed RS check to grapple the victim each turn. Each turn the victim fails to break free (STR check) it recieves and automatci 1d10 constriction damage and runs the risk of drowning if in deep water. The Lacosian Devil Eel: Large aquatic carnivore. The Devil Eel looks like the anaconda eel but with 3 fins around its head that ruffle out when it attacks. On a successful attack the devil eel injects the victim with a powerful toxin that causes a STA check to avoid falling stunned. Once a victim is stunned the eel will attack another opponent till all have been stunned and or killed then it will feed. Its believed that the devil eel will be extinct soon due to habitat loss and hunting. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() July 23, 2011 - 5:17am | Terrestrial animals: Lacosian Hound- medium carnivore- pack hunter with a sonic bark, Typical tactics are to surround prey and use the special sonic attack before moving into melee. If wounded below half stamina individual hounds will use the sonic attack and flee. They have a mottled gray coloration. This animal was not really detailed in its appearance so the artist can put his own interpretation on it. the Mawe: Large solitary carnivore: the mawe is the apex predator. it has no olfactory or optical organs but demonstrates an unerring ability to locate prey. This ability has fuelled the controversial belief that they possess mentalist abilities but they could equally be possessed of acute tremor sense. They are never fooled by holo or sonic screens. This creature was designed from an image of a miniature: http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1949 Lacosian Dust Snake: a tiny burrowing omnivore, the blind snake has an acute tremor sense and burrows up from underground to attack. a victim must pass a RS check to attack it before it burrows back underground to re-attack in 1-5 turns. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() August 16, 2011 - 10:28pm | Nice work Jedi! I think I can use a few to hurt... I mean, entertain my PCs. ![]() My SF website izz: http://ragnarr.webs.com |