Status: fully resolved

    Gray Lines Above Tables Are Back

    Issue Number:
    The gray lines above tables in Firefox are back. I've been forgetting to report on it. It's really bugging me.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    September 30, 2007 - 6:37pm
    I'll fix it - not sure how that happened...  I thought I css'd 'em away...
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    October 1, 2007 - 5:48am
    Okay - only lines you should find in your documents are the ones you put there.
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack