Equipment Upgrades

Inigo Montoya's picture
Inigo Montoya
April 5, 2010 - 2:54pm
The latest edition of Frontiersman (14) has some good stuff in it regarding upgrades. Though at first glance it appears to be more for cybernetics rather than traditional robots. What I would like to see in this thread is a compilation of possible upgrades, with suggestions on costs and a discussion on a way to limit the number of upgrades and estimate energy usage. We just need to keep some parameters for balance. I'd hate to see a two foot tall robot looking like a Swiss Army knife with "one of everything".

Inigo Montoya's picture
Inigo Montoya
April 5, 2010 - 3:13pm
Jedion, my list is like yours, incomplete and I could come up with more if I took the time. Since that much time is hard to get in large enough blocks, I'm just going make note of them and add them when I can. Here is what I have so far, and actually, the are pretty much just catagories rather than specific upgrades.


Optics,Visual sensors, Sonic sensors, IR sensors, UV, Motion, Magnified...


Verbal, Digital/link, Wireless, Language pack...


Legs/feet, Wheels, Tracks, Hover, Rotors, Jet/Rocket...


Arms/Fingers, Arms /Clamps, Arms /Scoops, Arms /Blades, Arms/Weapon...


Flood Lights, IR Lights, UV Lights, Vissual Effect Lights, Illuminated 'eyes', Voice Pack...



Languages, Mathematics, Entertainment; Audio Speakers, Holographic display, Cards/gambling, Stories, Jokes, games

jedion357's picture
April 6, 2010 - 8:53pm
Dont forget that a robot has to be level 3 to communicate verbally

I see a plethora of programs for bots like card playing though while its possible to have a robot programed for creative endeavors I dont think that most would really succeed at creative art- like the robot comedian that even dralasites heckle which come to think of it might be the point.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

iggy's picture
April 6, 2010 - 10:01pm
Yah, the robot tells old human jokes and the dralasites jokingly act like humans in the way they respond to it.

Inigo Montoya's picture
Inigo Montoya
April 7, 2010 - 6:02pm
Yes, I was thinking jokes more along the line of a personality program. Wise cracks, one liners and such. Of course, you could download an entire stand up routine to it. Program three robots to be moe, larry, and curly. Or Woot and Costello.

jedion357's picture
April 7, 2010 - 8:53pm
Should also point out the survey robot hand controller from the module KHSF-2 Mutiny on the Eleanor Mores

might need to do a new write up on it and submit it the SFman
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
April 8, 2010 - 8:13am
I posted in another thread some ideas about upgrades.

Inigo Montoya's picture
Inigo Montoya
May 6, 2010 - 7:22pm
One other aspect about upgrades that I had been meaning to touch on is the cost/savings of doing your own work. My experience dealing with the automotive repair industry is that the cost of parts are doubled and labour generally (not always though) makes up about 50% of the bill. So according to my experience a robo-techie would realize a savings of closer to 50% or 75% than the 10% mentioned in books. (It was 10% wasn't it? -thinking I should really read up on things before I post about them-)

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 29, 2010 - 1:13pm
What about dumping the SF build rules and start something from the ground up?
  1. robot body table- typical size, typical mass, sta, cost. 
  2. sta table to buy up sta (harder materials)- add-on cost for self repairing circuitry 
  3. purchase phy. ability stats- str, dex, rs (used if robot has arms, legs, etc)
  4. hands, arms, legs
  5. mode of transport (walk, wheeled, hover, track, jet, surface water, submerged, etc) 
  6. purchase sensors
  7. robot brain- log, #programs, buy up log table
  8. security
  9. integrated equip.
  10. power requirement
do robots have INT?

iggy's picture
September 30, 2010 - 8:41am
w00t wrote:
do robots have INT?
Does a w00t really want to be asking this question?

A movie quote comes to mind, "They don't get happy, they don't get sad, they just run programs!"  Short Circuit.

JCab747's picture
August 24, 2016 - 4:51pm
Inigo Montoya wrote:
One other aspect about upgrades that I had been meaning to touch on is the cost/savings of doing your own work. My experience dealing with the automotive repair industry is that the cost of parts are doubled and labour generally (not always though) makes up about 50% of the bill. So according to my experience a robo-techie would realize a savings of closer to 50% or 75% than the 10% mentioned in books. (It was 10% wasn't it? -thinking I should really read up on things before I post about them-)

Good point.
Joe Cabadas

JCab747's picture
August 24, 2016 - 4:52pm
w00t wrote:
What about dumping the SF build rules and start something from the ground up?
  1. robot body table- typical size, typical mass, sta, cost. 
  2. sta table to buy up sta (harder materials)- add-on cost for self repairing circuitry 
  3. purchase phy. ability stats- str, dex, rs (used if robot has arms, legs, etc)
  4. hands, arms, legs
  5. mode of transport (walk, wheeled, hover, track, jet, surface water, submerged, etc) 
  6. purchase sensors
  7. robot brain- log, #programs, buy up log table
  8. security
  9. integrated equip.
  10. power requirement
do robots have INT?

Well, I sort of did this in my Robots Rules of Order Revised story, though I worked with the SF rules and expanded them. At least I wasn't off the mark with your way of thinking.
Joe Cabadas