Sathar Agents

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
November 25, 2007 - 3:21am

This is really grey area stuff, only casually mentioned in the canon rules.

I say some serve via capture/hypnosis, but others can serve willingly. Money is always a good tool to subvert a UPF citizen, and the Sathar should have no trouble meeting these ends. Sure, they don't have a direct line of credit per se, but dummy corporations can access financial aspects of the Frontier to provide "income" for willing agents. No reason that only the living personae can be "agents"...the Sathar would have some established business ventures in order for agents to fully function. Safe houses, equipment storage facilities, weapons caches, etc. Someone in the past has even mentioned Streel as being a Sathar contolled company. All in all, a Sathar agent can be protrayed as a James Bond type (whether they're hypnotized or acting on their own accord), having infiltrated some part of the Frontier in order to subvert things to the Sathar directives. They would be "double agents" so to speak, living and operating as a normal person albeit with a secret agenda unbeknownst to their coworkers and friends.

I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

Mycanid's picture
November 25, 2007 - 10:08pm
One of the big things I always wondered about with regards to Sathar agents was where the Sathar got the credits to pay them with.

What was the monetary system in SF and how did the Sathar get "access" to it?

Other than that though ... i think the willing agent vs. hypnotized image serves nicely enough. With the Mechanons you could even get into the real of re-programmed as well.
@}-,-`- "It is a joyful thing indeed to hold intimate converse with a man after one’s own heart, chatting without reserve about things of interest or the fleeting topics of the world; but such, alas, are few and far between."

– Yoshida Kenko (1283-1350), [i]Tsurezure-Gusa (1340)

Rum Rogue's picture
Rum Rogue
November 26, 2007 - 8:20am
Could pay them off in precious metals and gems.

Or could be doing that through another stooge, then the credits could be transfered to the next one.
Time flies when your having rum.

Im a government employee, I dont goof-off. I constructively abuse my time.

Imperial Lord's picture
Imperial Lord
November 26, 2007 - 6:07pm
Yes, the precious material thing would be key.  Doubtless, the Sathar have access to those resources and would twist them for their evil purposes.

There is a GREAT article in a recent Frontiersman about the motivation of Sathar agents - it was either in the last one or in this one.  In any case, it goes through the whole rigamarole.

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
November 27, 2007 - 1:10am
Yep, lots of ways to pay someone beyond currency. Not all captured UPF citizens become hypnotized or willing agents, the bulk of them become slave to work sathar mines and other industrial centers. THe precious metals or equipment they make can be used to buy off the willing.

Also, Sathar agents can infiltrate banking or business networks and embezzle funds. Money laundering is another possibility, having an agent leading a criminal group that "washes" dirty money by creating phony accounts and what not.
I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

Mycanid's picture
November 29, 2007 - 1:46pm
Shadow Shack wrote:
Yep, lots of ways to pay someone beyond currency. Not all captured UPF citizens become hypnotized or willing agents, the bulk of them become slave to work sathar mines and other industrial centers. THe precious metals or equipment they make can be used to buy off the willing.

Also, Sathar agents can infiltrate banking or business networks and embezzle funds. Money laundering is another possibility, having an agent leading a criminal group that "washes" dirty money by creating phony accounts and what not.

Okay ... this one makes a little more sense to me in terms of "practical" wise.
@}-,-`- "It is a joyful thing indeed to hold intimate converse with a man after one’s own heart, chatting without reserve about things of interest or the fleeting topics of the world; but such, alas, are few and far between."

– Yoshida Kenko (1283-1350), [i]Tsurezure-Gusa (1340)

Mycanid's picture
November 29, 2007 - 1:49pm
Imperial Lord wrote:
Yes, the precious material thing would be key. Doubtless, the Sathar have access to those resources and would twist them for their evil purposes.

There is a GREAT article in a recent Frontiersman about the motivation of Sathar agents - it was either in the last one or in this one. In any case, it goes through the whole rigamarole.

Okay ... didn't notice this one ... will have to take a look. Thanks for the heads up.
@}-,-`- "It is a joyful thing indeed to hold intimate converse with a man after one’s own heart, chatting without reserve about things of interest or the fleeting topics of the world; but such, alas, are few and far between."

– Yoshida Kenko (1283-1350), [i]Tsurezure-Gusa (1340)

ceranko's picture
August 5, 2008 - 7:46pm
Think about this. Agents are Manchurian Candidates. They are approached unknowingly and hypnotized. The Sathar then comes out of the darkness and uses a probiscous tenticle hidden in its flipper like hand. The tenticle has a sharp barb on the end of it. When it reaches the brain through the nose it attaches a Psychic spore to the victims brain. If the spore is tampered with it ejects a huge amount of acid into the brain destroying it. The Psychic spore can be accessed by any Sathar psychic, and the victim will receive his orders. The Sathar use hypnosis again to make the victim forget what they have done. So the victims are innocent, but mind controlled. This would also explain why Sathar are never caught alive , they can activate their own Spores and detonate them. Forget money, forget greed, its far more insidious this way. The spores can be detected by medical equipment. But this is a top secret- secret. If this got out the people would go into a panic and suspect everyone. Or authorities may not even know this yet. This makes more sense than any other theory.

AZ_GAMER's picture
August 6, 2008 - 5:50am
I have a very simple answer to the question of How Sathar acquire access to UPF technology, money, intel, and goods. Good ole fashion piracy, they just steal them. Deep space merchant ships go missing all the time never to be heard from again. It is usually assumed, due to previously encounters with the Sathar, that all attacks are millitary/conquest based actions and ships that are lost to Sathar attacks are always destroyed, however, many it could be possible that Sathar Ships may just pick off a freighter to gather it's cargo, kill/or subvert its crew, and collect the spoils to finance their terrorist and subversive activities. In another thread it was suggested that sathar may have a technology/weapon that allows them to pull vessels out of the void back into normal space, it sure would make logical sense that this technology would be used to hijack or plunder a space farring vessel.

jedion357's picture
August 29, 2011 - 7:06am
I doubt the sathar would leave anything to chance. They might bribe an agent to get them on the hook but at the earliest opportunity would cement the business deal with good old fashioned hypnotism.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
September 5, 2011 - 2:50am

Post Removed due to brain fart...

I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

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