October 9, 2019 - 4:33pm | It’s just me and my skeinsuit, thought Raye Veektum as he approached the unexploded bomb that had been planted by a sathar agent. A few dozen meters away, Veektum’s companions were busy evacuating the crowded monorail station. Not having any dedicated tools of his own, he had borrowed the techkit that belonged to Jill Lucky, one of his companions. Jill's closest brush with danger thus far was hot wiring the ground car that they used to get here. Sweat began dripping from his brow as he contemplated his chances of success. Oh why didn’t I splurge on that Demolitions-CAS when I had the chance? Veektum wondered before he began. If I fail to disarm the bomb, will the skeinsuit be enough to protect me? After several moments of examining the detonator, Veektum began working on it when suddenly a flash of light blinded him as a wave of heat enveloped his body… Technicians can purchase techkits. Characters with the robotics skill can buy a robocomkit. Medics get medkits, while an environmentalist can pick up an envirokit to assist them with their tasks. But, except for the Demolition-CAS (Computer Analysis Scanner) that was introducedin Zebulon’s Guide, the demolition specialist has very little specialized equipment presented in the Star Frontiers game to enhance their skills. In actuality, the Core Four races would have developed a variety of equipment to defuse and dispose explosives. Some of this gear includes blast suits, which are designed to protect demolition experts when they are defusing unexploded bombs. Various other tools are available. Then there are Explosion Containment Vessels (ECVs) that can be used to transport munitions or store suspicious objects. Joe Cabadas |
October 9, 2019 - 4:48pm | Blast Suits Early bomb disposal soldiers did not have any type of specialized outfits. They either succeeded at defusing a bomb o rfailure often came with fatal results. Blast suits – also called bomb suits – were developed to protect the bomb defusers. Many of these outfits are heavy body armor. Made to withstand the blast pressures and fragments that are produced during an explosion, this armor can protect a character during combat too, but that is not their intended purpose. A character wearing a blast suit into combat would suffer at least -2 to any initiative rolls. Regarding Hands/Pseudo-pods. Bomb suits leave the wearer’s hands (or pseudo-pods in the case of dralasites) unarmored so it will not impact the character’s dexterity when performing complex defusing operations. This of course leaves the hands and forearms especially vulnerable to gruesome blast injuries. These suits come with a pair of gloves and wrist guard attachments, which provide some protection against any environmental factors while averting cross contamination of any trace evidence – such as fingerprints – that might be found on an explosive. Minimal Suit. This blast suit consists of a jacket, apron and helmet. All told, the outfit weighs 5 kilograms. It will protect a character from the first 50 points of explosive blast damage. After that, it will absorb half of the next 50 points of blast damage before being rendered useless. Against all other inertia attacks, it acts like a 40-point skeinsuit. Drawbacks: The character suffers a -15 percent penalty to Reaction Speed checks; IM -2. Dexterity checks for actions other than defusing an explosive suffer a -5 percent penalty. Because the suit is made of heavy materials, a character wearing it will start suffering heat stress after 30 minutes of use, which results in an additional -5 percent penalty to all skill and ability checks. Plastic Armored Suit. This is an early outfit made with ballistic material (Kevlar-like) with reinforced fiber-plastic plates. The suit includes a helmet and face shield and offers protection to the torso, legs and arms. This armor will fully absorb the first 100 points of any explosive blast and then half of the next 50 points of the blast before being rendered useless. Against other inertia attacks, it acts like a normal skeinsuit. It will be ruined after it takes 50 points of non-explosive inertia damage. While the plastic armored suit will insulate a character against most electrical attacks – unless the wearer is struck in the hands – it offers no protection against fire, sonic, laser, gas, rafflur, maser, tangler, etc. attacks. Drawbacks: The character’s movement rate is cut in half. Reaction Speed checks suffer a -15 percent penalty; IM -2. Dexterity checks for actions other than defusing an explosive suffer a -10 percent penalty. Because the suit is made of heavy materials, a character wearing it will start suffering heat stress after 30 minutes of use, which results in an additional -5 percent penalty to all skill and ability checks. Life X-Disposal Suit. This is a more advanced version of the plastic armored blast suit. It includes layers of blast and thermal absorbent gel, better cushioning to reduce damage if a character is knocked over by a blast, and a 5-hour air supply. Again, the demolition specialist’s hands are exposed so the character can perform complex bomb defusing operations. The Life X-Disposal Suit will absorb the first 200 points of any explosive blast and then the half of the next 50 point of blast damage before it is rendered useless. With some flame-resistant capabilities, it will trim any fire damage that the character suffers by half. This outfit will act like a normal skeinsuit against other inertia attacks. After absorbing 50 points of non-explosive inertia damage, it will be rendered useless. This suit will insulate a character against most electrical attacks – unless the character’s hands are struck! Because it has an air supply, the wearer is also protected against most gas weapons unless there is a type where a chemical can be absorbed by the exposed skin. It does not offer defenses from sonic, laser, maser, rafflur, etc. attacks. A visocom, a hands-free version of a chronocom, can be installed for 55 Credits. The suit is designed so the character can use a variety of Demolition-CAS units along with a specialized demolitions bodycomp. Drawbacks: The character’s movement rate is cut in half. Reaction Speed checks suffer a -15 percent penalty; IM -2. Dexterity checks for actions other than defusing an explosive suffer a -10 percent penalty. The suit has a limited cooling system, powered by a 2 SEU microdisc, that will last for one hour. After that, the wearer will start suffering heat stress, resulting in an additional -5 percent penalty to all skill and ability checks. Advanced Explosive Ordnance (AdXO) Disposal Suit. This is a heavy outfit of polyplatebody armor, along with federanium chainmail and exoskeleton capabilities. It is designed to protect the wearer from the pressure and fragments generated by large bombs. With overlapping plates of armor for maximum protection, suit has layers of energy absorbing gel, foam, and plastics to shield the character inside from an explosion’s blast wave. It offers the wearer defenses against laser, sonic, incendiary, electronic discharge, maser, rafflur, and gas warheads along with limited radiation shielding (up to 20 rads per hour). The AdXO suit will absorb the first 800 points of any explosive blast and then half of the next 100 points before being rendered useless. Against all other attacks, it acts similar a suit of full polyplate armor. The AdXO suit will take 250 points of non-blast damage before it stops protecting the wearer. While the suit is intact, the wearer only takes one-fourth damage. The suit has a 10-hourair supply, a body temperature regulation system that negates any heat stress, and a built-in visocom, the hands-free version of the chronocom. The suit is designed so the character can use a variety of Demolition-CAS units, a specialized demolitions bodycomp, and bio-robotic prosthetics. Having exoskeleton-like capabilities, the AdXO is a powered, which eliminates all the normal penalties that a character receives from wearing a blast suit. When powered up, the the AdXO will not count against a character’s carrying capacity. Other than these features, it does not offer any other exoskeleton benefits. An AdXO is powered by two 20 SEU powerclips and can operate for 20 hours continuously. Bio-Robotic Prosthetics. Since the most vulnerable parts of a demolition specialist are his hands and forearms, Eversafe Enterprises has worked in combination with other companies including Pan-Galactic, Tachton Instruments, and even several Vrusk tradehouses to develop a line of bio-robotic prosthetics, These units operate as extensions, rather than replacements, of a character’s forelimbs, whether it is for a human, a yazarian, a vrusk, or dralasite. The bio-robotic prosthetics are controlled by the movements of the user’s own hands (or pseudo-pods when it comes to dralasites). These artificial limbs have tactile sensors that transmit the feeling to the user. They are also mounted with miniature cameras and lights. The image captured by the cameras can be transmitted to a character’s visocom or helmet heads-up display (Dis-Viz). At the demolition specialist’s option, the image can also be transmitted to a nearby support team. Although a demolition specialist requires no special skills to operate a bio-roboticprosthetic, in order to use it, the character must have a bodycomp that is equipped with a bio-center (type B) progit and have the appropriate surgically implanted brain transmitter! When using the bio-robotic prosthetic, the demolition specialists own hands are fully protected from a bomb blast and most other negative environmental conditions. These prosthetics are used in pairs. Each individual unit is powered by a 2 SEU microdisc and can operate for 20 hours continuously. Joe Cabadas |
October 12, 2019 - 7:24am | Starting Equipment Although the original Alpha Dawn rules neglected to provide specific starting equipment for characters with military skills, the remastered version offered the following option: “A character with a Military PSA should be able to start off with the tools of his trade, just as those in the less militant professions... Only equipment from the core Alpha Dawn game is shown in the table below. Referees may substitute equipment from their own campaign settings, as long as the it sums up to 500Cr.” For the Demolitionist, the starting equipment would be: 1 Military Skeinsuit, 6 Variable Timers, 3 kilograms of Tornadium D19, and 2 fragmentation grenades. Computerized Support Demolition specialists can purchase a variety of support devices including computerized analysis scanners (CAS) and specialized bodycomps. Each CAS has a number of mcroswitches, small gauges and lights, and can accept voice commands and offer audio replies. Unless otherwise stated, the CAS must be within one meter of the object that will be scanned. Only can a character with the appropriate skills interpret the data provided by a CAS. For example, only someone with a demolitions skill use the Demolitions-CAS. Notes on CAS. Although Zebulon’s Guide does not provide statistics on power use, assume that all computerized analysis scanners are powered by a 20 SEU clip and they use 1 SEU per hour of operation. They can be plugged into a belt or power backpack. If a character purchases a Duo-CAS, which combines the operations of two scanners into one, the cost is 20 percent more than each individual unit, but they provided better scanner range and added capabilities. Demolitions-CAS. This device can analyze explosives, bombs, or mines that are up to two meters away. Its sensors can penetrate through most materials, except for federanium and then tell the operator what type of explosive material is present, what detonation devices are attached, and it provides suggestions on how to defuse it. This CAS grants the character with a +15 percent modifier when defusing explosives and will alert the operator if any anti-handling devices (booby traps) are present. Demolitions-Electro Duo-CAS. This device is good for characters who also have the Technician skill. The scanning range is boosted to 10 meters – though only 4 meters through the ground. Not only does it have the capabilities of the Demolitions-CAS but it can scan electrical circuitry and power sources. It will display how a machine – or bomb – is wired. It will indicate any breaks in wiring and suggestions on how to repair it. This device is useful for repairing or rewiring bombs, mines, etc. along with other repairs. This CAS provides the character with a +15 percent bonus for the following Technician sub-skills: Detect Alarms/Defenses, Deactivate Alarms/Defenses and Open Locks (if it is an electronic lock). Demolitions-Chemical Duo-CAS. Combining the demolitions and chemical CAS units into one device. It will scan an object – up to a metric ton in weight/density – and indicate what natural and synthetic chemicals and compounds are present. If a character has an Environmental Skill, it will provide a +15 percent bonus for Analyze Samples and Ecosystems. But it can be used by a character who just has the Demolitions skill. This duo-CAS provides the demolition specialist with a +30 percent bonus for disarming mines, bombs, charges, and other unexploded munitions. Demolitions-Geological Duo-CAS.This scanner is useful for a character who has the Demolition and Environmental skills. The geoscanner functions will examine up to a metric ton of geological samples. It will indicate what minerals are present including whether or not any valuable minerals, gases, or oil deposits are nearby. Itwill provide a warning if there are any nearby dangerous elements or geologicalhazards. Providing a +15 percent bonus for the following Environmental sub-skills: Analyze Samples, this CAS is useful for mining operations. When setting explosive charges for mining )or even conducting a controlled avalanche), the demolition specialist receives a +20 percent bonus and+15 percent bonus for Analyze Demolition Site. Demolitions-Magnetic Duo-CAS. This computerized analysis scanner combines the functions of a demolition and magnetic CAS into one unit. Along with the normal functions of the Demolitions-CAS, this CAS can scan up a metallic structure up to one metric ton in density. It will show the character what metals and metal alloys are present. The CAS will reveal structural weak points, strong points, how a structure may react to certain stresses, etc. The scanner can also indicate whether there are any sources of electromagnetic radiation within 10 meters of the CAS, including the the strength, and likely source. If using the expanded demolition skill presented in Part 3 of the “Things that go boom!” series, this unit will provide a character with a +15 percent bonus for Analyze Demolition Site to determine where to place a charge for maximum impact. This device is very useuful for detecting mines and bombs with magnetic, motion and proximity sensors before entering their range. It improves the character’s mine detection rate by 30 percent.
Joe Cabadas |
October 12, 2019 - 12:06pm | Basic Demolitions Bodycomp. While a character can purchase and customize any bodycomp, A basic design exists for demolition specialists. It first starts with a battle bodycomp belt– or “battlecomp” for short. With a synthsteel overlay, the battlecomp can withstand most explosions at close range. It has a level 5 hand-print security lock. Next the basic model has a type B processor pack and a tenpack for power. The progits that come with this model include: Audio-Act (A), Calc-All (A),CAS-Interface (A), Comp-Talk (A), Diz-Viz (A), Helm-Link (A), and Comm-Link (B).This leaves the processor and powerpack with enough space to install up to three more type A or B progits. Other ecommended progits could include a Bio-Center (B) if the demolition specialist wishes to use a bio-robotic prosthetic; along with a Robo-Link (B). The Robo-Link would allow the character to control a specialized demolitions robot or drone directly from his bodycomp rather than a separate control unit. One of the key benefits of the demolitions bodycomp is that it allows for the hands-free operation of any Demolition-CAS units. The Calc-All progit will provide an additional +5 percent bonus for all demolition skill checks.
Joe Cabadas |
October 20, 2019 - 5:24pm | Water Disruptors. Water disruptors can be used to neutralize an improvised explosive device (IED) without causing it to detonate. Using a shaped charge, it essentially fires jet of water into the IED, which cuts the detonator cord, rendering the explosive useless. A drawback of this device is that it needs to be very close to the explosive to be effective. This might risk setting off bombs that have proximity, motion or similar style detonators while the demolition expert – or a robot – sets the water disruptor in place. These devices come in different sizes, such as the “bottle lite” that can be used against small suspected explosive packages, up to 5 kilograms; or the “bootbanger,” which fires an omnidirectional jet of water and can be set under a vehicle where an IED has been placed. A water disruptor will work faster than any fuse or anti-tampering device can react. Game use: the character would still need to make a successful defuse explosive check with a 5 percent bonus. The explosive will detonate at full strength if the character misses his roll by more than 15 percent – or rolls an automatic failure. Water disruptors are typically not useful for disarming mines or unexploded aerially dropped bombs, however. Laser Ordnance Neutralizer (LOD) Rifle. This is a specially modified laser rifle that a demolition specialist can use to remotely defuse explosive devices and unexploded ordnance from a distance. LOD Rifle is typically set up on a tripod to stabilize it and it is fired at a bomb, which eats the ordinance to the point of causing the explosive filler to ignite and burn. This typically results in a low-level explosion, which may only cause minimal damage to objects around it – depending upon the size of the bomb. Game use: the demolition specialist needs to have at least one level in Beam Weapons in order to successfully use the LOD Rifle. Otherwise, they receive a -10 percent penalty for a defuse explosives roll. The LOD Rifle uses 5 SEUs per “shot,” but instead of one quick blast, the laser must be focused on the target and fires one continuous beam for an entire turn – hence the need of a tripod. The LOD Rifle has half the range of a normal laser rifle and has a rate of fire (ROF) of one. It will cause normal damage to non-explosive, non-moving targets. Otherwise, if used against a moving target such as another character, a robot, animal, etc. the beam will only cause 1d10 points of damage! This assumes that the beam cannot stay focused on one spot on a moving target. When using this the LOD Rifle – which also requires a clear line of sight to the explosive – the demolition character does not need to roll to-hit, unless he is in a combat situation. Rather the character makes a defuse explosives check. A successful roll means the bomb’s explosive material burns, causing 1 point of damage per kilogram of the bombs weight. Any bomb/explosive under 5 kilograms will have a blast radius of 3 meters. Explosives under 50 kilograms will have a primary blast radius of 5 meters and a secondary radius of 8 meters. After that, assume that for every 50 kilograms of explosive, the primary blast radius would extend by 1 meter and calculate the secondary blast radius accordingly (which is 1.5 times the primary radius). There would not be a third or fourth blast radius. If the character misses his defusing check by less than 20 percent, the bomb does not explode. If he misses it by 21 percent or more, the bomb explodes at one-fourth strength – which could be deadly with large weapons! An automatic miss would cause the bomb to explode at full strength. In a combat situation, the character would first need to roll to hit the explosive with the LOD Rifle and then make a defuse explosives roll. During the turn, the character cannot evade or perform other actions.
Joe Cabadas |
October 20, 2019 - 5:38pm | I'll have to double check my figures for the LOD Rifle versus the damage of some of the bombs I've laid out in Parts 7 & 8. I don't want the defusing explosion to be greater than the yield of a full-strength blast! So, in other words, this is a rough idea so far. Joe Cabadas |
![]() October 22, 2019 - 12:38pm | I'll have to double check my figures for the LOD Rifle versus the damage of some of the bombs I've laid out in Parts 7 & 8. I don't want the defusing explosion to be greater than the yield of a full-strength blast! So, in other words, this is a rough idea so far. I do believe that you can ignite TD-19 by laser according to the rules so LOD rifle seems irrellavent to me. just set the SEU to 1 and fire away. tripods as equipment items were already created for the Heavy Gunner Archetype article a little ways back in the FE. ON the other hand: a LOD rifle which has only one setting of 1 SEU that comes bolted to a tripod with a high power scope because the rifle will be used at extreme range so that the demolitions expert can stand back and take out ordinance with maximum safety might have a use in setting. In one of those situations where the PCs find themselves equipment starved like Crash on Volturnus this item is found. Its very limited because of the 1 SEU setting but it does have the really nice scope. a technition or weapons specialist can disconnect it from the tripod at 100% chance all others do it for a LOG check. EDIT: in fact an LOD rifle only takes a 20 SEU clip and does not have a port for a power belt or back pack as those were considered over kill for this rifle. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
October 22, 2019 - 2:36pm | I'll have to double check my figures for the LOD Rifle versus the damage of some of the bombs I've laid out in Parts 7 & 8. I don't want the defusing explosion to be greater than the yield of a full-strength blast! So, in other words, this is a rough idea so far. I do believe that you can ignite TD-19 by laser according to the rules so LOD rifle seems irrellavent to me. just set the SEU to 1 and fire away. tripods as equipment items were already created for the Heavy Gunner Archetype article a little ways back in the FE. ON the other hand: a LOD rifle which has only one setting of 1 SEU that comes bolted to a tripod with a high power scope because the rifle will be used at extreme range so that the demolitions expert can stand back and take out ordinance with maximum safety might have a use in setting. In one of those situations where the PCs find themselves equipment starved like Crash on Volturnus this item is found. Its very limited because of the 1 SEU setting but it does have the really nice scope. a technition or weapons specialist can disconnect it from the tripod at 100% chance all others do it for a LOG check. EDIT: in fact an LOD rifle only takes a 20 SEU clip and does not have a port for a power belt or back pack as those were considered over kill for this rifle. That's an idea. A 1 SEU laser rifle... not referring to the powerclip, but the maximum setting. The idea for the LOD laser comes from current tech. The idea is for it to heat up the explosive so it starts burning, but not where you cause it to explode. Joe Cabadas |
![]() October 22, 2019 - 5:23pm | I'll have to double check my figures for the LOD Rifle versus the damage of some of the bombs I've laid out in Parts 7 & 8. I don't want the defusing explosion to be greater than the yield of a full-strength blast! So, in other words, this is a rough idea so far. I do believe that you can ignite TD-19 by laser according to the rules so LOD rifle seems irrellavent to me. just set the SEU to 1 and fire away. tripods as equipment items were already created for the Heavy Gunner Archetype article a little ways back in the FE. ON the other hand: a LOD rifle which has only one setting of 1 SEU that comes bolted to a tripod with a high power scope because the rifle will be used at extreme range so that the demolitions expert can stand back and take out ordinance with maximum safety might have a use in setting. In one of those situations where the PCs find themselves equipment starved like Crash on Volturnus this item is found. Its very limited because of the 1 SEU setting but it does have the really nice scope. a technition or weapons specialist can disconnect it from the tripod at 100% chance all others do it for a LOG check. EDIT: in fact an LOD rifle only takes a 20 SEU clip and does not have a port for a power belt or back pack as those were considered over kill for this rifle. That's an idea. A 1 SEU laser rifle... not referring to the powerclip, but the maximum setting. The idea for the LOD laser comes from current tech. The idea is for it to heat up the explosive so it starts burning, but not where you cause it to explode. then the LOD rifle would be close to useless as a weapon still its worth adding to the setting. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
October 26, 2019 - 2:07pm | YouTube has a video of a laser ordnance disposal weapon at work: A vehicle mounted version is listed on Wikipedia: Joe Cabadas |
October 26, 2019 - 2:33pm | Laser ORdnance Neutralizer (LORN). The LORN a specially modified laser rifle that a demolition specialist can use to remotely defuse explosive devices and unexploded ordnance from a distance. LOD Rifle is typically set up on a tripod to stabilize it and it is fired at a bomb. the laser beam heats the ordinance to the point of causing theexplosive filler to ignite and burn. This typically results in a low-level explosion, which may only cause minimal damage to objects around it – depending upon the size of the bomb. Game use: the demolition specialist needs to have at least one level in Beam Weapons in order to successfully use the LORN. Otherwise, they receive a -10 percent penalty for a defuse explosives roll. The LORN uses 2 SEUs per “shot,” but instead of one quick blast, the laser must be focused on the target and fires one continuous beam for an entire turn – hence the need of a tripod. The LORN has the range of a laser rifle and has a rate of fire (ROF) of one. It will cause normal damage to non-explosive, non-moving targets. Otherwise, if used against a moving target such as another character, a robot, animal, etc. the beam will only cause 1d5 points ofdamage! This assumes that the beam cannot stay focused on one spot on a moving target. When using the LORN – which also requires a clear line of sight to the explosive –the demolition character does not need to roll to-hit, unless he is in a combat situation. Rather the character makes a defuse explosives check. A successful roll means the bomb’s explosive material burns, causing 1 point of damage per kilogram of the bombs weight up to a maximum of 500 points. Any bomb/explosive under 5 kilograms will have a blast radius of 3 meters. Explosives under 50 kilograms will have a primary blast radius of 5 meters and a secondary radius of 8 meters. After that, assume that for every 100 kilograms of explosive, the primary blast radius would extend by 1 meter up to a maximum of 50 meters. Calculate the secondary blast radius accordingly, which is 1.5 times the primary radius. There would not be a third or fourth blast radius. If the character misses his defusing check by less than 20 percent, the bomb does not explode. If he misses it by 21 percent or more, the bomb explodes a tone-fourth strength – which could be deadly with large weapons! An automatic miss would cause the bomb to explode at full strength. In a combat situation, the character would first need to roll to hit the explosive with the LORN and then make a defuse explosives roll. During the turn, the character cannot evade or perform other actions. The LORN can also be used against mines, and most other unexploded ordnance such as bombs with other warheads including incendiary, sonic, foam, electrical discharge (ED), etc. For sonic and ED weapons, it will simply burn the explosive filler that would cause the sonic blast. A LORN would burn up foam and tangler munitions. Drawback – Gas Munitions: A LORN used against a gas warhead would cause it to explosively release its contents as if it went off. Setting a Bomb Off: A demolition specialist can use a LORN to set off an explosive, as per the Alpha Dawn rules. In this case, A tripod is not needed as all the energy is released in one second rather than a continuous stream over six seconds. The character just needs to roll to hit. Joe Cabadas |
October 26, 2019 - 2:40pm | Water Disruptors. Water disruptors can be used to neutralize an improvised explosive device (IED) without causing it to detonate. Using a shaped charge, it essentially fires jet of water into the IED, which cuts the detonator cord, rendering the explosive useless. A drawback of this device is that it needs to be very close to the explosive to be effective. This might risk setting off bombs that have proximity, motion or similar style detonators while the demolition expert – or a robot – sets the water disruptor in place. These devices come in different sizes, such as the “bottle lite” that can be used against small suspected explosive packages, up to 5 kilograms; or the “bootbanger,” which fires an omnidirectional jet of water and can be set under a vehicle where an IED has been placed. A water disruptor will work faster than any fuse or anti-tampering device can react. Game use: the character would still need to make a successful defuse explosive check with a 5 percent bonus. The explosive will detonate at full strength if the character misses his roll by more than 15 percent – or rolls an automatic failure. Water disruptors are typically not useful for disarming mines or unexploded aerially dropped bombs, however. Here's an additional bit of info: Drawbacks: Water disruptors are usually not rated for below freezing, near boiling or above temperatures, or vacuum or near vacuum environments. If exposed to such conditions in excess of 3d10 minutes, the disruptor would become useless. Joe Cabadas |
October 28, 2019 - 6:20am | Methinks I am making the LORN (Laser ORdinance Neutralizer) a bit too complicated, so I will go about simplifiying the idea. Joe Cabadas |
![]() October 28, 2019 - 7:11am | Methinks I am making the LORN (Laser ORdinance Neutralizer) a bit too complicated, so I will go about simplifiying the idea. Use the KISS rule. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
October 28, 2019 - 11:07am | I think I will just come up with some rules on how a demolition expert can either blow up a bomb or defuse it by using any ol' laser! That should follow the KISS rule. Joe Cabadas |
![]() October 28, 2019 - 3:05pm | I think I will just come up with some rules on how a demolition expert can either blow up a bomb or defuse it by using any ol' laser! That should follow the KISS rule. what about any character using a laser to blow up munitions? Defusing is one thing but blowing up is another, why cant anyone with a laser set off a bomb? I just looked in AD description of TD 19, could have sworn that is cannon that a laser can be used to set off explosives but didn't see it there, I'll have to look deeper. Anyhow my point is if a laser sets it off then it dosent take a skill set to do it. what you can specify is that with a special LOD rifle or a regular laser equipped with a LOD setting that the demolitions expert, knowing where to place the laser beam to the best effect can actually save on SEU- regular character + 1 SEU to blow munitions and demolitions expert .5 SEU to blow munitions. OR munitions might be rated by their casing and thicker bomb casing requires more SEU but a demolitions expert saves half I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
October 30, 2019 - 8:53am | what about any character using a laser to blow up munitions? Defusing is one thing but blowing up is another, why cant anyone with a laser set off a bomb? I just looked in AD description of TD 19, could have sworn that is cannon that a laser can be used to set off explosives but didn't see it there, I'll have to look deeper. Anyhow my point is if a laser sets it off then it dosent take a skill set to do it. what you can specify is that with a special LOD rifle or a regular laser equipped with a LOD setting that the demolitions expert, knowing where to place the laser beam to the best effect can actually save on SEU- regular character + 1 SEU to blow munitions and demolitions expert .5 SEU to blow munitions. OR munitions might be rated by their casing and thicker bomb casing requires more SEU but a demolitions expert saves half Copied from the remastered rules: Charges can be detonated by timer, radio signal or weapon fire. A timer lets the character set a time when the charge will explode. The timer can be adjusted to delay from 1 second to 60 hours. If a chronocom or subspace radio is available, charges can be set to explode when a particular signal is beamed at them. The chance to explode a charge with a radio beam is 10% less than normal. Demolitions experts also can set off a charge with a laser. If the expert hits the charge, it explodes. Joe Cabadas |
October 30, 2019 - 9:00am | So, can any ol' character set off a bomb with a laser? Well, probably yes. In the landmine rules, I've already provided an anti-mine laser that essentially sets it off. Now, the special thing would be have a demolition specialist use a laser to cause a low-level explosion! I think that would require a successful defuse charges skill check. Keep in mind, most explosive materials... as pointed out in my yet-to-be-published story on demolitions... require a high-explosive shockwave to set them off. For example, C-4 can be burned without exploding. Joe Cabadas |
![]() October 30, 2019 - 5:42pm | So, can any ol' character set off a bomb with a laser? Well, probably yes. In the landmine rules, I've already provided an anti-mine laser that essentially sets it off. Now, the special thing would be have a demolition specialist use a laser to cause a low-level explosion! I think that would require a successful defuse charges skill check. Keep in mind, most explosive materials... as pointed out in my yet-to-be-published story on demolitions... require a high-explosive shockwave to set them off. For example, C-4 can be burned without exploding. I like that demo spec rolls to minimize the explosion I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
November 2, 2019 - 1:14pm | OK, I think this will be a simplier way of handling lasers and bombs. Using Lasers to Explode and Neutralize Bombs Under the Demolitions skill, an explosive charge can be set off by weapons fire. “Demolitions experts also can set off a charge with a laser. If the expert hits the charge, it explodes,” notes the Alpha Dawn Expanded Game rules. Other than that, the mechanics are a bit vague. Will a simple 1 SEU laser beam be enough to set off a given explosive? Can other characters use laser fire to set off a bomb? One could argue that the rules don’t seem to answer those questions. But, the U.S. military is currently fielding vehicle-mounted lasers to neutralize landmines and unexploded ordnance. Called the Zeus-HLONS – or HMMWV Laser Ordnance Neutralization System – it uses a 10 kilowatt solid-state laser to heat an explosive to the point of causing it to ignite and burn. It will cause a low-level explosion that minimizes damage to the surroundings. Clearly, a referee could choose to rule that any character can fire a laser at an explosive, which may cause it to explode – at full force. But, only a demolition expert should have the skill to precisely use a laser to neutralize an explosive. Game Use. First, the character must have a clear line of sight to fire at a bomb. The chance of causing a bomb to explode with a laser equals 20 percent per SEU used, while a demolition expert receives an extra 20 percent bonus. Thus, if a character without the demolition skill fires a 1 SEU laser bolt at an explosive, he only has a 20 percent chance of causing it to explode, while the demolitionist has a 40 percent chance. Thus a 5 SEU shot by a character – or a 4 SEU shot by the demolition expert – will cause a bomb to explode. An automatic miss (96-00) will mean that the bomb did not explode, no matter how many SEUs were used. If a demolition expert wants to use a laser to neutralize a bomb, the procedure is similar. The character must take careful aim, can only fire one shot at a bomb per turn and may not perform any other action. If his shot strikes the bomb, perform a Defuse Charge check with a 5 percent bonus per SEU used, up to a maximum of 5 SEUs. A successful check means the bomb’s explosive material burns, causing 1 point of damage per kilogram of the bomb's weight up to a maximum of 500 points. Any bomb/explosive under 5 kilograms will have a blast radius of 3 meters. Explosives under 50 kilograms will have a primary blast radius of 5 meters and a secondary radius of 8 meters. After that, assume that for every 100 kilograms of explosive, the primary blast radius would extend by 1 meter up to a maximumof 50 meters. Calculate the secondary blast radius accordingly, which is 1.5 times the primary radius. There will not be a third or fourth blast radius. If the character misses his defusing check by less than 20 percent, the bomb does not explode. If he misses it by 21 percent or more, the bomb explodes at one-fourth strength – which could be deadly with large weapons! An automatic failure on the defuse charge check would cause the bomb to explode at full strength. Drawback – Gas Munitions. A laser can used against a gas warhead, but this will cause it to explosively release its contents as if it went off! Joe Cabadas |
![]() November 3, 2019 - 5:22am | That works for me. Any character can set off explosives like TD 19 with the appropriate weapons fire but an demo expert can attempt to set it off minimally to prevent the full blast from damaging stuff. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
November 3, 2019 - 10:49am | Bomb Disposal Tools and Kits “Actual handling of the bomb only occurs in extreme circumstances, such as when the IEDs proximity to civilians cannot be changed,” noted an Army Technology story on bomb disposal. A demolition expert could use a Techkit to get by when arming and defusing bombs, but assume they would have at least a -5 percent penalty for not having the proper gear. Instead, the explosives specialist needs an assortment of specialized tools and devices available to help them with their tasks. Basic Demolition Kit. Like other tool kits, the basic demolition kit weighs only 20 kilograms and can be carried in a backpack. It includes the following:
Joe Cabadas |
November 3, 2019 - 11:14am | Supplemental Gear A variety of other equipment will be useful for a demolition specialist. While individually, some of these items may not have much weight, the referee should keep in mind that when a character starts accumulating things, it will begin weighing him down and count against his carrying capacity. Coil of insulated wire – 10 meters. Coil of uninsulated wire –25 meters, can support 2,000 kg. Spray lubricant –10 applications of pressurized synthoil. Electrical tape – replacement packages come in single, double, or five or more rolls. Sensi-Feeler. This is a highly-sensitive feeler consisting of a telescoping pole and protective storage case. Extending to 3.5 meters and collapsing to 0.5 meters, it is perfectly balanced to ensure the quickest response and the lightest touch possible when encountering a tripwire. The case cap is hard mounted to the feeler, which aids in balance, and prevents inadvertent loss during an operation. Mini Sensi-Feeler. This unit sports all the benefits of the Sensi-Feeler but is more compact and designed for ease of operation in restrictive terrain, e.g. jungle or other dense foliage areas. It extends to 1 meter and contracts down to 25 centimeters. Probes. Made of plastisteel, a package includes one straight, one curved, and two probes with hooked tips. Demining, landmine probe. Overall length, 0.75 meters, with the probe head being 0.25 meters long and made of ceramic. Joe Cabadas |
November 3, 2019 - 6:39pm | Elite Bomb Squad Kit. The elite bomb squad kit is housed in a stackable, tough plastisteel tool case that is airtight and water resistant up to 30 meters at 1G. It contains all the gear of the basic demolition kit along with the following additions:
Weight: 28 kilograms. Cost: 2,900 Credits. Joe Cabadas |
November 3, 2019 - 7:25pm | Search Mirror, Disposable Pack. Set of four 5 cm plastic mirrors set at a 25-degree angle and attached to a 25 cm handle. Weight: N/A. Cost: 1 Credit. Search Mirror, Compact Pocket. This tool comes with a handle that can extend out to 1.25 meters. It has two interchangeable 8 cm mirror heads – a round convex mirror and a flat, magnified mirror for enhanced visibility. It is for use in small areas. It weighs 0.25 kg. Cost: 40 Credits. Search Mirror, Deluxe Inspection. Incudes a 3-section, telescoping, non-rotational aluminum pole that extends out to 120 cm with a 20 cm convex mirror on a swivel base. The base includes an adjustable lighting emitter that can be set from deep twilight to sunlight levels (from 1.08 to 107,527 Lux or 0.1 to 10,000 foot candles). Weight: 1.2 kg. Cost: 230 Credits. Search Mirror, Collapsible 5-Section Pole. With light illumination at the end, this mirror pole can be extended out to 250 cm and maneuvered to view areas that are far-removed or difficult to access, such as attics and false ceilings. It is balanced to peer around corners using one hand while leaving the other hand free for personal protection. It has a 20 cm convex mirror with swivel base; adjustable light bar with 15 hours of run time and a quick change 2 SEU microdisc at the base of the pole. Its components are watertight and corrosion resistant. Weight: 2.0 kg. Cost: 575 Credits. Search Mirror, Vehicle Inspection. The vehicle search mirror offers the demolition expert a way to view the undercarriage of a vehicle. It has a large (30 cm) convex mirror along with the aid of a bright light illuminator, offering the operator an easy and quick view. The light can be adjusted from 1.08 to 107,527 Lux and has a run time of 15 hours. It is powered by a 2 SEU microdisc. The telescoping pole extends from 60 cm to 170 cm. Weight 3.2 kg. Cost: 800 Credits. Joe Cabadas |
November 4, 2019 - 1:47pm | Anti-Handling Devices Anti-handling devices are attachments or even a basic parts of aerial dropped bombs, landmines, or improvised explosive devices (IEDs). These booby-traps are designed to discourage anyone from tampering with a bomb, causing it to explode and kill or injure anyone within the blast area. Several anti-handling device sinclude: Anti-lifting fuze. This device would be screwed into an auxiliary fuze pocket located underneath an anti-vehicle landmines. If the mine is lifted or shifted, this fuze triggers a detonation. Anti-magnetic/radar detector fuzes. The anti-magnetic fuze detects the magnetic field generated by many mine detectors. The auxiliary anti-radar detector detects ground penetrating radar (GPR) which is also generated by the Demolitions-CAS and other GPR units. Electronic fuzes. Many acoustic, light sensitive, magnetic, seismic, thermal and other sensing devices have an anti-handling feature. These fuzes discriminate between various mine clearing operations such as line clearing explosive charges, flails, and plows, preventing a mine from exploding. But the mine will detonate when the weapon is handled by demining personnel. Electronic fuzes are often equipped with a self-destruct timer so they will detonate after a set period of time – which could be hours, days, or even months after a mine is deployed. Joe Cabadas |
November 4, 2019 - 1:43pm | Wall Screen, Inertia. Introduced in Star Frontiersman, issue 5, inertia wall screens come in several sizes and can be used to limit the blast damage of explosive bombs. If walls can be placed completely around a suspected explosive, it can help direct much of the blast effects upward (or downward), potentially protecting nearby characters and structures from much of the damage. Wall Screen, Sonic. Less common than inertia screens are wall screens that can protect against sonic blasts that can come from bombs and grenades. Joe Cabadas |
November 4, 2019 - 2:04pm | Bomb Disposal Equipment What does one do with unexploded bombs or suspected packages that cannot be easily defused, but may be moved to a safer location for detonation? There area variety of bomb disposal equipment ranging from fairly simple bomb baskets to explosion containment vessels (ECVs) that may contain a blast. Refer back to the story “Things that go Boom! Part 3: Expanding the Demolition Skill” for more information about TNT equivalent explosives. For example, Tornadium D-19 is four times as powerful as TNT, so a 250 gram charge is the equivalent of 1 kilogram of TNT. Bomb Basket. The bomb basket is made up of non-fragmentation ballistic composite materials. It can be used as a safety ring, to minimize the impact of the fragmentation and sonic blasts. Each basket is mostly spherical shaped with a 1 meter diameter and has a fire-resistant, non-metallic holding net suspended inside. It is rated so it can deal with repeated explosions resulting from 200 grams to 1.2 kilograms of TNT. This type of ECV is typically rendered useless if the explosion exceeds its maximum containment level Bomb Basket Accessories. Bomb baskets can be outfitted with specialized energy screens – such as inertia or sonic projectors – that are designed to absorb damage coming from inside the field rather than from outside. The field generators cost the same as a normal defense screen and are typically powered by a 50 SEU beltpack or a 100 SEU backpack. The Vidar Series. The Vidar and Ladon lines are made by Eversafe Enterprises; they represent the types of ECVs available in the Frontier, They can contain all manner of explosions, including fragmentation and sonic blasts. Vidar ECVs have tiny vents to allow pressure to escape in the event of an explosion, so they will not contain a gas or foam warhead explosions. Named after the Norse god of mythology that survived the apocalyptic Ragnarök, the Vidar Series of ECVs is rated to containa blast up to a certain TNT equivalent weight. For example, the Vidar 3 is rated to handle an explosion up to 3 kilograms of TNT. It takes 5 seconds to open or close the unit. The ECV can be equipped with locks. To break open the vessel from the outside, it a level 3 security lock and its exterior (the weakest point) can take 200 structure points of damage. Detonations that exceed the container’s rating risk cracking it, allowing blast damage to leak out. The Vidar may be able to withstand explosions up to double their rating, but they are not guaranteed to do so. Most Eversafe units can withstand multiple internal blasts and still be usable. Vidar 0.03. This square-shaped unit is for transporting small, suspect electronics. It also provides a Demolition specialist a safe way to store and transport explosives and detonators/blasting caps. The container is 400 centimeters (cm) long and wide plus 115 cm deep. It weighs 10 kilograms. Vidar 0.5. This ECV is often used by laboratories for transporting pyrotechnic chemicals or by police officers for storing small suspicious objects. It is 71 cm long, 81 cm wide and 61 cm deep with an 24-by-17 cm rectangular opening. It weighs 150 kilograms. It can be a stationary unit, or set on heavy-duty casters, or mounted on a vehicle or robot. Vidar 1. This ECV is often used at airports, spaceports or other major transportation terminals for security officers to store suspicious objects. It is 93 cm long, 57 cm high, and 53 cm wide while weighing 200 kilograms. Its opening hatch is 50-by-20 cm. Vidar 3. This containment vessel is designed to safely remove or store large suspect pieces of luggage. The Vidar 3 is ideal for spaceport and public safety applications. It is 177 cm long, 150 cm wide, 172 cm tall, and weighs 1,600 kilograms. Its hatch is 76-by-55 cm. Vidar 10. This vessel often is used as an in-house storage locker for explosives and small caliber ammunition. The Vidar 10 also serves as a way to store large suspicious objects. It is 223 cm long, 216 cm wide, and 200 cm tall and weighs 2,600 kg. Its hatch is 95-by-50 cm. Vidar 15. The Vidar 15 ECV offers a convenient and cost-effective solution for an in-house storage location of explosives and small caliber ammunition. It can also be used to store large suspicious objects. It is 270 cm long, 315 cm tall, and 230 cm wide. It weighs 5,800 kg and has a hatch that is 95-by-50 cm. Vidar 50. The Vidar 50 vessel offers a convenient and cost-effective solution for an in-house storage location of explosives and small caliber ammunition. Or it can store large suspicious objects. Its dimensions are 284 cm long, 386 cm tall, and 250 cm wide. The unit weighs 9,500 kg and its hatch is 110-by-60 cm. The Ladon-Gas Tight Series. Named aftera legendary serpent dragon from Human mythology, Eversafe’s Ladon Series of ECVs will contain all types of explosions and comes with air sampling equipment. These containment vessels are rated as gas tight (GT), meaning that they will not allow any potential nuclear, biological or chemical agents to escape as long as the explosion does not exceed the blast rating. Landons can withstand repeated explosions. They can be operated by a remote control, robot, or manually. Ladon-5GT. This containment vessel confines explosions of up to 5 kg (11 lbs.) of TNT equivalent. It further has a gas-tight capability of up to 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs.) of TNT equivalent. The Ladon-5GT withstands repeated detonations. The vessel has air sampling capability and is available with a trailer. It is a 200 cm diameter sphere and weighs 1,700 kilograms. It has a circular hatch that is 75 cm in diameter. Ladon-8GT. This ECV contains repeated blasts of up to 8 kg (17.64 lbs.) of TNT equivalent. The gas-tight feature of the Ladon- 8GT permits responding permits responding demolition specialists to deal with explosives that might contain radiological, chemical or biological agents. The vessel is equipped with an air sampling system. It is a 250 cm sphere and weighs 2,300 kg. It has a circular hatch that is 75 cm in diameter. Ladon-10GT. This detonation chamber contains blast effects of up to 10 kg (22 lbs.) of TNT equivalent. The Ladon-10GT’s gas-tight capability allows responding characters to mitigate bombs that might contain radiological, chemical or biological agents. The vessel is equipped with an air sampling system. It is a 250 cm diameter sphere and weights 5,500 kg. It has a circular hatch that is 90 cm in diameter. Ladon-50GT. This chamber contains blast effects up to 50 kg of TNT equivalent. Capable of withstanding repeated blasts, it has gas-tight capability and can be equipped with an air sampling system along with supplemental energy fields to help contain explosions greater than 50 kg TNT. Maintenance of Explosion Containment Vessels After any explosion, an ECV should be inspected for structural cracks and component failures. They will also need to be cleaned out. Assume this process takes about an hour for the Vidars and Ladons that are rated for 5 kilograms or less. Add an extra hour for the larger units. Roll a d100. A result of 01-94 means that nothing significant is wrong with the ECV; cleanout costs were 3d10 Credits. A result of 95-98 means that a major repair is needed, The cost would be 2d100 + 200 Credits, taking 2d10 hours -- if the character has access to repair equipment. A 99-00 indicates that the contain vessel suffered a major structural failure. It cannot be safely reused. It can be scrapped, however, allowing the owner to recoup 10 percent of its purchase cost. Vidar and Ladon Accessories Owners of ECVs may also want to purchase a number of accessories, including energy screens, that will allow the vessel to handle explosions that are larger than their rating. A disarming drone, which is far cheaper and smaller than a robot, can also be placed inside a ECV so a character can remotely attempt to disarm a bomb rather than blowing it up. The advantage here is preserving evidence to help find the bomber. Other accessories include larger bomb squad tool chests, electric winches, generators and trailers. Joe Cabadas |
November 5, 2019 - 11:56am | The story out takes so far: It’s just me and my skeinsuit, thought Raye Veektum as he approached the unexploded bomb that had been planted by a sathar agent. A few dozen meters away, Veektum’s companions were busy evacuating the crowded monorail station. Not having any dedicated tools of his own, he had borrowed the techkit that belonged to Klecton the Technician, one of his companions. Klecton's closest brush with danger thus far was hot wiring the ground car that they used to get here. Sweat began dripping from his brow as he contemplated his chances of success. Oh why didn’t I splurge on that Demolitions-CAS when I had the chance? Veektum wondered before he began. If I fail to disarm the bomb, will the skeinsuit be enough to protect me? After several moments of examining the detonator, Veektum began working on defusing the bomb when suddenly a flash of light blinded him as a wave of heat enveloped his body…
…From across the monorail platform where Raye Veektum had been working on defusing the bomb, Kleckton the Vrusk was ushering bystanders away. Half-turning to look at Veektum, he saw the initial flash of the blast. Throwing himself in front of a mother Vrusk and her children, he hoped to shield them. He also trusted that his skeinsuit was enough to protect him from the explosion's fragments. Later, recounting the events to Star Law, Klecton logically concluded that Veektum should have used the proceeds from their recent adventure to purchase some proper bomb squad equipment. To have done otherwise was irresponsible…
…Stunned for several moments, Klecton found himself lying on his back, his legs splayed around him. Acrid smoke filled the air and he heard the moans of the wounded. When he could, he rolled and got onto his legs. The mother and child he had shielded looked like they had survived the explosion, but others were not so fortunate. The spot where his compatriot, Veektum, had been was a charred mess of twisted plastisteel supports. The human must have been vaporized, he thought. Then he heard the moans coming from the smoking wreck of flesh that was lying on the monorail track nearby…
…Though still dazed, Klecton realized whomever the victim was lying on the track – most likely a human – was badly injured. He saw his party’s medic, emerging from the stairwell where she had been protected from most of the blast. “Jill! Over here!” He gestured to her before jumping down on the track to see what he could do to help the injured being…
“…Yes, officer,” Klecton answered. “My full name, translated into Pan-Galactic is Kk’ll’ecc T’oo’Nt ikc Technician on-lease from Trade House Vrr’Rk’l of the Hondo Province, Triad, Cassidine.” The Dralasite officer looked at him with those eyespots that never betrayed an emotion, but it answered, “Well, that’s a mouthful. Couldn’t you give me the shortened version? Do you go by Toont? Or Ik the Technician or what?” “Well, officer, it is proper etiquette to give your proper name to authorities. But I go by Klecton to the average citizen.” Although Klecton tried to put in as much indignation in his tone and gestures as he could, the Dralasite seemed unaffected. “Just give me the facts about how you and your friends found the bomb.” “We had just defeated Bonger – he was a sathar terrorist that we had been pursuing – and learned that he had planted the bomb here. Jill -- Jill Lucky over there," Klecton pointed at the human woman, who had escaped the explosion with only minor wounds, "called the police, but we knew they might not arrive in time. So, Raye borrowed by techkit and went to investigate it himself…”
…After a careful examination of the forensic evidence, Star Law Officer Borlup the Dralasite concluded that the bomb that Raye Veektum had tried to defuse had been equipped with an anti-lifting fuze. If that poor human had simply had some better tools, he might have stood a chance…
Joe Cabadas |
November 5, 2019 - 10:54am | Vidar and Ladon Accessories Owners of ECVs may also want to purchase a number of accessories, including energy screens that will allow the vessel to handle explosions that are larger than their rating. A disarming drone, which is far cheaper and smaller than a robot, can also be placed inside a ECV so a character can remotely attempt to disarm a bomb rather than blowing it up. The advantage here is preserving evidence to help find the bomber. Other accessories include larger bomb squad tool chests, electric winches, generators and trailers. Containment Inertia Screens. These units are designed to absorb a blast originating from within an explosion containment vessel rather than from damagecoming from outside the unit. These supplemental screens will double the unit’s TNT equivalent. Disarming Drone. This is a small, remote-controlled drone can be placed inside an ECV that is rated at 1 kg of TNT equivalent or larger. A demolition specialist … TBD Vehicle Trailers. Characters can purchase utility trailers for practically most ground and hover vehicles. Coming in various sizes, the most common is the utility trailer. This model adds 200 percent to a vehicle’s cargo carrying capacity. It will reduce the towing vehicle’s acceleration and turn speeds by -10 meters per turn while also cutting its braking (deceleration) speed by -20 meters per turn. Vidar and Ladon ECVs can be built on trailers, though there would be a 10 percent mounting fee. A separate drive system is available for the trailer, which will double the price, but eliminate the movement penalties. The separate drive system also allows the unit to be easily maneuvered by a character orrobot, traveling up to 22 meters per turn. It is powered by a 100-SEU backpack (sold separately) and is good for 100 hours of operation. (The information for the utility trailer is based on a posting on the starfrontiers.us website by Richard “Shadow Shack” Rose.) Vehicle Winch, Manual. Various winches exist in the Frontier, this is just an example of one that is available. With a crank handle, this winch has two gears and has 10 meters of cable a 1.25 metric ton capability. It can be mounted to cycles. Vehicle Winch, Powered. A heavy-duty powered winch, this model must be mounted on trailers and vehicles that are larger than cycle size. With remote control capability, the standard model has 20 meters of cable and with a 6 metric ton pulling capability. It uses 1 SEU per minute of operation.
Joe Cabadas |
November 5, 2019 - 11:42am | Head of the Class “Thanks to the miracles of modern bionic prosthetics, I have been able to lead an almost normal life,” Veektum said as he extended his two bionic arms outward so the students could get a good look. “But it took a small fortune – much of my share from the famed Alcazzar mission,” he continued, gazing steadily through his bionic eyes at the half dozen of would-be explosives experts. “I don’t know how much more I can stress to you the importance of having the right tools with you when you attempt to disarm a bomb. Otherwise, you risk ending up as a warning example to others…” Joe Cabadas |