![]() December 22, 2018 - 9:29am | There are several ways Ability scores impact the game 1. First is they are used for ability score checks which are basically a saving throw when you think about. So as a saving throw when conditions require it. 2. Secondly they are used to modify skill checks. 3. Thirdly some ability scores have individual impacts STR generates the punch score RS generates the initiative modifier IM. My thought is to expand on this so that at least 1 ability score in each pair generates some extra impact for the game. LOG could be used to generate Knowledge points same as IM is generated: divide the ability score by 10 and round up. Knowledge points are basically EXp used at character creation to either buy general skills or regular skills. (when i say general skills i was sort of envisioning language skill, culture skill like: Culture (pirate) or Culture (Terledrom) etc. Computers (Basic) which would just allow the subskill display information, First Aid Skill allows for frist aid and inject medicin subskills. A character that has first learned a general skill that has a more advanced form like Basic computer skill and wants to learn the more advanced form of the skill like regular computer skills later on can deduct all the exp he expended to learn the general skill from learning the regular skill. At any rate I'm just spit balling here. Adding a language skill is a significant change as you will have to detail that characters from planet x start with Gan Gal level 5 and Comman Yazirian level 4 and etc. Levels 1 is simple words and concepts Level 2 is broken communication with phrases and words 3 is halting communication where its obvious you are still learning but you can talk well enough level 4 roughly fluent but with accent level 5 is fluent and level 6 is fluent plus meaningful knowledge of origins of words and history and etc. level of language "skill" isn't about rolling for a skill check but simply details the level of communication ability although in the right circumstances a referee could require a skill check. On LDR and PER pair i was thinking Interaction Points (IP) for use with NPCs. something along the lines of points to spend for a modification to a PER or LDR roll. They get spent and regenerate after an adventure or module or when the referee determines its appropriate to let them regenerate. Again spit balling here but maybe average LDR and PER and divide by 10 rounding up to generate something similar to IM. Thus we are talking 3-5 IP on average which could be used for a 5% bonus per point spent on a LDR or PER check thus a PC trying to rally NPC troops to charge the enemy might make a LDR roll and blow all his IP to ensure he's not the only one charging the enemy. or a PC is trying to charm an bartender so he blows a point on a PER roll to see if he can get the info his team desires. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 22, 2018 - 11:46am | What if Intuition had a facts point value related to it that was details that the character picks up in passing as he goes about everyday life. Do something like INT div 10 rounded up and a 45 INT gives him 5 fact points that he can play during an adventure. Then the player can spend points to ask questions like does my character know anything about the local current events that he picked up over the past few days subconsciously from this and that heard and seen. Sort of like an Intuition check but the character buys a successful roll by spending the points and then they regenerate at some rate. Maybe they even build at some rate and at some level, say equal to his INT score then the player character has an epiphany. Again more spaghetti against the wall. -iggy |
![]() December 22, 2018 - 10:42pm | For PER/LDR maybe we could source B/X or BECMI D&D's Charisma score for bonuses/penalties with NPCs and hired help. |
![]() December 23, 2018 - 6:16am | For PER/LDR maybe we could source B/X or BECMI D&D's Charisma score for bonuses/penalties with NPCs and hired help. Like an interaction iniative ? or henchmen limit? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 23, 2018 - 7:25am | More specifically...reaction adjustments and loyalty of hired help. |
![]() December 23, 2018 - 3:49pm | More specifically...reaction adjustments and loyalty of hired help. ah Loyalty Bonus, how about (LDR/10 round up)+(PER/10 round up)= LB LB is expressed as a % I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 23, 2018 - 4:57pm | I was thinking PER would be a reaction determination while LDR was the loyalty determination, scaling up for above average scores and down from below average scores (with 45 being the canon average). Maybe something to the tune of
with a cumulative 5% modifier for every 10 point block above or below that scale. |