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    Character: Sasha Ames

    Version: 1
    Project: Titan Rising Game Setting
    File Name: 15.jpg
    File Size: 36.40 KB
    File Type: image/jpeg
    Updated: April 4, 2012 - 9:02pm
    Submitted: AZ_GAMER
    Name: Sasha Ames
    Race: Human (Space-Born)
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight 130
    Age: 36
    DOB: 06/14/2363
    Handedness: Right
    Rank: Lieutenant Commander - Colonial Space Fleet
    Status: Active

    STR/STA: 50/50
    DEX/RS: 60/60
    INT/LOG: 70/70
    PER/LDR: 60/60
    IM: +6
    Punching Score: +3
    PSA: Military
    Starship Skills: Piloting 6, Astro 4, Beam Weap. 3

    Walk: 8 M/Turn
    Run: 28 M/Turn
    HR: 4 KPH

    Specialties: Space Vehicle Pilot, Small Arms Combat, Hand To Hand Combat

    Background: Former Terran Defense Forces Space Fighter Pilot. In addition to years of flight training, Sasha is a unique individual who has a natural ability to pilot just about any kind of aircraft or spacecraft she puts her mind to learn how to fly.

    Equipment: Standard Issue M-4 Laser Pistol, 3 Seu Clips, Standard Equipment Pack, Colonial Space Fleet Uniform (x6), Colonial Space Fleet Standard Issue Skein Suit, Personal Communicator. 

    First Appearance: TR-Prometheus Dawn: Issue #1 (Pilot)