![]() March 13, 2009 - 11:47pm | I actually need to get back to working on the frigate deck plans but some discussion on another forum got me thinking about this ship. The basic idea is a variant of the Assault Scout that would function like a US Coast Guard Cutter either deployed as part of a militia force or as part of a separate entity labeled: System Guard or Para Rescue or something along those lines: Ultimately if these ships were part of a System Guard & Rescue they would fall under the authority of the Minister of Defense and could easily be "militarized" during time of war. They're slightly bigger in diameter than the standard scout ship and may have at least 1 assault rocket dropped from inventory but should match Assault scouts in all other respects concerning performance. This ship would have triple the life support. Not unusual for them to not have an astrogator as their primary mission is in system: Rescue of crew from stranded ships; health inspection (a priority immediately after the Blue Plague), Emergency Medical response to outlying stations and planets (glorified ambulance)- their mission could also include smuggling interdiction, and anti piracy patrolling and all other std. militia missions if they're a militia flagged ship. A UPF version would certainly carry an astrogator. The WIP copies of the deck plans are here: EDIT: IMAGE LINKS DELETED AS THE FINISHED PICS ARE BELOW AND IN DOWNLOAD SECTION Current Deck Plan is: 1. Bridge 2. Crew Deck 3. Sick Bay and main air lock 4. Galley and Ships boat (Galley can become emergency medical ward) 5. Engineering 6. Cargo Deck (lots of emergency supplies for disaste relief missions) Crew Deck is small and I'm planning 1 cabin for the captain and the other with bunks for the crew (medics bunk on sick bay deck) Also as these ships would tend to remain in system the crew can survive on the tight accommodations as they do a 3 week tour with 1 week off. Cargo deck shows a hatch at the bottom of the ladder well and that is because the ladder well which has hatches at the top and bottom of each deck (safety feature in the event of a decompression) has a hatch leading directly out of the ship from the bottom of the ladder well. The main cargo hatch opens to an over sized airlock though in the image the hatch is a little small and needs to be enlarged to accommodate getting the 2 cycles out) I'm proposing a new piece of equipment- the hover sled or hover basket or hover stretcher - basicly its a rescue basket to place a patient in that has a type A Parabattery and is fitted with hoverfans and can be towed behind any cycle or pulled by hand. it also has a small computer programed to monitor the patient and give off an alarm if his condition changes. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 15, 2009 - 11:01pm | New links to the original PNG pictures (finished): http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff83/jedion357/?action=view¤t=UpperDecksWIP2.png http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff83/jedion357/?action=view¤t=MidDecks.png http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff83/jedion357/?action=view¤t=LowerDecks.png ship has an extensive sick bay and 2 workpods to fulfill its mission. I've not specified its KH performance details whether it would require any reduction in weapons or ADF or MR. The floor is open for anyone who wants to sound off on that. EDIT: a PDF is in downloads now . I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 17, 2009 - 6:18am | I just noticed that I left a room completely empty on deck 4 of the download- I had been indending to make this room quarters for 1-2 people as I ran out of space on the medical deck for the doctor to have quarters. On second thought the medical officer probably would need his quarters separate from sick bay so that he could have down time and not be effectively on duty all the time. I'm not liking the lay out of the sick bay either as the chief medical officer has to walk through the operation room to get to his office so I might make that room an ICU or storage and reduce the size of the hospital ward and make an office on that side. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 21, 2009 - 6:43am | Just noticed the Medical Services Organization entry in Zebs as I was searching for another bit of info and that is perfect as the organization to first order the design and construction of the Rescue Scout. Other organizations (Militia & UPF) latter adopted it as well but the first rescue scouts were the MSO Nightingale, MSO t'Kid Ick, MSO Rollop (all named for famous healers) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 26, 2009 - 9:29am | I had a similar vessel whipped out, gotta find it now. Basically it was a four engine assault scout variant sporting a laser battery and grapples, capable of ADF:6 but restricted to ADF:2 when towing, and you would need (HS/3 round up) such craft to tow a disabled or damaged vessel as such. I think I had dubbed it a Tug Scout, but it was a multi-purpose patrol & rescue craft as you describe. |
![]() April 1, 2009 - 11:30am | Today I was looking at a SW picture book and noticed the front cylinder portion of the Republic Cruiser breaks off which could allow for a ground landing or manuerving in tight spots around an asteroid, large ship or space station.![]() |