How to use this site

Anonymous's picture
September 18, 2007 - 9:42am

I'm just starting a thread/document that can be copied into the offical document.

  1. Adding borders around text
    This code in the RTF editor allows you to put blue, white, lightgray or darkgray rounded boxes around text.
    • Usage
    • < <bluebox> > *remove the spaces
    • < </ bluebox > > *remove the spaces
    • Options
    • bluebox
    • whitebox
    • lightgraybox
    • darkgreybox

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 18, 2007 - 9:45am

this is a box

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 20, 2007 - 3:36pm
Ctrl+z = undo
Ctrl+y = redo
Ctrl+b = bold
Ctrl+i = italics
Ctrl+u = underline
Ctrl+x = cut
Ctrl+c = copy
Ctrl+v = paste
Ctrl+k = link
Ctrl+a = select all
Ctrl+f = find
Ctrl+n = new window
Ctrl+t = new tab
Ctrl+w = close tab
Ctrl+r = refresh

CleanCutRogue's picture
September 20, 2007 - 6:24pm
There are some special tags you can put in your user profile. They only work in your user profile. Using these tags in conjunction with the box format tags, you can make some really neat user profile pages. These are all the tags currently available for use in your profile. Of course, all general tags work there too.

User Profile Tags

Inserts the user's guestbook entries (most recent first) in the normal format.
<<userpicture>>Inserts the picture of the user.
Inserts the complete buddylist of the user, in a simple text list of links to their profiles.
Inserts the first eight buddies in a picture/name link (like the way new members are shown on the front page of the site).
Inserts a list of projects to which the user is subscribed (either as a manager or member) in a text list of links.
Same as <<userlistprojects>> but with the project's logo/image in the same format as the five newest projects shown on the site's front page.
Inserts a text list of links of all projects the user is a manager of.
Same as <<usermanagedprojectslist>> but with project logos/names.
Inserts a text list of all projects the user is a member (but not manager) of.
Same as <<usermemberprojectslist>> except the list will be in a logo/name format.
Inserts the user's comment signature.
Inserts the user's name.
Inserts a button (in the standard blue box/white text site format of a button) - Clicking it will add the user to the buddylist of whoever is viewing the profile.
Inserts a button that will take the user who clicks it to a Compose Message screen automatically addressed to the person on whose profile it was clicked.
Inserts a button that will take the user who clicks it to the User Contact / email screen automatically addressed to the person on whose profile it was clicked.
Inserts a button that will allow a user to add an entry to the guestbook on whose profile it was clicked.
<<whatsnew,0>>Inserts "what's new" details in your profile - but is only visible to you. You can replace the '0' with a project number (a project number is the node number of that project's front page). For example, if you just want to see what's new in the Starfrontiersman and Digitally Remastered projects, you could put <<whatsnew,130>> and <<whatsnew,161>>.
Inserts a button that allows other users to copy your profile layout (including any/all personal text entered there). Then they are taken to their own profile edit page so they can personalize it as desired. Because they are overwriting personal content, a confirmation dialog box is displayed.  Promotes sharing of creativity :-)
3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

-top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 20, 2007 - 6:35pm

I made this thread to start documenting how to use the site, but I think it's needs to be in BOOK form and somewhere for everyone to get to. understand?

I was gonna create a project but didn't want it to interfear with
real SF projects.

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 20, 2007 - 6:41pm
none of the tags are working for me.

CleanCutRogue's picture
September 20, 2007 - 6:47pm
w00t wrote:
none of the tags are working for me.
That's cuz you're entering them yourself as divs.  Not all of the tags use divs.  Just enter the tag in your rtf editor.
3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

-top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

simple's picture
November 29, 2007 - 8:04am
Tags used to create Documents

Buttons and Boxes. Most of the time you will be useing boxes to outline or bring attention to a certain portion of your document. Following this table is an example.

<<button_custom,parameter1,parameter2>> Creates a custom button that can link anywhere. where: parameter1 is the text to be displayed on the button; parameter2 is a valid url.
<<br>> Clears any existing floats (helps keep text from running together when floating Block Tags or Styles are used)
<<style,parameter1,parameter2>> Defines a class style where: parameter1 is the class name; parameter2 is a string of style commands.
These Block Tags are valid anywhere.
These cause a box to appar around content.
** Parameter1 and Parameter2 are optional.
Parameter1 is optional and is for a specified width (in pixels or percent, such as 300px or 45%);
Parameter2 is any optional style effects to apply to the contents (using normal css/styling commands such as font-weight:bold;color:#CDCDCD;).
If you want to specify styling but not a width, supply the word 'auto' as parameter1.
<<bluebox,parameter1,parameter2>>...<</>> Creates a rounded-cornered blue box around content enclosed within the tags.
<<blackbox>> example <</>>Black
<<whitebox>> example <</>>White
<<redbox>> example <</>>Red
<<lightgraybox>> ... <</>>Light Gray
<<darkgraybox>> ... <</>>Dark Gray
<<mediumgraybox>> ... <</>>Medium Gray
<<custombox,parameter1,parameter2>> ... <</custombox>>Creates a rounded-cornered box around content enclosed within the tags.
You must define the background information through css/style attributes as parameter2.
<<squarebox,parameter1,parameter2>> ... <</squarebox>>Creates an simple box around the content, with no color background.
You must define custom attributes using Parameter2.
You can also define custom css/style classes by supplying your own name.
It is suggested you begin all custom-made class names with the prefix 'sf-' in order to prevent clashing with css classes in use on the site. For example:
<<sf-mylinks,350px,border 1px solid black; background:#808080;color:white;>> ... <</sf-mylinks>><<sf-whitetitles,auto,font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;>> ... <</sf-whitetitles>>

Whitebox example
Bluebox example
Bluebox example with white text
<<bluebox,*,color:white>> example <</>>

Creates a text image using the site's title font. where: parameter1 is the text you wish to turn into a graphic image.
<<textimagesmall,parameter1>>Creates a slightly smaller text image using the site's title font. where: parameter1 is the text you wish to turn into a graphic image.

Shortcut keys
Ctrl+z = undo
Ctrl+y = redo
Ctrl+b = bold
Ctrl+i = italics
Ctrl+u = underline
Ctrl+x = cut
Ctrl+c = copy
Ctrl+v = paste
Ctrl+k = link
Ctrl+a = select all
Ctrl+f = find
Ctrl+n = new window
Ctrl+t = new tab
Ctrl+w = close tab
Ctrl+r = refresh
