February 16, 2019 - 4:56pm | Here's an idea I posted on the Star Frontiers Alive & Well FB page. I don't think I ever put it here. It might make a good magazine story with some fleshing out. It is a very, very big vehicle that is supposed to be on conceptvehicles.blogspot.com. I've dubbed it a "Mobile Planetary Survey Base" or MPSB. What could the purpose of a mobile planetary exploration base? I could see a group of three of these operating several kilometers apart onVolturnus... Rival groups from Streel, the PGC and Cassidine. Type: Mobile Planetary Survey Base Deck 0: Fly Bridge. At the very top of the Mobile Planetary Survey Base. This is typically an open-air level though models made for hostile environments will have this area enclosed. This is where the antennas and much of the sensing equipment is located. In the open-air configuration, there are four heavy weapon mounting points, two forward and one to either side. Accessed from stairs from Deck 1 A. Use: a MPSB is part exploration vessel, part home base/resupply and repair shop, part laboratory, and part light manufacturing facility. The megacorporations will deploy these mobile bases in groups of three that may be 1-2 days apart from each other via ground or jetcopter flight. In addition to its own crew, it may service 0-8 other exploration teams that may be equipped with Explorers, Heavy Explorers or ARCs (see Frontier Explorer magazine), that are conducting their own scouting missions. Joe Cabadas |
February 16, 2019 - 5:05pm | Or, I may have posted this information before, but I can't seem to find it when searching through my previous postings. Is it possible some information has been zapped off of this website when it's gone down? Joe Cabadas |
February 16, 2019 - 6:45pm | An idea for what one might look like: Joe Cabadas |
February 16, 2019 - 8:32pm | I went to the Knight Hawks rules to try to get a cost estimate for one of these things. Let's see, for size, it would fall around a HS 4.5 craft. I imagine these mobile bases would actually be transported in a compact shape and have fold-out sections once it is on a planet. So, the hull would be: 4.5 x 50,000 = 225,000 Credits One Size A Chem Drive: 50,000 Credits Fuel: 1,125 Credits (seems low) Life Support for 20 w/ computer program: 3,500 Credits Backup life support: 3,500 Credits Some equipment: Videocom Radio: 1,000 Credits at least 10 view stations: 10,000 Credits Subspace Radio: 20,000 Credits Intercom System: est. 2,000 Cr Portholes: est. 30 at 50 Cr. each = 150 Credits Cameras (6) and control panel: 25,000 Credits Skin sensors: 4,500 Credits Cargo Arm: 5,000 Credits First Class Cabins (2): 2,000 Credits Journey Class Cabins (10): 10,000 Credits (yes, there are some extra cabins) Laboratory: 100,000 Credits Mineral Refinery (since this unit wouldn't havea full-fledged mining operation): 100,000 Credits Solar Collectors: 18,000 Credits Some computer programs: Alarm 1 (1) 1,000 Cr Computer Lockout 3 (4) 4,000 Credits DCR 1 (1) 1,000 Credits Chem Drive Program 1 (3) 1,000 Credits Lab Program 3 (9) 4,000 Credits Refinery Program 4 (12) 12,000 Credits Excavation Program 2 (4) 4,000 Credits. Subtotal to date: approx. 610,000 credits Joe Cabadas |
February 16, 2019 - 9:59pm | Other considerations: Fully equipped vehicle/robotic repair facilities: 200,000 Credits Sick bay (1/2 benefit of a hospital): 100,000 Two Type 3 Power generators (1 is a backup): 40,000 Cr ea. = 80,000 Other computer programs: Analysis 4 (8) = 8,000 cr Bureaucracy 4 (8) = 8,000 Cr. Commerce 1 (3) = 3,000 Cr. Communications 1 (3) = 3,000 Cr Computer Security 3 (8) or 4 (16) = 8,000 or 16,000 Cr Industry 1 (3) = 3,000 Cr Information Storage 4 (16) = 16,000 Cr Installation Security 3 (12) = 12,000 Cr Language 3 (4) or 4 (8) = 4,000 or 8,000 Cr Maintenance 1 (2) = 2,000 Cr. Robot Management 5 (32) or 6 (64) = 32,000 or 64,000 Cr. Approx. Computer Size: 5 or 6 (AD cost 1,000 Cr. x FP) ... Zeb's Prices: 250,000 or 400,000 Cr 24 Type IV parabatteries: 108,000 Credits Subtotal this section: Max. cost approx. 1.05 million credits Joe Cabadas |
February 16, 2019 - 9:54pm | Sensor Costs Type G (15-50 km range): Radar 3,500 Credits Type F (1-5 km): Infrared 1,800 Credits Radioactivity 900 Credits Seismic 900 credits Sonar 1,500 Credits Ultraviolet 1,800 Credits Visual 1,650 Credits VS Zoom Lens 600 Credits Type D (151-400 meters): Beam 800 Credits Intense Light 800 Credits Parabolic 1,400 Credits Direct Micro 160 Credits Type B (10-50 meters): Shape 1,000 Credits Odor 400 Credits Sub-total Sensor Costs: 17,210 Credits Joe Cabadas |
February 16, 2019 - 10:08pm | The MPSB would probably have a number of floodlights... 250 Cr. each The spray armor runs 5% per vehicle cost per layer... with 4 layers that's 20%... I'll base the cost off of the Hull Size price which is 225,000 Credits... so spray armor would cost: 270,000 Credits Without any other gear, robots, support vehicles, the MPSB with the top of the line computers and programs would be approx.: 1.14 million Credits, so Big Credit Os at this point. Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 17, 2019 - 6:36am | Haven't read all of this yet but are you thinking something like this: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/8263 if so we're going to need to bring in cartographers and artist on this RE: multiple mega corps having this on Volturnus, the eorna retain some authority and the UPF appoints a governor and the 3 primitive races would be protected by both the eorna and the UPF such that I dont know if multiple megacorps would be allowed to do this on a planet like Volturnus. something like this would tear up the landscape. However, What if the machine in the elmore artwork was originally a the Von Nueman machine of the Polyhedron article? sort of a repurposed sathar mobile factory? Disney's the Black Hole meets Ravenloft meet Star Frontiers. use of the mobile factory is a violation of UPF law since its sathar in origin. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 17, 2019 - 7:10am | I'm going to say that this would have a nuclear reactor that uses the same fuel as a KHs Atomic drive. much more effecient and one pellet would power it for what? 1-5 years maybe. a KHs engineer could thus operate or do things with the reactor. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 17, 2019 - 7:52am | I'm going to say that this would have a nuclear reactor that uses the same fuel as a KHs Atomic drive. much more effecient and one pellet would power it for what? 1-5 years maybe. a KHs engineer could thus operate or do things with the reactor. That was another thought. It could be nuke powered. Joe Cabadas |
February 17, 2019 - 8:01am | RE: multiple mega corps having this on Volturnus, the eorna retain some authority and the UPF appoints a governor and the 3 primitive races would be protected by both the eorna and the UPF such that I dont know if multiple megacorps would be allowed to do this on a planet like Volturnus. something like this would tear up the landscape. However, What if the machine in the elmore artwork was originally a the Von Nueman machine of the Polyhedron article? sort of a repurposed sathar mobile factory? Disney's the Black Hole meets Ravenloft meet Star Frontiers. use of the mobile factory is a violation of UPF law since its sathar in origin. Yes, the MSPBs would tear up the landscape. But these aren't the Sathar mobile factories. Though I could see those being problematic. There's also this artwork I found online: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=0C85B6E9ADFA68117BEDA74BCB49C1851D2162AC&thid=OIP.hK9j1ALSGorOcq1DYi3-zgHaDt&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Forig00.deviantart.net%2Faf62%2Ff%2F2015%2F101%2Ff%2Fd%2Fd_s_i_heavy_harvester_platform_by_adamburn-d5zcg7l.jpg&exph=852&expw=1700&q=sci+fi+enormous+land+vehicle&selectedindex=179&cbir=sbi&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1 ![]() Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 17, 2019 - 10:25am | I'm going to say that this would have a nuclear reactor that uses the same fuel as a KHs Atomic drive. much more effecient and one pellet would power it for what? 1-5 years maybe. a KHs engineer could thus operate or do things with the reactor. That was another thought. It could be nuke powered. frankly a reactor makes a lot fo sense, bringing in fuel would become tedious. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
February 17, 2019 - 11:02am | Ah, keep in mind the chem drive is supposed to be a massive fuel cell powerplant. So, on a planet with water, the MSPB could make its own fuel. But, on an airless world/one without a lot of H2O, a nuke reactor would make sense. I come up with some stats for a nuke one. A few more ideas: A fully equipped armory with extra secure weapons lockers: 200,000 Credits. This would provide the mobile survey bases with various weapons, defensive suits, energy screens, and heavy weapons (but not vehicle weapons). Plus repair facilities, ammo, etc. Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 19, 2019 - 10:08am | Hey, thanks for the ARC appearance! :D As for appearance, how about? ![]() https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSC_utSxVj5ZJ8Xi7JWOB_P8OZ5f_7qawqMQ_0D2P6Ex-KDeOH9zw |
February 19, 2019 - 11:07am | Hi Chris, Yes, they could look like that too. So, my basic description would have to be fluid. But, I'll fall back on the Knight Hawk rules that say something like "there is no typical starship design..." except when there are typical starship designs... Joe Cabadas |
![]() February 19, 2019 - 9:20pm | As for appearance, how about? ![]() https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSC_utSxVj5ZJ8Xi7JWOB_P8OZ5f_7qawqMQ_0D2P6Ex-KDeOH9zw Now this strikes me as something a mega corp would put down on a planet or build on a planet to run around and set up infrastructure- cargo modules dropped from orbit in locations and this shows up to set up domes, habitats, and etc. ahead of personnel arriving then it moves on. Latter it gets repurposed as a heavy hauler for mining or what have you. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |