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    Aerial fig 5 Climb

    Project: Joe's Half-Baked Ideas
    File Name: Climb Dive Fig 6 sm.JPG
    File Size: 63.75 KB
    File Type: image/jpeg
    Updated: November 23, 2019 - 7:24pm
    Submitted: JCab747

    Climb. A climb maneuver is shown in figure 6 where the climbing aircraft moves four squares in a straight line and then can move as desired. During tailing, the minimum climb is ___ meters. In non-combat situations, the maximum climb is the rate given for the aircraft, and it is not necessary to move four squares in a straight line.

    Dive. The aircraft performing a diving maneuver moves four or more squares using any combination of straight flight and 45 degree turns. A craft involved in tailing must dive at least ___ meters. The maximum (controlled) dive is that listed for the aircraft. The dive is not illustrated.