![]() March 10, 2018 - 1:46pm | Okay I changed the Bladder Rat to something I think is better and more like what I envissioned and updated for FS as my first stab at creature making in that system... no art for it yet. I like the section on critter making in the RH. So here is the redone version... what do you guys think and would you like an updated SF stat version, pulled the original Document as I decided I did not like it and liked this better... speeds more realistic sort of thing, size more correct, description a bit better... and I felt Squirrel summed it up better than Rat. The Bladder Squirrel a new creature for FrontierSpace.
The Bladder Squirrel
STR 1 AGL 40 PER 60 INIT 1 MOV Floating 4, Jetting 10 Behavior Basic Herbivore
Puff Spines 75% 1D Ballast Drop 20% 1/2D per rock or branch see below Death Splatter 2D, 5 meter radius (AGL check for 1/2 damage)
This fascinating 15 centimeters long creature has a squirrel like face but with a prominent sagittal crest. It has a mouth of strong teeth designed for consuming vegetation. It has beady round glassy black eyes. These creatures have what appears to be a stiff upright mane which is made up of many actually very thin fine spines. Females have large such crests while males have short crests. The rest of its fat body is covered in fine almost fish like scales making it look deceptively unarmed. The Bladder Squirrel however can puff its self up causing spines to expand all over its body that normally appear as dots on their bodies this makes for a formable defensive weapon if captured in the mouth or paws of a predator this does 1D damage, while the body becomes very round making it hard for predators to put their mouths around. The tail of the Bladder Squirrel is covered in many fine spines similar to the ones on the head giving it a bushy hair look. The tail is also prehensile and they can hang from it if they choose or use it to carry items or latch around things. The Bladder Squirrel has an unique metabolism that produces hydrogen that it stores in a bladder allowing it to float or fly without wings. The back of the creature has three natural vents from which excess hydrogen can be vented. The creature has six grasping legs that it uses, often using two pairs to grip rocks or branches as ballast. Each limb ends in a three clawed foot. Specimens have been observed to use the excess gas vented for limited jet propulsion. They will drop ballast to rise or vent gas to drop or jet between tree. They often appear to be slow moving herbivores amongst the forest or jungle canopies they inhabit, however once threatened they will suddenly propel themselves at surprising speeds (when floating or climbing about in the trees this creature only moves 4 meters per turn but when emergency jetting it can move up to 10 meters per turn). Bladder Squirrel infested forests can pose a safety risk if the Bladder Squirrel drops ballast from above (1/2D damage per rock that hits a target). Some xenozoologists claim Bladder Squirrel colonies have been observed to bomb threats in what appears to be cooperative efforts to protect their nests. A nest usually contains 1D young animals, a small colony will have 2D adult animals, a medium sized colony 4D adult animals and a large colony 6D adult animals. If the Bladder Squirrel is threatened they will drop 1 to 4 ballast rocks at the threat and rise higher to put distance between themselves and beings below them. (To determine how many ballast rocks are being dropped multiply colony size by 1 to 4 determined by rolling 1D, 1-3=1, 3-6=2, 7-9=3, 10=4, example 12 animals x 3 = 36 rocks and branches.) The females give live birth to 1D pups. Shooting Bladder Squirrels causes them to explode like a grenade sending flaming Bladder Squirrel spine shrapnel in all directions doing 2D damage in the blast radius of 5 meters. Shooting a single Bladder Squirrel floating amongst a group of Bladder Squirrels can set off a very deadly chain reaction of exploding Bladder Squirrels.
Special Note:
Spines can be nothing but spines or poisonous, radioactive, acidic, infectious bacteria, viruses or fungus, or posses other effects depending on the species of Bladder Squirrel. In addition depending on the species parts of it or all of it may be toxic to PC races. They may also be edible when properly prepared or not toxic at all depending on the species. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |