Status: fully resolved

    Delete Redirect

    Issue Number:
    When deleting a page with Quick Edit, you are returned to the deleted page. I believe this should redirect to the front page of the project.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    September 19, 2007 - 3:33am
    Good point.  It used to... but I later modified some of the functionality to accommodate the delete feature from the advanced outlining utility.  My bad.  I'll figure out a way to make both work correctly :-)
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    September 19, 2007 - 4:08am
    It's not even deleting the pages currently - it's just setting them to top-level documents on the same level as a project document container... hm... I'm on it.
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack