Status: fully resolved

    Corrections to the Vrusk Section

    Issue Number:
    The following are corrections and suggested changes to the Vrusk section.  Note, in several places the word human is capitalized (Human).  I suggest that for grammatical and consistency reasons, the word human be all lower case, except of course where that would violate grammatical rules i.e. at the begining of a sentence.

    As written

    Vrusk have very good color vision, but they see more of the short wavelengths (blue and ultraviolet light) than Humans do, and less of the long wavelengths (orange and red).

    Suggested corrections
    Vrusk have very good color vision, however compared to Human vision, Vrusk see more of the short wavelengths (blue and ultraviolet light) and less of the long wavelengths (orange and red).

    As Written
    They also can touch with their antennae.

    Suggested corrections
    A Vrusk's antennae also serve as tactile feelers.

    As written
    ...leaders in thelr communities.

    With corrections
    ...leaders in their communities.