Sahn Drazl has spent most of it's life up to this point as a disciple of a Dralasite cult of philospher monks, the Many-Handed Way. The MHW trains it's members in the arts of unarmed combat, metaphysics and peaceful living. There is only one conclave of MHW monks left in a location known only to it's members.
Sahn was a star pupil until he reached the stage of his life in which he started releasing spores. At this point his personality changed for the worse and he started leaning on violence and intimidation to get his way. He was released from his vows as a MHW monk and asked to leave.
Being unskilled for the most part, Sahn began employment with Streel Manufacturing. He worked his way up from Custodial Technician into Quality Control at Manufacturing Center. Recently, he's become restless with the mind-numbing work that QC at the Center brings.