![]() May 30, 2018 - 6:18am | I had to call an audible and cancel one set of plans with my kids and we went yo see this last Saturday. I liked it. Let me say that my opinion is that Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie since episode 4 or A New Hope or whatever its called now. The prequel trillogy and this latest one kind of suck. But the one shot movies they are making are spot on. I'd rate Solo as 3rd best Star Wars movie but would not argue with anyone insisting Empire Strikes Back is. They hit all the canon points they needed to including a nod to Han shooting first with Greedo but it wasnt obvious and just a nod so it was cool. They also had a surprise at the end that i didnt get because i lost interest in Star Wars between the 2 & 3 prequell and had not kept up with all the comics and animated aeries but apparently Disney just endorsed all that with a 2 minute screen time conversation at the end. (I had to read a blog post explaining it to me). I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 30, 2018 - 6:25am | Oh yeah and that whole parsec controvery? About doing a unit of measurement as if its a unit of time? Good news: they didnt to explain it with some stupid metaclorrian kind of dumb butt explanation. They portrayed Han doing the Kestel Run in 12 parsecs and had him brag about it, "I just did the Kestel Run in 12 Parsecs!" And owned it. No explanation they just owned it. "Thats right 12 parsecs, man." To me that was the best way to handle it: dont acknowledge the discrepency just own it. We can assume that no one else will ever duplicate the feat based off of circumstances in the movie. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 30, 2018 - 12:45pm | Sadly this is the first SW flick I missed on opening night so I will attempt a viewing this upcoming weekend. I've heard mixed reviews about the cameo at the end, from what I've read it's an obscure reference to one of the animated TV series or books that Disney has put out in the past so don't feel bad if you didn't get the gist. The other thing I've read about it is ire toward the subject...meaning if a promonent plot point is going to be made by such a cameo then it should refer to other movies instead of something movie goers probably never saw. Easter egg, okay...major plot point, no. |
May 30, 2018 - 5:55pm | Thanks for posting something. I was giving up hope that anyone cared about this site. Joe Cabadas |
![]() May 31, 2018 - 5:39am | Thanks for posting something. I was giving up hope that anyone cared about this site. Summer time things slow down, and the cancellation of the magazines has taken the wind out of my sails for now. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 1, 2018 - 12:12pm | My laptop was in the shop for the past two weeks so I was cut off from the net. I was able to log in on another computer on occassion but it had troubles with this site. Back to the cameo, having read a spoiler elsewhere I'm guessing this had to do with a certain horny guy from the prequels? |
![]() June 3, 2018 - 1:58pm | I liked Solo and agree it is the top three or four of all of them. I don't get why people are dissing this movie and not seeing it. Maybe they are sheep and just listening to the dumb critics. I've seen it twice, once with my co-workers as a company treat and again last Friday with all my family. I won't talk more yet until Shadow Shack sees it. As for the site being dead, yes that is summer and a bit of the effect of the magazines. RL has been very busy for me. -iggy |
![]() June 3, 2018 - 6:16pm | I just got back from Solo and thought it was a nicely paced action flick. Woody Harrelson & Paul Bettany delivered, Glover had the Billy Dee voice down, and the story moved along at a good pace. While Ford was a tough act to follow I thought Alden handled it well enough. After Young Indiana Jones flopped due to the Ford factor I can understand why folks might believe history can repeat itself...I was rather leary about the Mad Max reboot for similar reasons (that and the complete asininity of the vehicles, both of which provided the expected blands result when I finally saw it on the small screen). As far as poor ticket sales go, let's face it...TLJ was a bit of a let-down to some (while I enjoyed it I thought it left room for improvement) and then there's the fatigue-factor: Disney released Infinity War last month and Solo this month (six months after TLJ no less), and while Deadpool isn't a Disney property yet (it will be soon) and upcoming early July's Ant-Man release (let's not forget June's Incredibles 2 which is sort of superhero-ish), I can see why folks are avoiding the empty wallet syndrome that Disney has forced upon the market. That, and it's easy for many to jump on an internet bandwagon, modern media agendas have proven that time and again. I thought it was definitely worth the price of a movie ticket, and rate it as follows: #1> Tie between New Hope & Empire #3> Rogue One #4> Solo #5 > Force Awakens #6> Return of the Jedi #7> The Last Jedi #8> Revenge of the Sith #9> Clones #10> Phantom Menace |
![]() June 4, 2018 - 2:51am | I did like the visual of the "imperial blockade" of Kestel have to say though that the Imperial Navy has faster response time than the police of a certain major city I've lived in. Damn, word got out of something happening on Kestel, authorities dispatched a Star Destroyer and it transversed galactic distances to by Johny on the Spot to Blockade the route to Kestel? Damn that was fast. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 15, 2018 - 5:54pm | I liked Solo and agree it is the top three or four of all of them. I don't get why people are dissing this movie and not seeing it. Maybe they are sheep and just listening to the dumb critics. I've seen it twice, once with my co-workers as a company treat and again last Friday with all my family. I won't talk more yet until Shadow Shack sees it. As for the site being dead, yes that is summer and a bit of the effect of the magazines. RL has been very busy for me. They're not seeing it because of the boycott. After TLJ there were a large number of fans very upset with it, and they showed this on Rotten Tomatoes and youtube video reviews. And they had legitimate points, Rey being a Mary Sue, Rose's insane comment and behavoir among other things. Disney's response instead of addressing the complaints began by name calling and insulting those critical of the movie, calling them racist, sexist, mysognistic and other things. Never mind that none of their criticism had anything to do with that. So they declared a message needed to be sent and Solo must be boycotted. And so here we are, Solo flopped the fans got their way. And now what does Disney do? They're doubling down on the Fandom Menace, sticking with the name calling and not even listening to them. So many now see star wars as a dead franchise, and Disney killed it. No one is buying the merchandice, at least not enough to make it profitable. The Fandom Menace is calling for a boycott of the next one as well. Until either the franchise dies or Disney starts to listen to the fans. When what's her name was driven off social media the fans were blamed for it and called racist. There are no critics of TLJ that supported the attack on the actress and it's growing the conspiracy that Disney had insiders make a false flag attack on her to make her a victim to get the public against the fans. It's Gamergate all over again only with star wars. That is what is currently going on here. No one is listening to the critics, because if they were TLJ would have done so much better on Rotten Tomatoes. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() June 16, 2018 - 9:03pm |
And they had legitimate points... Legitimate? Rey was a Mary Sue but 70's & 80's Leia who had that same character of independence and ability wasn't? I'm not buying the Mary Sue angle on one while ignoring the other. Either they both were Mary Sues or neither of them were Mary Sues...anything else is fence straddling. I'm not sure what Rose's insane comment was, unless that had something to do with the actress's social media boycott which I'm also not familiar with. Either way I can't comment on that angle. I did hear about Disney's critiques of the fans in general based on reflections of a minority group but was instead painted with a broad brush against the whole, and for that they certainly earned some angst. For that I didn't see it on opening weekend, but saw it in the theater nonetheless. ;) While the sequel castings were considerably culutrally minded, and while Disney certainly promotes feminism and LGBT-whatever-the-initials-are-these-days-for-that-group, I really didn't see the characters presented as such. Yeah, the universe was a little "less white" than the original films. But too many people got on their soapboxes and called Finn the "token black guy" and Rey "Mary Sue" yadda yadda yadda when the simple fact is a white guy could have portrayed Finn and yielded the exact same results on film and as I said, Rey = 70's & 80's Leia. Bigotry at its finest, and as I said sadly that brush was cast on the whole instead of the few. One thing is certain, Iger had better take care of the property he spent so much to acquire. If there should be any legitimate gripes, it's the way the core episodes are not reflecting off each other or the original films and going their own way with each installment (hopefully we'll see some damage control in that regard with IX). Luke asked Rey "How did you find me" when the prior movie was all about piecing together the map to Luke Skywalker that Luke left behind...stuff like that. Annoyances indeed, but otherwise still better acting vs stories and at the same time less "Look at me, CGI effects for the sheer sake of CGI effects" than the prequels. That said, I still rank the stand alone films above the new sequels, and the new sequels above the prequels. My guess is when the dust settles all the nay-sayers will eventually watch Solo on Hulu or Amazon or whatever cheap internet format is available and (silently) regret not seeing it sooner. They also had a surprise at the end that i didnt get because i lost interest in Star Wars between the 2 & 3 prequell and had not kept up with all the comics and animated aeries Yep, it was from the last two seasons of Clone Wars and first season of Rebels. Which, by the way, both series offer some great tales from Season:1/Episode:1 to the end. It's a pity that ATOC & ROTS couldn't live up to the filler (Clone Wars) that was set between them. |
June 17, 2018 - 9:30pm | Well, this discussion is certainly tamer than what was on the FB site! Joe Cabadas |
![]() June 18, 2018 - 3:21pm | Well, this discussion is certainly tamer than what was on the FB site! LOL We are more civilized here. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 19, 2018 - 7:44pm | Leia a Mary Sue.... except she may be force sensative but can't use it like Rey can, and neither does she seem to know the Millenium Falcon better than Han. About Rose's line, all I've heard is people quoting something like "We don't win by fighting what we hate, but by protecting what we love." People seem to say they'd like Finn more, if he wasn't there for just comedy relief. I just know what I'm reading online, haven't seen any of the last few movies. Just not a star wars fan. While every one was going crazy for star wars I got hooked on anime once Starblazers came to American TV. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() June 20, 2018 - 1:08pm | <snip> I just know what I'm reading online, haven't seen any of the last few movies. Just not a star wars fan. </snip> Leia a Mary Sue.... except she may be force sensative but can't use it like Rey can, and neither does she seem to know the Millenium Falcon better than Han. Then in their eyes Anakin should be a Mary Sue (or whatever the male version of that is), he was good at using the force, fixing stuff, and piloting at the age of ten. If anything a person who spent their entire life salvaging downed spaceships (Rey) makes a far better candidate at knowing how things work than a ten year old slave boy...as for the Force we see something new on that angle with each and every film so I say her attunement is quite valid in light of Luke & Anakin displaying more of the same in their youth. About Rose's line, all I've heard is people quoting something like "We don't win by fighting what we hate, but by protecting what we love." People seem to say they'd like Finn more, if he wasn't there for just comedy relief. Again, as I said a white guy could have delivered the same performance and it changes nothing. Yeah, I can see where it might be interpreted as comedy relief but what I keep seeing repeated is "token black guy" instead...which draws the broad brush of bigotry that got painted on the whole. While "token black guy" should draw the brush of bigotry, shame on Disney for casting it on the whole. |
![]() July 1, 2018 - 5:50am | I enjoyed Solo. It was fun to see a SW story that didn't involve the Skywalkers. It felt gritty and raw. I still think the original 70s-80s movies are the best, followed by a solid Rogue One and a more than acceptable Solo. I didn't have any problems with the lead actor. He own it by the end of the movie. The recent saga is strange. Its fun to watch but to many things are repetituous or left unexplained. Who is Snoke? Were does he come from? He looks gigantic. Other things are weird like bombers in space were there is no gravity. I suppose the bombs are self-propelled and follow a pre-determined path to the target. The return to live sets is a major improvement over the CGI madness of the prequels. The only thing I enjoyed about the prequels was how Palpatine rose to power, the inner workings of the Republic... and Nathalie Portman. ;-) Empire Strike Back is the best SW movie in my book. Its when SW become more than a well done «space-western-WWII-fantasy» mix of influences. «Language is a virus from outer space» William S. Burroughs |
![]() July 1, 2018 - 10:03am | The most overlooked part of Star Wars: several hours after stepping barefoot in poop, Jar Jar is sitting at the Skywalker dinner table and nobody notices the peculiar smell... |
![]() July 2, 2018 - 7:25am | The most overlooked part of Star Wars: several hours after stepping barefoot in poop, Jar Jar is sitting at the Skywalker dinner table and nobody notices the peculiar smell... ROTFL!!!!!!!! I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |