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    Mag Lev or Mono Rail train

    Project: Deck Plans
    File Name: MagLev or MonoRail.pdf
    File Size: 1.99 MB
    File Type: application/pdf
    Updated: August 20, 2009 - 4:46pm
    Submitted: jedion357
    Downloads: 23
    Just a generic Mag Lev or Mono Rail high speed train.
    Pictured are 3 passenger cars, 1 dining car, 2 baggage cars, and the engine.

    Original software was set for 1/4" grid for use with the original die cut counters that came with the game; however after exporting to the map graphic and creating a PDF the grid size is probably off. I believe to print these pages for 1" grid you need to enlarge them 278% or half that for 1/4" grid.
