![]() November 6, 2007 - 11:57am | Should we add to what is already there or have two more seperate parts (look under the interview in the Frontiersman issue 7 to get an idea on what I am talking about)? Confucious Says: Man with one chopstick go hungry. Man who eat many prunes get good run for money. Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement. |
November 12, 2007 - 9:31pm | I say if you're going for a new semi-official release of old Zebs, you should try to pick up where the original designers left off: make two more volumes. The question is: what should be the focus of each? Surely there are some folks out there who remember some official mention that power armor was supposed to be in one of the two remaining volumes... but what else? Any ideas? 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() November 12, 2007 - 10:08pm | No thoughts from me, I'm not a Zeb's dood! ...but I would *love* to see an issue on power armour |
![]() November 18, 2007 - 2:49pm | They mentioned that in the next volume that they would be working on cybernetics and bionics (thus the cybernetics and bionics skills). They also had plans for genetics stuff, I think. Seeing as genetics is being covered in the Gamma Dawn Sourcebook, and cybernetics is being covered by Cybernetics Handbook, and races are being gathered for the Races of the Frontier project, Zeb's material inclusion in the AER (including Zeb's column shift mechanic optionally applied to all materials), and the lack of popularity of Zeb's, I'm not sure there's much to add, except to publish Zeb's the way it should have been published in the first place, giving it a proper and complete introduction, proper cross-referencing and better art. |
![]() November 20, 2007 - 11:00am | So we have: Power Armor Cybernetics Bionics And I believe that Robotics was supposed to be covered in greater details in later issues. A look at all of the skills would probably provide fertile grounds for additional development and actual application. I also suspect some sort of Zeb-friendly Knight Hawks rules would have been put forth at some pont too. While I have not read the Gamma Dawn Sourcebook or the Cybernetics Handbook, I don't think this project should avoid tackling an issue based on what other projects have done, or will do. Especially if the iterations of these things have not be produced in a Zeb-like manner. Have they neglected the Zebs races? Do they come with meaningful translations to the Zeb Resolution system? Is genetics in Gamma Dawn more closely related to genetics in Gamma World, or how we believe it would have been done in Star Frontiers? Gamma World is, in my opinion, a much dirtier, chaotic, and primitive environment than Star Frontiers. GW is very mutation based. I suspect a SF system would be "designer" based. For example, genetic Mutation (Mutagenics), is really a whole other field and should probably be left out of Zebs as an everyday part of the Frontier. That was always really GW's thing. |
![]() November 21, 2007 - 4:07pm | I was looking through Zebs and Robotics was definitely one things they mentioned would be expanded in future editions. I also saw mention of genetically engineered "Super Sathar." So an updated section of Sathar with that info would fit in with an Expanded Zebs too. |