![]() November 17, 2020 - 7:04pm | The Cannon material: Zebulon's Guide Solar Minor, a F8 star with two habitable planets Circe has a light Human/Vrusk population, 1.0 Gravity, Agricultural economy, 20 hour day, an armed space station and a resort space station and a moon called Ulysseus that is used for mining. Kir'-Kut has a light Human/Vrusk population, a gravity of 1.2, Industrial economy, 18 hour day, and a trade station but no moons Planetary Footnotes: Circe: is a mega corp planet colonized along with Kir'-Kut by SynthCorp for the purposes of experimenting with foodstuff required by Humans and Vrusk. Time Line: 66 FY: Solar Minor system discovered by SynthCorp 80-90 FY 2nd Sathar War 80 FY The sathar capture a non-UPF system between Solar Major and Solar Minor. They dub it Outpost #1 and enslave its inhabitants. Construction beting son a planet wide military and industrial complex intended as a ermanent base for incoming sathar supply ships and troops. 81 FY Sathar Fleets #2 & #3 attack Solar Minor. So overpowering are they athat no word of the attack reaches Space Fleet. 83 FY Sathar war ships force the population os Circe and Kir'-Kut to evacuate their planets. They transported to Outpost #1 and enslaved. 84 FY Task Force Cassidine sails for Solar Minor. 86 FY Task Force Cassidine joins Strike Force Nova around Solar Minor. Four months latter the Cappellan Free Merchantmen transport Landfleet to Solar Major and Solar Minor fleets. 92 FY Solar Minor is resettled. (two full years after the end of the war) Synthetics Corporation SynthCorp provides the vast amount of natural and synthetic food, beverages, and over the counter pharmaceutical needs to the Frontier. It owns many agricutlural co-opts, vast manufacturing facilities, and dozens of laboratories. Almost all independent agricultural and dairy operations deal with SynthCorp. Amazingly, they are all on good terms and SynthCorp has the best reputation for fairness and quality of any mega-corp. Headquarters: Synthtown, Inner Reach, Dramune system Chief Executive: Krondot (dralasite) Subsidiaries: ByChem, thoughsands of small and middle-sized companies. Equipment description of the Suc-Set: This set is a combination of suc-gloves, elbows and knee suc-pads, and suc-boots. They are completely covered with thousands of suc-pods, the organic super suckers found on Solar Minor. Note on Jump routes as per SFKHs #3, face of the enemy the Waller Nexus and Mahg Mar jump chain is due south from Theseus while the Solar Minor jump route which is a dead end is due east of Theseus. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 17, 2020 - 7:11pm | Item one: SynthCorp reputation for fairness and quality benevolent corporate overlord? and SW2 has major impact on the system and its resettlement occurs late in the timeline and resort space station in such an isolated location or is it that this is just the hawaii of the Frontier? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 17, 2020 - 7:19pm | Space Fleet and the armed space station? Normally I would say Space Fleet owns, controls or whatever an armed space station (all fortresses are for sure Space Fleet) However, the space station at Volturnus was PGC (dragon or other magazine Khs scenario) and according to Captive Planet the space station over New pale was owned by PGC as well. Hard to see such a newly settled system with light population warrenting space fleet putting in an armed station so my leaning is toward the armed space station is SynthCorp. i have no doubt that space fleet stations an patrol group here but instead of a frigate and two assault scouts the patrol group would be one that has a cruiser as a flag ship. That said I think SynthCorp will have some fighters based on the ASS and few privateers. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 19, 2020 - 8:49am | Choice of Circe as a name for a planet Circe was a master of potions and herbs and with that and a magic wand or staff she could change her enemies into beast. Later she became the archetype of a predatory female. Her behavior was notorious as a magician and as a sexually free female. Circe was a nymph but also portrayed as a witch because of the harmful magic the name Circe does instersect with SynthCorp's research and "magic" of food and medicine development. RSS could make sense if it picks up the sexual predator angle of the Circe myth. I would not want to revel in that but its possible to have a female CEO who could have an edge of sexiness. I wonder how far to go with the bio-engineering going on in Solar Minor. Could this be an avenue for writing in the Vihm rat race from the SFman? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
November 19, 2020 - 4:37pm | Interesting ideas. I have wanted to flesh out some of these corporate worlds/systems. Would you like to do a collaboration? Joe Cabadas |
![]() November 20, 2020 - 5:45am | I'd say I'm ready to collaborate 90% of the time. With the task of creating the Ultimate Equipment Guide I'm swamped for work right now and would not be ready for this sort of project till january. That said creative rifting with others isn't really work. We'd need to involve Eric/Iggy. I got looking at Solar Minor when I discovered that I had missed a cannon reference to a creature because it was in the Zebs equipment discription and we chatted by text about it. That led to a whole discussion on Solar Minor. I think Eric is interested in this as well. In the discussion with Eric we were asking ourselves why would a RSS be located in a dead end system. His suggestion was a spore in the Circe atmosphere makes for a good high but too much of it kills you (workers on Circe have to use environmental suits or be in sealed environments). I suggested that maybe this spore killed off all the higher animal life forms hence the planet is given to agriculture, although on second thought I think that should be Most of the animals as some would survive. Insects could very well survive-pollinators and part of the decomp process Another big question is: Is the ASS in orbit over one of the planets run by Space Fleet or SynthCorp? My leaning is SynthCorp because its hard to see the UPF spending the money to put in an ASS for just two lightly populated and newly settled planets. PGC, according to cannon sources put in space stations at Volturnus and New Pale. We find out about the Volturnus one in a KHs scenario involving maybe the zuraqqor It my be the Day of the Juggernaut but I could be mistaken at anyrate its clearly stated as a PGC station which does not exist in the Zebs Guide listing so I generally treat it as being destroyed during the KHs scenario. The New Pale station was turned over to the Military forces of Pale or Space Fleet as part of the settlement of the Laco War. I go with Pale. Captive planet is the source for PGC's operation there. My desire would be to detail the RSS and create some 1-3 adventures there. I've wanted to detail a RSS for a long time. Although I dont think we need to detail every inch of the station. I'd like a promenade like DS9. Open space with balcony over hanging main promenade. Businesses on both levels and some businesses are two story. I think a whole series of adventures could be done set in the SW2. Sathar come in and conquer then deport everyone from Solar Minor to Outpost #1. Space Fleet eventually comes and kicks the worms out. That is a pretty good backdrop for action in Solar Minor. Those are my two main ideas but I'm sure others could come up with other stories I think that if Shadow Shack could be interested he'd be a good addition to this. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 20, 2020 - 5:58am | Architecture for Circe- big domes like on an ag ship. I alwasy like when were having domes for sci fi buildings. Perhaps the spore is dangerous in the atmosphere and will kill you fairly quick without filtration but just breathing it doesn't really get you high. the spore must be collected, maybe processed and then smoked in a pipe? for the high. leading to Spore Dens on the RSS. Since the Spore is classified as dangerous it cannot be legally ships out of system. Hence the RSS. Which has grown in reputation such that it is like the Hawaii of the Frontier. going there is kind of long a long trip but worth it for the experience. Since Circe is the ag planet its probably in the better location of the goldylocks zone and Kir'Kut is thus colder. Kir'kut atmophere is very breathable hence the industrial site being there. There might be a Star Play resort in the mountains for skiing and winter sports, connected to the RSS. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |