![]() July 1, 2009 - 12:22pm | Note: this is copied from the Game forum where I created an example to illustrate a proposed game mechanic for gaming drug use in SF SynthCorp's new injectible combat drug called Bounce. D 10 hours; RF: per dose -.01(.4); E +5 RS/DEX all penalties for 1/2 STA only kick in at 1/4 STA; SE: mild figdeting (can't sit still), LTSE when R equals .4 user is permanently at -5 RS/STA due to damage to nervous system; A: -5INT due to headaches for 1 week; COST: drug is experimental but has an estimated street value of 25cr. This drug last for 10 hours but for every 10 doses taken the Resistence of the user drops by .1(1hour of D) and will bottom out around .4 (only 4hours of D). Its effects are to boost RS/DEX by +5 for the duration of the drug. People on the drug tend to fidget and find it hard to sit still. Once a user reaches a Resistence of .4 for this drug they lose 5% on both RS and STA due to nervous system damage causing long term users to keep using to just stay on par. Its addictive effects are -5 INt because of a week long headache or until a new dose is taken. The drug is officially only available for limited military testing but has an estimated street value of 25 cr per dose. Thus a long term user with a R of 0.4 would need to spend about 75cr/day to "stay frosty" during their waking hours. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |