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    UPF Meteor/Fireball class of assault shuttle/bombers

    Project: Joe's Half-Baked Ideas
    File Name: Meteor Assault Shuttle 2sm.jpg
    File Size: 19.87 KB
    File Type: image/jpeg
    Updated: September 27, 2019 - 7:23am
    Submitted: JCab747
    I'm making a variant of the craft that appeared in Star Frontiersman #16... not the artwork, however.

    jedion357's picture
    October 1, 2019 - 3:39am
    With the UPF's postscription against orbital bombardment a craft that could enter atmosphere and bomb would have a value. It will have to weather the planetary defenses if present but the heavy hand of space fleet will not be able to come down on the offending party.
    I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

    JCab747's picture
    October 1, 2019 - 6:21am
    jedion357 wrote:
    With the UPF's postscription against orbital bombardment a craft that could enter atmosphere and bomb would have a value. It will have to weather the planetary defenses if present but the heavy hand of space fleet will not be able to come down on the offending party.


    As I would imagine, there probably aren't any strategic bombers in the Frontier. Various other craft would be modified to fill that roll for specific missions.

    This fan-created craft from Star Frontiersman magazine just seemed like one that could be used... at least for planets that don't have planetary defenses... or it is the colonial government/UPF using one against a pirate/rebel/terrorist hideout. 
    Joe Cabadas