![]() February 27, 2010 - 3:08pm | Artmic made a comment in the open forums that is a great lead in to discussing vrusk biology like we have done with dralasites. ( in my settings Vrusk can molt just like Spiders,
replacing limbs as they do. and adding a time frame when they are
touchy and easy to anger, when they are going through the phase. Thou
it takes time and they eat massive amounts and are very weak for a few
weeks for the shell to hardened. I figured if your gonna do Sci-fi do
it up big time. Refer to: Racial Abilities and skills Molting and shell growth are a necessity in vrusk biology to get from birth size to adult size. If a vrusk was totally like an insect it may only get one molting in its life. Following arachnids and crustaceans they would get multiple moltings. However, they are an alien life form so they don't have to follow our biology. I see vrusk as starting as a soft larva then having their first molt at about two years. Then they molt about every three years until they are adult size. Now Artmic's idea of having them molt throughout their adult life is a cool roll playing opportunity. How often do others see vrusk molting? Do they molt? I once caught a black widow in Logandale Nevada and brought it North to Utah ,found it when we got to Utah. So I put it in a jar meaning to take it back when we went back down after the winter. Before winter set in we were able to feed it quite a few insects and it molted and got larger. Then through the winter it got very little. It later molted and got smaller. Is this possible for a vrusk? -iggy BTW, the black widow did make it back to Logandale. -iggy |
![]() February 27, 2010 - 4:12pm | I am a Spider guy, My totem in life is Spider. I've read and studied them for years. So when I seen the vrusk I was like, "Wow, this has possiblities!" I see the Vrusk at birth starting out as a grub like creature, for the first few months of it's life it gorges itself on anything eatable. Be cause it grows so fast a young vrusk does not have a hard shell until it reaches the first year of its life. The Older Vrusk would also feed them old Molted cassings to give the young the proper protiens and building materials to form it's first shell. ( I see the Moltings of Great Vrusk leaders and warriors being used in Vrusk ceremonies and being feed to the high ranking young. Sort of like eating it would pass along the olders greatness.) By their 1st year they start to form their first Hardened Shell. ( all the shells they have formed so far are softer and allows for them to keep growing and not waste preses protiens.) Now this is where the spiders come in, when they form their shells they gorge themselves on water and ballon up. (Spiders do this and it gives them enough room to grow into their new shell. ( this is why your black widow got smaller, it had no access to large amounts of water to expand and have a bigger shell.)) Thus when the shell hardens and they lose the extra water, they have a good amount of room to grown over the year. I think they should at first molt every year for the first 5-8 years, then as they get older and growth starts to slow, they molt every 5 years or so, or when needed. If a vrusk is a eating machine its gonna grow faster then one that don't eat as much. Limb regeneration, when a vrusk loses a part of a limb, the had a enzyme in their blood that can hardened. sealing the wound in time. Over the period a new limb grows inside the shell, neatly folded along side what is left. When they Molt, this limb streches out and starts to take it's regular shape. Now if its a hand, it would be weak until it builds up the muscle mass it had lost, a negative modifier could be use to show this. this all has been off the top of me head. I have to locate my notes for anything else. I hope it sparks ! Art Gold is for the mistress-silver for the maid-copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.But Iron-Cold Iron- is master of them all |
![]() February 27, 2010 - 6:47pm | I like it. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 27, 2010 - 8:42pm | It all sounds fine by me but it should be noted that Vrusk warriors are NOT esteemed members of their largely pacificistic society. Warriors and military glory mean very little to most Vrusk. |
![]() February 27, 2010 - 8:59pm | It all sounds fine by me but it should be noted that Vrusk warriors are NOT esteemed members of their largely pacificistic society. Warriors and military glory mean very little to most Vrusk. And yet some vrusk do not join in to normal vrusk society but do become warriors and such- I suspect that most of the vrusk square pegs who dont fit into the triangular hole just as happily join into military, mercenary, medical service, Star scout volunteer, etc and find the core desire to belong fulfilled. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 27, 2010 - 9:00pm | I see vrusk as viewing warriors as a necessary function of society to be "maintained" but they are not treated special. Nor is there anything physically different to them like terrestrial insect species do. Anciently all would fight when necessary. Later as their society developed and in a time of need for warriors arrived those with aptitude for the task would be recruited through negotiations among the powers that be, historically the hives, now the corporations, and the candidates. I feel that vrusk can organize their society quickly. When there is a military need they reorganize and build an appropriate size military. In times of peace they quickly reorganize to their corporate needs. -iggy -iggy |
![]() February 27, 2010 - 9:10pm | Aye, but I don't see them as being push overs. A pacificstic society is a great idea and I do beleive that it would be more like a lifestyle. And that they could and Do protect themselves, and they could see it as a Noble thing for the few who have to step up to the plate and Break the taboo, to be praised and morned. I do not see them burying their heads in the sand when trouble brews. They being the most logical of the four core, would see that war is something that happens like a natural disaster. You must plan for it. The Would praise his name, for he saw fit to dirty his hands and lower himself to their level, for they could not rise to ours. Let it be written that He had perish for the greater good of the Vrusk society. This could also account for why some vrusk go out to find adventure. And come home to save the Corp when called for. Heck even the Vulcans have a warrior class. They are not thoought highly of, but they have em. Gold is for the mistress-silver for the maid-copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.But Iron-Cold Iron- is master of them all |
![]() February 27, 2010 - 9:13pm | hehe Jedi and iggy beat me. Gold is for the mistress-silver for the maid-copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.But Iron-Cold Iron- is master of them all |
![]() February 27, 2010 - 10:25pm | I wonder if there are any Vrusks who suffer from Entomophobia. |
February 28, 2010 - 4:52pm | Oh sure, no doubt they have warriors. They are not pushovers. Agreed across the board. But the "glory and honor" stuff is mainly in the purview of Yazirians. I think the Vrusk see military things as a necessary evil. And jedion is right, those Vrusk who don't fit in the "triangular hole" are the soldiers, etc. |
![]() February 28, 2010 - 5:03pm | Vrusk are definitely not pacifists. They are just very practical about war. They prepare for it and are quite effective. But those same vrusk and their companies are also engaged in some other profitable or useful endeavour and hope never to have to practice their art. I hope never to meet one who has trained to be an assassin unless it is for his other business. BTW, we are speaking of the common hive mate. There are always those on the edges of the bell curve. -iggy -iggy |
![]() February 28, 2010 - 8:19pm | Its not really glory hounds and I dont see the yaz that way- a pacifist refuses to kill usually on philosophical or moral grounds because they believe its wrong a conscientious objector is not the same as a pacifist though he could be- he just conscientiously objects to doing any killing for the cause he's been told he has to kill for. I dont see any of these applying to the vrusk- if the corporation goes to war or is attacked look out. and with the level of attachment a vrusk has for his corporation he'd never want peace at any cost - "My corporation, right or wrong, my corporation." If it was a security company - its personel would be very focused on the security end of the job- maybe not looking to escelate to killing but if it comes to that they'd rather die than fail in their service to the company. They strike me more as MR Miagi in Karate Kid. Doesn't go looking to fight but will and thats not pacifism. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 2, 2010 - 12:37pm | So I'm pondering in the shower this morning, vrusk society needs a group the rear the larva. Unlike the other three core races of the frontier their young need the structured nursery in their first years of development. The larva have voracious appetites and are completely helpless. They soon become to heavy to move them around and hence must have a nursery. One or two parents would be stretched to the extreme to tend to a larva. Now if the vrusk commonly birth multiple eggs then the workload is compounded easily beyond the two parents and the nursery structure is cemented into their society. The questions thus are, how many eggs are birthed at a time, and how many pregnancies in a vrusk's lifetime? See Refer to: Vrusk Love - Identity for social thoughts on vrusk child rearing.-iggy -iggy |
![]() March 2, 2010 - 2:05pm | iggy, contemplation first in the shower than on the ride to work. are you vrusk? I'm just saying. ![]() ![]() |
![]() March 2, 2010 - 5:28pm | Ok, this is what you get when I'm in the vrusk mindset and not the dral mindset. But, do vrusk take showers? Swimming is not their forte and so I would think that standing under pouring water wouldn't be a favorite among them.![]() -iggy Time to commute home and ponder some more. -iggy |
![]() March 2, 2010 - 10:13pm | Maybe they birth a small clutch and the strongest survives, they probally have a nursery corp that does not thing else but deliver food, and clean the poo. They might do a mist type shower, just a little bit of water to lift the dirt. they would probally clean like mantis and grasshoppers. Gold is for the mistress-silver for the maid-copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.But Iron-Cold Iron- is master of them all |
![]() March 3, 2010 - 1:37pm | lvl 3 or higher Anthropomorphic robots with "nurse larva" program assist in the nursery I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 3, 2010 - 2:16pm | lvl 3 or higher Anthropomorphic robots with "nurse larva" program assist in the nursery There ya go, going all new fangled and modern on us. I can see this as a new development in the past few hundred years. However, I do see them having real vrusk nurses for the social development of the larva. -iggy -iggy |
March 3, 2010 - 2:35pm | The Yazirians are not glory hounds? Well, maybe we need to address some Yazirian features soon... Of course, I don't want Iggy's head to explode, so let's talk about that later... LOL One option here, and this is just a suggestion, is that the Hive revolution (ie elimination and replacement) may have been a spiritual one rather than an industrial one. Or a combination of several factors. I don't want something along the lines of "the Vrusk developed the steam engine and gunpowder and that's why the Hives fell." Ew. This is why I see pacifism seeping in, to an extent. A Vrusk that does not have an identity having to do with violence (which is the vast percentage of their society) does not engage in violence, at all. It's simply, "not their job". They run away - after all, they are really fast! Now, this might not make sense to us humans, but that's the whole idea now, isn't it? So maybe pacifism is not the right way to put it, but I think you see where I am going here. Of course, there are cops and security and soldiers and criminals, etc. And they are great at firing blasters and cracking carapaces. But I would see most of Vrusk society as looking down their antennas at people like that. Kind of like the Chinese or British empires, who thought that soldiers were among the worst dregs of society. |
![]() March 3, 2010 - 2:59pm | Of course, I don't want Iggy's head to explode, so let's talk about that later... LOL So, your seeing if you can induce battle rage to get me into the Yazirian mind set? I too am searching for something different in the vrusk switch from hive society. Hence I specifically avoided thinking about or mentioning gun powder or other human history pivotal technologies. -iggy -iggy |
![]() March 3, 2010 - 6:26pm | Pacifism is too emotionally charged and carries too much bagage with it from a human perspective and maybe we should uncouple and divorce ourselves from that word. the its not my job so I run away reflex could be better described as non violent- not to say that a cornered vursk is going to cower- its just not my job so I do not seek to react violently. yet if the sathar showed up and we had to mobilize everyone: young, old, butcher, baker and candlestick maker then I would because we either all fight or we all die. The pacifist believes killing is wrong so he wont fight. this is not the vrusk mindset, fighting isn't my job so I dont do it- its different. @ imp lord yes some yaz are glory hounds same as some humans it does not mean than any clan structured society with a beserkers must all be glory hounds, if we make yazirian all glory hounds they the lose something as a race and start to be less interesting. Would they be natural show off? Maybe yess from a human perspective- the yaz jumps out the window rather than takes the stairs and the envious human says, "Show off." but the yaz wasn't really motivated by showing off- the stairs are a pain and flight comes natural he just did what came natural to him. The stupid human should suck it up and grow wings. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 3, 2010 - 6:36pm | I was thinking on this today, When they where ancient and living in the hive, they would use chemical pheromones along side primative speech. They would have basic types like Danger,follow me,Food, attack,retreat and so one. They could have retained some of this still. Thus after being around the other races they could have studied our pheromones and body language, thus having a kinda spider sense, cause its a proven fact that we do emit them in tiny trace amounts, They would also know when a human is lying almost, is a danger an so on. If we gonna think, then think big. or should I say Bug hehehe. They could even have a secret way of talking to dralasites. Each have a heighten sense of smell and hearing, a release of chemicals here, a slight vibration there... it's not going to be complex , just simple thoughts. This could also just be a genetic quirk that randomly happens and small groups are born with this. just a thought hehehe Gold is for the mistress-silver for the maid-copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.But Iron-Cold Iron- is master of them all |
![]() March 3, 2010 - 7:23pm | This could also just be a genetic quirk that randomly happens and small groups are born with this. just a thought hehehe I like the genetic quirk and random angle almost brings to mind a Yazirian Clan article I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
March 4, 2010 - 12:31am | ArtMic - Actually what you have stumbled upon there is a description of the rudiments of the Vrusk Comprehension racial ability! Nicely done! |
![]() March 7, 2010 - 2:44pm | ArtMic - Actually what you have stumbled upon there is a description of the rudiments of the Vrusk Comprehension racial ability! Nicely done! That was my thought as well when I read his post. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |