Adventure Idea Factory

Anonymous's picture
January 20, 2011 - 1:09pm
Hi all! 
For the past few issues Bill and I have been announcing some of the happenings at DwD Studios. Namely our flagship product (coming soon), FrontierSpace(TM). Originally we thought this would be our first paid-for product but that's not true.  Just released, the first in a series of GM Accessories: Adventure Idea Factory! Don't be stuck for a new sci fi adventure idea again!

Adventure Idea FactoryAdventure Idea Factory 
Product ID: DWDGM01

(cover image)

SMKSensei's picture
January 20, 2011 - 3:06pm
Looks awesome!

AZ_GAMER's picture
January 20, 2011 - 4:40pm

rattraveller's picture
January 20, 2011 - 5:20pm
Picked up (ok downloaded) a copy. Everything looks good and the artwork and layout are very nice.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

Will the Stampede's picture
Will the Stampede
January 21, 2011 - 1:39am
Five bucks is not a bad deal for what's in it. Wizards charged way more for the Galactic Campaign Guide(for the now defunct SW RPG), and it had less to offer.
" 'Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death."

rattraveller's picture
January 21, 2011 - 3:43am
Just got my Drive Thru newsletter. The Adventure Idea Factory is the top featured item in the new review section. Here is what they said:

Newest Featured Reviews

Adventure Idea Factory
by DwD Studios
Price: $5.00

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars (from james embry)

I really like this product.

It is meant to help in those times when you really need an idea for a game, and nothing is coming to you. This should help you get your creative juices flowing. You roll to get a location for your adventure, flesh it out a little, and then figure out what the characters are going to be doing there.

It is pretty straight forward and should be able to help you in a pinch. It is geared towards Science fiction games, with spaceships and moons serving as the items you are presented with but there is no reason you couldn't work it to fit whatever setting you are playing in. That being said, there is a lot of text here that describes stuff and a GM running a space opera style game could surly benefit from it.

the bad part is, sadly, it doesn't do all the work for you. This is meant to give you a solid frame for your adventure that you can then go back and fill in the blanks on. Having used things like this in the past, i know that sometimes that just isn't going to be enough. Still this handles it better than a lot of adventure generators I've seen. Very little artwork, but what art there is, is pretty high quality

Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

Ascent's picture
January 25, 2011 - 6:14pm
Congratulations on your first product. I'll keep trying to get my latest painting done. I figured out that I simply hate painting mechanical objects (along with my aversion to painting with a mouse.) I can't do anything else on the image until I get those done (almost done) because I have limited virtual memory on my computer. I've been a letdown since I started on this image, and I'm sorry. It looks like the other guy's working well for you, though. I'm glad.
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"It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi
"That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild)

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 14, 2011 - 6:36pm
DwD Studios in partnership with Troll in the Corner is offering "The Wayne Foundation Charity Pack". Read the announcement here, Troll in the Corner:

In addition we added five pages of bonus material, if you purchased through DriveThruRPG you'll receive a coupon. 

It’s not that we at DwD Studios thought the Adventure Idea Factory was broken or in need of this additional material; we just wanted to say “thank you” to all the folks who purchased it and to provide more value to those who will purchase it in the future. If you appreciate this, let us know by dropping us an email at