Star Frontiers (URS) Knight Hawks guidebook

    Version: 4.5
    Project: Star Frontiers (URS)
    File Name: Knighthawks01.pdf
    File Size: 8.51 MB
    File Type: application/pdf
    Updated: February 1, 2011 - 9:06am
    Submitted: Deryn_Rys
    This is the updated Knight Hawks guidebook for the Star Frontiers (URS) project. As with all downloads this work is being destributed Free-of-charge to members of the Project with the understanding that these rules are for their private use and are not to be used by them to gain profit from them. The creator of these rules has not recieved monetary componsation and this work hopes not to infringe on the rights of the copyright owners of the Star Frontiers game, and the Knight Hawks trademark.