
Rum Rogue's picture
Rum Rogue
November 5, 2007 - 6:37pm
How about some instructions to make the chits?
Time flies when your having rum.

Im a government employee, I dont goof-off. I constructively abuse my time.

Anonymous's picture
Corjay (not verified)
November 5, 2007 - 6:50pm
I'd say 100 x 100 px at 300 dpi recorded in PNG. Then it's just a matter of sizing them for a Word document.

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
November 5, 2007 - 8:30pm
Rum Rogue wrote:
How about some instructions to make the chits?

What program will you be using?
  • Word 2000 - 2007
  • GIMP
  • Photoshop
  • Paint

Rum Rogue's picture
Rum Rogue
November 9, 2007 - 3:48pm
Word 2003 and Paint
Time flies when your having rum.

Im a government employee, I dont goof-off. I constructively abuse my time.