"must read" sci-fi novels and series?

copycat042's picture
July 2, 2008 - 7:39pm
Help! I need suggestions for really good science fiction novels to read/ listen to. I convert books from pdf to mp3 format, and listen while i drive/work/live, and I would appreciate suggestions from people as to what to listen to next. i have read:

the honor harrington series
the lensman series
conrad starguard series
foundation series
2001 series
most of the drizzt du'urden series (i do SOME fantasy)
ringworld series
poslene series (john ringo)
freehold series

I also have a collection of programs to easily convert from pdf to mp3 if anyone wants them. i have access to about 14000 titles, so i'll probably have anything you suggest.


jedion357's picture
June 28, 2011 - 8:46pm
Ascent wrote:
Looking back on the comments, regarding Elizabeth Moon, it her penchant for heroines that have been discharged may have more to do with her compatriots than her own career, because it's actually quite easy to get booted from military service, and quite easy to have a corncob-up-his-butt superior officer latch onto you as a whippingboy because he doesn't like what side you butter your bread. I've heard plenty of stories from friends in the military. It's not exactly a cultured atmosphere in the military.

I suspect that is true more for officers then enlisted or at least for officers and senior enlisted, but I could be wrong.

The only people I ever heard my father talk about getting in trouble was a major who had authority over him and found out a 2 star general and former base commander of my father would call up Dad to run ideas by him and get feed back. The Major didn't like a master sgt. having chats with a general and ordered him that all communication with higher command would go through the major. Naturally Dad said, "Yes sir." and the next time the General called Dad informed him that he couldn't talk to him and explained that he had a direct order that all communication must go through major so and so. Naturally they had their little talk and about 10 minutes after the general hung up the major came running into the radar shop telling him he didn't need to do that.

Actually I guess there was one SP who decided to practice his quick draw at the Front gate (no doubt because he was bored and it was the graveyard shift) and accidently discharged his pistol putting a bullet through the glass of the gate shack. He dithered for awhile then went on the radio to simply say, "the gate shack's been shot" which brought every townie police cruiser (they had juristiction on base) and every SP to converge on the gate- it was still a 3 ring circus when my school bus went through the gate. suffice it to say that SP did not have a stellar career in the Air Force.

I think the story of the major above is one of my favorites to get out of Dad about our time at Plattsburgh.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Ascent's picture
July 15, 2011 - 9:44am

My brother had to drive a superior officer mad to get him off his back. Yes, the guy was airlifted from his sub with a twitching eye and section eight.

Another friend of mine "shot himself while cleaning his gun" after his divorce (she cleaned him out and got full custody of his son) and after he was removed from active service because the scar he received in highschool when he (a wrestler) was hung on a meathook by the football team (He screwed the quarterback's girlfriend) was considered detrimental to effective service.

My brother and that friend both had stories of people getting drummed out or leaving for section eight or other health conditions.

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"That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi
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