Play Testing / Gameroom

Anonymous's picture
February 12, 2008 - 9:34am

I'm sure you could get a few ppl to join a gameroom session to test your SF1.


Darknight888's picture
February 14, 2008 - 9:19pm
As soon as I polish it up a little more and finish delta & epsilon sections I'd be glad to.

Darknight888's picture
February 14, 2008 - 9:33pm
A little "teaser" for you on SL1

This adventure is designed for 4-8 Star Law Officers of ideally Planetary Officer or less (although it can be used for up to Ranger rank).

This adventure is set on the planet Kraatar from SFAD6 Dark Side of the Moon.  For those without this reference, it is planet to the right of White Light and K'Tsa-Kar which has Med. pop. and Resource primary exports.  It is a small planet with 0.6 gravity which requires breathing apparatus except in the lowlands.  Most of the planet is covered by mountainous uplands and desert plateaus.  The cities are connected by pressurized monorails.  60% of the population are Human and 38% Vrusk.  The rest are a mixture of Dralasite, Yazirian, and Saurian.  With minor modifications, this can be set on other worlds along the Vrusk or Yazirian homeworlds, as long as they are non-central worlds without a large militia or fortress.  The government is controlled by the Commercial Council; a group of Vrusk executives from the six major trade houses.  Planet security is the responsability of Ral'Ik'Ka (RIK) trade house (private adventurers may be hired by RIK as a way to get them involved).  The planet's only protection is an armed space station.

This adventure is set during the Second Sathar War, but can easily be adapted to a different timeline.  The characters will be on a planet under assault by Sathar forces and required to hold out until UPF Spacefleet vessels arrive to rescue them.  As Star Law officers they will have jurisdiction since this is a stellar law situation dealing with Sathar.  Since private citizen adventurers do not have the same authority, the referee may have to strand the players and force them to cooperate with RIK.

Colt45's picture
March 21, 2008 - 8:04am

Sounds Awesome

(insert sarcastic comeback here)