![]() June 7, 2019 - 5:11am | Note this is not really about the setting 1000 years in the future but it is about centuries in the future Saw a game premise posted that involved a game set 1000 years in the future and thought ok what if a ship (assault scout or frigate) was trapped in a (engage universal translator and translate to Star Trek technobabble) "temporal anomaly" and it finally escapes but its centuries in the future. The Frontier was over run by the Sathar not long after FY111. Some planets are efectively destroyed from orbital bombardment such that there are stone age tribes of core four eking out a miserable existence in the ashes of their destroyed world. Some worlds have become client's to the conqueroring sathar clans. There is a resistance but slave bots and sathar agents are extremely common and the worms are in control. Some worlds were captured but resistance by the poplulation forced the worms to go total necromancer and bulk of the population is slave bots. The sathar clans turned to infighting before the conquest of the Frontier was wholely complete, thus: a few worlds held out or remained hidden- I believe Moon World's Zebs Guide footnote says its a secrect Space Fleet/UPF base. so it will become the navy yard of the resistance. the UPF is greatly changed and is no longer a treaty organization like NATO. its leader is dictator-ish and headquartered on Moon World. The other hold out worlds are bullied into submission and heavy taxation to support the military industrial complex of Moon World. The Crown of Clarion is in exile. clarion is a conquored world- seems the worms enjoy its soggy environment. Three independent worlds are cut off from the rest-Terledrom, Groth and the name of the colony in Kisk' Kar survived the worm onslaught just barely and its political structure remains unchanged. Into this setting the PCs fly unaware. "Where is Clarion Station and the UPF space fortress in Clarion orbit?" suddenly sathar fighters errupt from the planet surface and long range scan detects sathar destroyers bearing down from the outer system. Its questionable as to whether the organization that originally commissioned the PCs is still in existance so who do they take orders from? The Second Federation? There will be some new tech available like Jump govenors that allow for jump computations to be done in 1 hour/light year. any and all tech in any rule book or fan magazine exists somewhere in this setting (Gama World style in some cases). Go: I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 7, 2019 - 5:18am | You have a prequel campaign- PCs sent out on mission and run into trouble-temporal anomaly and eventually escape. Phase 1: Return to Frontier only to discover "we're not in Kansas anymore" -running form the sathar where they didn't expect to find sathar. Phase 2: A place in this world- encountering the remains of the UPF Phase 3: what do we do now? Note the sathar could be on the eve of a final push to take down Moon World. If Moon World falls then all the independents will fall. Including Fromeltar. you could go several ways with this- Alamo defense, Battlestar Galactica with a rag tag fleet, or PCs seek to re-enter the temporal anomaly to go back and change the past. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
June 7, 2019 - 5:10pm | This could certainly be an interesting take on the Frontier. The worm really turned for the Core Four in this scenario. I wonder if they would wipe out the S'sessu? Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 7, 2019 - 5:35pm | I'm still a Traveller noobie but I've read that when all the various versions of the game are added together that it spans about 12,000 years. I remember back when Geocities was a thing there was an online Star Frontiers game hosted there that was set 600 years in the future of Zeb's timeline. |
![]() June 9, 2019 - 6:32am | If the Sathar clans have had that long do some infighting, one wonders if they are actually still any sort of potent presence in the remains of the Frontier. Maybe they're a spent force but the aftermath of their influences and actions may have made the various worlds quite different. Possibly there was some sort of apocalyptic battle, the effects of which are still seen. Maybe that means that there's a chance for a Gamma World/Metamorphosis Alpha mash-up ![]() |
![]() June 10, 2019 - 9:47pm | Cool concept... what if the tetrachs return with the Sathar, and they are not so nice... you could go even freakier with this the Sathar are now in the weird position of protecting the Frontier from the Tetrarch threat... an UPF ship tossed into the future picking up distress calls from a once UPF planet to Sathar ships from a threat would really throw players for a loop. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
June 12, 2019 - 7:17pm | Cool concept... what if the tetrachs return with the Sathar, and they are not so nice... you could go even freakier with this the Sathar are now in the weird position of protecting the Frontier from the Tetrarch threat... an UPF ship tossed into the future picking up distress calls from a once UPF planet to Sathar ships from a threat would really throw players for a loop. Oooo! The return of the Tetrarchs too. Back to reclaim their old territory and stir up trouble. The Sathar as the saviors of the remnants of the Frontier? Another interesting twist. Then we throw the Clikk in and things can get interesting. Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 14, 2019 - 3:31am | Tetrarchs- shadowy and rumored return not definet evidence you can point to, more X-file the truth is out their I believe sort of thing. What is known is that the sathar clans fell to squabbling over Laco and something happened there that freaked them out. a sub space "flash of light". the subspace super nova as one theorist calls it has greatly interfered with subspace communication and void space jumping with effects being more pronounced the closer you get to Dixon's Star. Clan X dominates Truane's star and presumably Zebulon. Pale was reduced through heavy orbital bombardment to nullify their ground based defenses. New Pale is fully conquered client colony of the sathar but there exists a resistance. The Terledrom Technocracy (name translated from vrusk) holds out in the 'northeast' sector of the Frontier Local militia and Space Fleet forces fought a sathar clan to a stand stilll and still control Fromeltar and Kisk-Kar, population is 60% vrusk 35% dralasite and 5% everything else. K'aken Kar is a battle ground between the Terledrom Technocracy and Clan Z local population cuts deals and collaborates with TT and clan Z- who ever has the upper hand. Clan z controls Solar Major and K'tsa Kar. populations are subjugated with local resistance groups. Clan Y nearly broke itstelf taking White Light. monarchy survives in exile. Strong resistnace and Clarion not fully subjugated. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
June 14, 2019 - 4:53pm | During the early days of the Sathar's successful invasion of the Frontier, Clans Y and Z teamed up to send a large fleet, mostly of robotic ships against the S'sessu's homeworld, Phri'sk. The Sathar fleet included a massive dreadnaught that the survivors of the Spacefleet called the "Juggernaut 2." Although the S'sessu nations sent out a distress call to the UPF, the Sathar quickly overwhelmed their defenses. The Sathar's orbital bombardment killed about half of the S'sessu's population. Rather than landing troops, the Sathar then seeded Phri'sk atmosphere with a weaponized version of spores that had originally been found on the Pan-Galactic Starship Omicron. These spores are especially deadly to Satharoids and ended up wiping out most of the S'sessu survivors on the homeworld. The Sathar fleet then departed to invade the Frontier even as a UPF Spacefleet unit came in to help any S'sessu survivors. The S'sessu's less developed colony system was initially spared and has become the race's new home planet. The S'sessu have fought off further incursions by Sathar raiders. They also have sent out spies and assassins -- that they call infiltrators -- to disrupt the Sathar occupation forces in the Frontier. Joe Cabadas |
June 14, 2019 - 4:58pm | The Mechanon's showed their "true colors" by joining Sathar Clan X and the Zurraqqor in invading the northern part of the Frontier and the Rim. The Mechanon's took the lead in conquoring the Zebulon System, making Volturnus and Anker protectorates. The have cut off both of these worlds from contact with the survivors of the Rim and the Frontier. The rumor is that they slaughtered all the "biologicals" on both worlds. Or, in their own logical ways, did the Mechonons reckon that since the Sathar were going to be victorious in their conquest of the Frontier, the only way to save the Volturnus races was to go along with the invasion? Did the Eorna and their Starspawn face a Second Day of Doom, or are they and the Frontier colonists being "kept safe"? Perhaps preserved in freeze fields for the day they can be released again? Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 14, 2019 - 6:15pm | Sessu satharoids were presented as optional in Dragon. So what if they had not been used before FY 111? That they constitute a 5th column within Sathar society. Maybe their world was wiped out/ subjugated they survive passing themselves off as "evil" Sathar. Perhaps they were the clan that resisted some "thing/plot" in Sathar society and were wiped out for it. Now they work to overthrow the current power structures and replant their home world. You could have the PCs rub up against an "evil" Sathar in their adventures who seemingly allows them to get away eventually they find out it is a sessu. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
June 14, 2019 - 7:14pm | The Capella System was invaded by fleets from Sathar Clan X supported by ships from minor clans, the Zuraqqor and the Mechanons. The Ifshnit's homeworld was divided into three occupation zones with the Zuraqqor zone being much more harsh than either the Sathar or Mechanon zones. The Sathar gave the planet Ifshna to the Zuraqqor as payment for their help in overwhelming the Rim and the northern Frontier. Faire was kept as a semi-autonomous trading world that is nominally overseen by what is left of Clan X. Its blackmarkets are rife with intrigue beween various resistance groups seeking weapons and Sathar agents. Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 15, 2019 - 4:38am | I think instead maybe there's some room to have a split in Mechanon society, with 70% going over to the Sathars and the rest either being part of some resistance movement or neutral and not actively doing anything to promote the Sathar cause. Possibly these neutral groups and some of the planets where they predominate are like 'free cities' and are thus are potential havens for players. It may also be that by the time 1000 years have passed, such planets are the only places where technology is in any workable form. Possibly they're the main traders in such things. I also see it that the Sathar become more of a wandering selection of groups, akin to pirates. They don't control many planets, but they're still a major space-faring force and thus are a potent danger. What's left of the various military and commercial shipping by former UPF races has to take into account the Sathar presence. That said, there are various areas where the Sathar have no ships. Former UPF shipping is an amalgam of old designs and various new designs with cobbled together technology. Active space stations and construction yards are few and far between. There is a lot of technology left lying abandonned on various worlds or in their orbits after the last war. This may be a source of materiel for anybody will to take the risk of visiting them, as the sathar are also know to scavenge from them. Some planets may contain a lot of potentially useful supplies but are extremely dangerous as they're infested with various lifeforms that have evolved from the sathar-engineered ancestry. Possibly there's also various warbots still on the prowl. |
June 15, 2019 - 12:34pm | I think instead maybe there's some room to have a split in Mechanon society, with 70% going over to the Sathars and the rest either being part of some resistance movement or neutral and not actively doing anything to promote the Sathar cause. Possibly these neutral groups and some of the planets where they predominate are like 'free cities' and are thus are potential havens for players. It may also be that by the time 1000 years have passed, such planets are the only places where technology is in any workable form. Possibly they're the main traders in such things. Yes, I think we can keep the Mechanon's motivations mysterious. Though it might be interesting if one of the PCs or NPCs on the ship from the past was one of the "good" Mechanons. I also see it that the Sathar become more of a wandering selection of groups, akin to pirates. They don't control many planets, but they're still a major space-faring force and thus are a potent danger. What's left of the various military and commercial shipping by former UPF races has to take into account the Sathar presence. That said, there are various areas where the Sathar have no ships. Yes, I think that would would go along with Tom V's vision. After their success in conquering much of the Frontier and the Rim, the Sathar probably had inter-clan squabbles and then encountered something else that shattered them. Former UPF shipping is an amalgam of old designs and various new designs with cobbled together technology. Active space stations and construction yards are few and far between. There is a lot of technology left lying abandonned on various worlds or in their orbits after the last war. This may be a source of materiel for anybody will to take the risk of visiting them, as the sathar are also know to scavenge from them. Some planets may contain a lot of potentially useful supplies but are extremely dangerous as they're infested with various lifeforms that have evolved from the sathar-engineered ancestry. Possibly there's also various warbots still on the prowl. Works for me. Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 15, 2019 - 2:29pm | RE: 1000 years is a metaphor as far as I'm concerned- something used in bad writing in B grade TV plots I only use 1000 years in the metaphor sense to stir imagination. The reality would be 1d4+1 years in the future of FY111 on the time line. centuries removed from what they know, everyone they knew must be dead (but maybe not?) I like the idea of sathar "conqueroring" the Frontier but clan politics result in squabbling before the job is fully consolidated. Then something weird happened to the sathar- that resulted in a change of state leaving them like the afforementions bands of pirates wandering space but with a side of Firefly Reaver perhaps. New power structures evolved from their client species the Zuraquor, which were a full client species and the evil faction mechanons. like the ideas of nuetral and or quasi good mechanons being "free city" locations for the PCs ie strategic environment locations to buy sell trade. As to what event happened that resulted in a massive change: lets revive the old discussion of the sathar overmind? a central controlling directive that helped arbitrate the inter clan politics. A discussion could be had as to what the nature of that over mind is or was: AI computer brain or due to the sathar propensity for tubing sathar brains and said brains being able to last centuries perhaps it was a fussion of organic and inorganic intelligence? a tubed brain or linked series of tubed brains fused with a computer an AI. and somehow a mechanon ally was able to disrupt its equallibrium the goal being to take down or subjugate the sathar clans but what resulted was something entirely unplanned. To observers from the core four species it appeared the sathar clans went Reaver. They remain marginally organized but homicidally dangerous to each other and everyone else. out of the ashes of the Sathar event the evil Mechanons and Zuraquor established themselves as regional powers. the Zuraquor hate and distrust the mechanons. so they somewhat counter ballance each other. Remnants of the UPF has managed to build up but there is a strong central government and tighter control. it will view the PCs return from the past as that it is the inheritor of the UPF and therefor the rightful authority over the PCs and it expects the PCs to take orders and jump when told to. Clarion's Monarchy is is exile. it would be friendly to the PCs and a source of support and information but also would attach a string but less onerously then the New Federation would. The Terledrom Technocracy is a powerful but somewhat xenophobic vrusk/dralasite power block of two systems. backed by a strong navy. The New Fed resents them not taking orders or their place in the New Fed. this is definently a place to refurbish your ship for a price. Pirate's Reach- new system established by elements that escaped the destruction of Outer Reach. side of Mos Eisley "hive of scum and villiany" etc. but its current leader or one of is a dral or human of vision willing to back a play that may benefit the greater good of the Frontier but with a keen eye to profit from it as well. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 15, 2019 - 2:49pm | RE Zuraquor and Capella system- Faire only has 5 islands and is unsuitable for the Zuraquor to effectively colonize. They have a negotiated settlement with the CFM that leaves Faire the black, white and gray market center of the Rim quadrant. In the Humma's system the space infrastructure was smashed in the war but the humma propensity to field lots of fighters from each house smashed the sathar fleet and preserved the soverignty of their system. Osak is under Zuraquor control. Osaka are refugees scattered across the Frontier Sector. Much the same happened to the rest of the Rim. Zebulon is treated as nuetral ground by Zuraqor and Mechanons and Reaving bands of sathar turn up here distressingly frequently. however on Volturnus there are populations of eorna, primitives, Cylons err I mean mechanons, core four survivors from the corporate enclaves. the governor of Volturnus has become a heriditary position (human). side of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. trade and scavenging goes on here. one must watch their step it is a dangerous place. Truane's Star is alos Zuraquor space. Dixon's STar is sathar space, you can almost always find sathar here. but if you run the blockade and get to Laco's surface then its rare to find the worms. something weird has happened at some of the Tetrarch pyramids. Mechanons controll a lot of what the sathar conquerored. The New Fed is located to the south by southwest of the Frontier sector. Terledrom Technocracy is Terledrom plus one system east on the vrusk jump chain. Pirate's Reach is the binary star approximately 4 LY east of DRamune. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
June 16, 2019 - 12:21pm | Arguably, the Pan Galactic Corporation built the Frontier and was a cohesive force that brought the Core Four races together to found the United Planetary Federation. After the Sathar conquest of much of the Frontier, including the destruction of much of Gran Quivera, the PGC relocated much of its central operations to the Pan Gal System. Here the mega-corporation had its skunk works facilities on the planet Genesis and had built a secondary headquarters and "doomsday" facilities on the planet Exodus. As the remnant of the UPF turned into a dictatorship, the PGC attained semi-autonomous status. As many of its former mega-corporation rivals had been destroyed or broke apart into smaller organizations, once again the Pan Galactic Corporation could claim that it was the Frontier's sole mega-corporation, though it is a tarnished crown. PGC ships ply the spaceways between much of the former Frontier, the shattered Rim Coalition, and even into Zuraqqor and Sathar space! Many see PGC employees as turncoats and traitors as the corporation willingly does business with the enemy. Yet, PGC ships serve as an important conduit for spies and blackmarket goods that have permitted the still independent worlds to stay independent. The problem is, Sathar agents and the like have easier access to the still free worlds of the Frontier. Joe Cabadas |
June 16, 2019 - 12:22pm | RE Zuraquor and Capella system- Faire only has 5 islands and is unsuitable for the Zuraquor to effectively colonize. They have a negotiated settlement with the CFM that leaves Faire the black, white and gray market center of the Rim quadrant. In the Humma's system the space infrastructure was smashed in the war but the humma propensity to field lots of fighters from each house smashed the sathar fleet and preserved the soverignty of their system. Osak is under Zuraquor control. Osaka are refugees scattered across the Frontier Sector. Much the same happened to the rest of the Rim. Zebulon is treated as nuetral ground by Zuraqor and Mechanons and Reaving bands of sathar turn up here distressingly frequently. however on Volturnus there are populations of eorna, primitives, Cylons err I mean mechanons, core four survivors from the corporate enclaves. the governor of Volturnus has become a heriditary position (human). side of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. trade and scavenging goes on here. one must watch their step it is a dangerous place. Truane's Star is alos Zuraquor space. Dixon's STar is sathar space, you can almost always find sathar here. but if you run the blockade and get to Laco's surface then its rare to find the worms. something weird has happened at some of the Tetrarch pyramids. Mechanons controll a lot of what the sathar conquerored. The New Fed is located to the south by southwest of the Frontier sector. Terledrom Technocracy is Terledrom plus one system east on the vrusk jump chain. Pirate's Reach is the binary star approximately 4 LY east of DRamune. I like this. Joe Cabadas |
June 16, 2019 - 12:27pm | New Streel Corporation Rising from the ashes of the former Streel Corporation, New Streel makes its headquarters in the New Streel system. Having lost much of its industrial base when Truane's Star was conquered, New Streel is now more of an agricultural, transportation, and mining firm. While it still has a financial arm, it no longer can claim mega-corporation status, though it is still a major player. Ironically, it has given shelter to the old Streel's former enemy -- the Clarion monarchy. New Streel's ships are mostly patched together has beens from the former Trans Travel mega corp that went bankrupt during the Sathar Conquest. Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 17, 2019 - 7:25am | New Streel Corporation Rising from the ashes of the former Streel Corporation, New Streel makes its headquarters in the New Streel system. Having lost much of its industrial base when Truane's Star was conquered, New Streel is now more of an agricultural, transportation, and mining firm. While it still has a financial arm, it no longer can claim mega-corporation status, though it is still a major player. Ironically, it has given shelter to the old Streel's former enemy -- the Clarion monarchy. New Streel's ships are mostly patched together has beens from the former Trans Travel mega corp that went bankrupt during the Sathar Conquest. I like this. especially the Crown of Clarion being sheltered here. Trans Travel is headquartered in Terledrom and likely the only effects it felt was loss of ships and offices scattered throughout the Frontier but it is largely untouched as a mega corp. For this reason i would advocate not that PGC is the sole mega corp in the frontier but the preeminent mega corp or that with the Terledrom Technocracy largely cut off by territory controlled by the enemy the perception is that its not part of the Frontier anymore OR Trans Travel is unable to maintain mega corp status due to it inability to engage in interstellar commerce which was its bread and butter. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 17, 2019 - 7:39am | As stated earlier 1000 years was just to get creative jucies flowing. I suggested 1d4+1 centuries in the future. using a radom number generator on the web I got 3 +1 x 100= 400 I first envisioned adding that number to FY 111 which would be 511 but decided a random sounding number would be better and generated a 9 for the tens place and a 6 for the ones place. so what I have is 496. Note life spans of dralasite: 250 years, humans: 200, Vrusk: 175, yazirians 140 this ensures that everyone the PCs could have known is effectively dead although I hold out for the possibility that individuals may have survived through cold sleep or other esoteric sci fi methods largely for the purpose of it being cool and a GM can use that. So with the Crown of Clarion they would be on the 3rd? monarch since the event known as Satharmeggedon. There are people who knew people who heard stories about the fall of the Frontier. question: do we like how these numbers play out in the setting or should they be adjusted down or upward? EDIT Does 4 centuries of sathar reavers sound like too much time? perhaps make it FY 296? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 17, 2019 - 7:44am | With centuries being involved any new tech we should introduce as cutting edge stuff not previously seen? like cloaking screens? Bap bin technology developed to the point of star trek style beaming? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
June 17, 2019 - 3:09pm | As stated earlier 1000 years was just to get creative jucies flowing. I suggested 1d4+1 centuries in the future. using a radom number generator on the web I got 3 +1 x 100= 400 I first envisioned adding that number to FY 111 which would be 511 but decided a random sounding number would be better and generated a 9 for the tens place and a 6 for the ones place. so what I have is 496. Note life spans of dralasite: 250 years, humans: 200, Vrusk: 175, yazirians 140 this ensures that everyone the PCs could have known is effectively dead although I hold out for the possibility that individuals may have survived through cold sleep or other esoteric sci fi methods largely for the purpose of it being cool and a GM can use that. So with the Crown of Clarion they would be on the 3rd? monarch since the event known as Satharmeggedon. There are people who knew people who heard stories about the fall of the Frontier. question: do we like how these numbers play out in the setting or should they be adjusted down or upward? EDIT Does 4 centuries of sathar reavers sound like too much time? perhaps make it FY 296? Understood. Four centuries is a bit of time. Another thought for you is instead of Sathar reavers (never saw Firefly but I understand the concept) how about the Rooksha? Granted, it's a Larry Moore created race that Laura Mumma did a redo on ... that was published or am I just thinking of her stuff on this site? But, the Rooksha are Sathar-like and more fit the reaver idea. And, regarding mega corps, I'm just throwing out a few ideas. If Trans Travel is still around, let's not have it control 80 percent of the shipping market. That's very high even for a monopoly. I could see the Cassidine Development Corporation being smashed. So to with the power mega corp and the food mega corp. Or, instead of the PGC being preement, maybe it's a shell of itself like General Motors is today... but I think the PGC would have strengths because it has its own corporate star system. The other mega corp worlds would have been in way of "Satharmeggedon." Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 18, 2019 - 12:04am | Perhaps if things have gone bad generally in 400 years, it's a bit like a 'dark age' and very little new technology is being developed. I don't see megacorps surviving into this period. In addition to my earlier note about spaceships, it may also be possible that former sathar ships are now being used by various groups or individuals across the Frontier. |
![]() June 18, 2019 - 5:08am | Just for comparison, Buck Rogers was a 500 year difference. There's your reference. ![]() |
![]() June 18, 2019 - 8:39am | I like making more of the zuraquor. bug like enigmatic bad just because but not bad in the way of the borg and the sathar just that they have an agenda and pursue it and legacy of domination by sathar and will not be interested in anyone else becoming a dominant player that might challenge them. I think we need a space orc/ klingon species that are not yazirians. someone who is happy to kill you but can be reasoned with. what becomes of the sathar? They have to be the initial cause of things- SW3 if they are not reavers then what? gone? why? presant? why are they not the dominant power? does inter clan conflict explain their slippage? so clans are beat down but still military and political powers within their areas of control. Did a sathar overmind topple and thats why the clans no longer cooperate and actually war with each other. openning up possibilities for temporary alliances where assault scouts support sathar destroyers againt zuraquor or sathar heavy carriers? 400 years and we need to make some changes to the KHs equipment. some updates and adaptions. some new vessels. I like the dark age idea and the frontier is crawling out of it. Themes to explore: 1. Clarion monarchy: looking to reclaim clarion or establish a new colony 2. Rise of a new sathar overmind- perhaps clan ? has been evolving into the Dragon mag sessu and they realize that if a new overmind is fully brought on line it will represent a roll back of the freedoms they now enjoy (plus they fear the clan that is pushing the resurrection or rebirth of the overmind) so they enlist others to aid in toppling this. 3. Fromeltar Run- KHs adventure running the gauntlet to or from Fromeltar for the crucial McGuffins (medicines) Damanation Alley in space. Maybe Damnation Dramune? locate the secret Malthar facility oun Outer Reach looking for lost crucial medical McGuffins. Establishing trade routs from the New Fed to Fromeltar and the Vrusk Terledrom Technocracy. 4. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome in the Frontier 5. Unification Federation side of core worlds from Firefly exerting their power. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2019 - 8:39am | I like making more of the zuraquor. bug like enigmatic bad just because but not bad in the way of the borg and the sathar just that they have an agenda and pursue it and legacy of domination by sathar and will not be interested in anyone else becoming a dominant player that might challenge them. I think we need a space orc/ klingon species that are not yazirians. someone who is happy to kill you but can be reasoned with. what becomes of the sathar? They have to be the initial cause of things- SW3 if they are not reavers then what? gone? why? presant? why are they not the dominant power? does inter clan conflict explain their slippage? so clans are beat down but still military and political powers within their areas of control. Did a sathar overmind topple and thats why the clans no longer cooperate and actually war with each other. openning up possibilities for temporary alliances where assault scouts support sathar destroyers againt zuraquor or sathar heavy carriers? 400 years and we need to make some changes to the KHs equipment. some updates and adaptions. some new vessels. I like the dark age idea and the frontier is crawling out of it. Themes to explore: 1. Clarion monarchy: looking to reclaim clarion or establish a new colony 2. Rise of a new sathar overmind- perhaps clan ? has been evolving into the Dragon mag sessu and they realize that if a new overmind is fully brought on line it will represent a roll back of the freedoms they now enjoy (plus they fear the clan that is pushing the resurrection or rebirth of the overmind) so they enlist others to aid in toppling this. 3. Fromeltar Run- KHs adventure running the gauntlet to or from Fromeltar for the crucial McGuffins (medicines) Damanation Alley in space. Maybe Damnation Dramune? locate the secret Malthar facility oun Outer Reach looking for lost crucial medical McGuffins. Establishing trade routs from the New Fed to Fromeltar and the Vrusk Terledrom Technocracy. 4. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome in the Frontier 5. Unification Federation side of core worlds from Firefly exerting their power. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
June 18, 2019 - 2:03pm | Perhaps if things have gone bad generally in 400 years, it's a bit like a 'dark age' and very little new technology is being developed. I don't see megacorps surviving into this period. In addition to my earlier note about spaceships, it may also be possible that former sathar ships are now being used by various groups or individuals across the Frontier. I don't mind dumping the "mega corporation" concept, though I think both the PGC and Streel, with corporate star systems, have a shot at surviving. Though, they could be far different than what they once were... even with different names. Joe Cabadas |
June 18, 2019 - 2:12pm | I like making more of the zuraquor. bug like enigmatic bad just because but not bad in the way of the borg and the sathar just that they have an agenda and pursue it and legacy of domination by sathar and will not be interested in anyone else becoming a dominant player that might challenge them. I think we need a space orc/ klingon species that are not yazirians. someone who is happy to kill you but can be reasoned with. what becomes of the sathar? They have to be the initial cause of things- SW3 if they are not reavers then what? gone? why? presant? why are they not the dominant power? does inter clan conflict explain their slippage? so clans are beat down but still military and political powers within their areas of control. Did a sathar overmind topple and thats why the clans no longer cooperate and actually war with each other. openning up possibilities for temporary alliances where assault scouts support sathar destroyers againt zuraquor or sathar heavy carriers? Zuraqqor... or however it's spelled... would be great in this scenario. What happens to the Sathar? Well, your idea of an overmind gone mad might work. As you pointed out, this computer could be a bunch of tubed brains -- representing the "best of the best" of the Sathar clans, but it's gone insane. This could be because of the Mechanons or something else. There could be Sathar clans still about, but they are fighting amongst themselves with fragmented control due to the disruption of their once great controling system. Reaver-like Sathar thrown in with some Rooksha... I would vote for the Rooksha being your orc-like race, simply because they've already been fleshed out. Maybe the return of the Clikk as a force too? They might find the Core Four as tasty food animals. There is also Laura Mumma's race, the Na’dezh’da (Psirens from Red Dwarfr) Many folklorists and sociologists believe reports of this insectoid race – called Psirens by Spacers – is a merelya modernization of the ancient Human myths, perhaps influenced by the Vrusk morality tales of a creature known to them as Na’dezh’da. A highly intelligent predator, it isbelieved that the Psirens can read the minds of their victims; they can project an illusion that lures the victim closer. Once within striking range, the creature grabs the victim, attaching a small trunk-like organ with a sucker end to the victim’shead. Victims appear to have their minds wiped, resulting in brain damage, coma, and – unless the Psiren is stopped – death. Once the victim is dead, the Na’dezh’da will start eating the body. Joe Cabadas |
June 18, 2019 - 2:14pm | Themes to explore: 1. Clarion monarchy: looking to reclaim clarion or establish a new colony 2. Rise of a new sathar overmind- perhaps clan ? has been evolving into the Dragon mag sessu and they realize that if a new overmind is fully brought on line it will represent a roll back of the freedoms they now enjoy (plus they fear the clan that is pushing the resurrection or rebirth of the overmind) so they enlist others to aid in toppling this. 3. Fromeltar Run- KHs adventure running the gauntlet to or from Fromeltar for the crucial McGuffins (medicines) Damanation Alley in space. Maybe Damnation Dramune? locate the secret Malthar facility oun Outer Reach looking for lost crucial medical McGuffins. Establishing trade routs from the New Fed to Fromeltar and the Vrusk Terledrom Technocracy. 4. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome in the Frontier 5. Unification Federation side of core worlds from Firefly exerting their power. Some good theme ideas. To me, the Clarion monarchy would seek to reclaim its world "by any means necessary." Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 18, 2019 - 4:02pm | Some good theme ideas. To me, the Clarion monarchy would seek to reclaim its world "by any means necessary." yeah I'm inclined to agree I also would like to hold out a possibility for a BSG style game rag tag fleet fleeing Mechanon tyrany yadda yadda. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |