Born and raised on Pale, Terl was the son of a traveling doctor that
moved about the settlements of Pale's frontier communities. Trained by
his father (while working as his assistant), Terl became familiar will
care for all the Frontier races and the maladies that come from
interacting with the flora and fauna on the frontier of a new world. As
a youth he liked to spend his spare time ranging out into the
wilderness and picked up an understanding and love of nature. His years
of growing up on the frontier of Pale have made him strong and hardy,
especially for a Yazarion, as well as quick and nimble. All are
characteristics that served him well both as a medic and
environmentalist. Having spent a lot of his free time alone and/or in
the company of the "down-to-earth" members of society left his bedside
manner a little rough, however.
Having come of age, he became
bored with the family practice as the regions still served had become
too "civilized" as the edge of the local frontier moved outward and he
was looking for adventure in a more "primitive" setting. To this end,
he signed on with the Second Volturnus Exploratory Expedition where he
met his future wife Yala K'narr and a young Dralisite named Leelab Lar.
Although they initially got off to a rocky start, Lee and Terl soon
became fast friends. The rough adventures and close calls on Volturnus
gave Terl plenty of opportunity to practice and expand his medical
skills. Because of his experiences on Volturnus, where their medical
supplies were always low, Terl always keeps a small mini-medkit with
him at all times. While on Volturnus, Terl picked up some weapon skills
as well as a surprising affinity for blowing things up.
In their
many adventures around the Frontier, Terl continued to hone his skills
and his ability to put comrades back together even in the heat of
battle became somewhat well know around the Frontier and he has guest
lectured at several medical schools around the Frontier on advanced
field surgery. Along the way, in addition to developing his already
existing skills, he also has pick up a certification as an Energy
Weapons gunner qualified on all starship energy weapons systems.
is now the CEO of Obar Enterprises, a multi-million credit corporation
with various interests including freight hauling, mining and