Basic Information
1.4Ability Scores
40/40Initiative Modifier:
+7Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
33%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Racial Abilities
Primary Skill Area:
"My name? Slade, but you can call me Mr. Lockjaw. My speciality is boarding ships and kick'in your John Brown's all over the space."
Slade is tough. Able to hurtle news papers and pencils with incredible speed and accuracy he was once was know on a Dral home-world as "The Pin Cushion".
Don't mess with Slade or he'll mess you up.
That's why Slade was hired. Big Bad and Get the Job Done Type.
Slade is tough. Able to hurtle news papers and pencils with incredible speed and accuracy he was once was know on a Dral home-world as "The Pin Cushion".
Don't mess with Slade or he'll mess you up.
That's why Slade was hired. Big Bad and Get the Job Done Type.
Part One: Inspection Duty
Mission 1: Kidnappers! - 1283
Mission 2: S.O.S. - 3000
Mission 3: The Sting - 0
TOTAL : 2958
- Stunstick: 3d10 or stun
48 to hit - Auto Pistol: 6d10, 1 shot per turn or burst
65 to hit
5/15/30/60/150 - Laser Rifle: 6d10, 1 shot per turn
65 to hit
10/40/100/200/400 - Doze Grenade x3
65 to hit - Tangler Gernade x3
65 to hit
- Three powerpacks (each holds 20SEU)
- Four bulletclips
- Skeinsuit, Military: absorbs 1/2 damage from ballistic/inertia attacks.
- Anti-shock Implant (defense against electrical stun/shock effects)
- Albedo Screen w/ power beltpack
- Gas Mask
- 2 Solvaway (for tangler threads)
- Standard Equipment Pack:
- Chronocom
- Coveralls or uniform with many pouches/pockets
- First Aid Pack with bandages, antiseptic, etc.
- ID Card
- Pocket Flashlight
- Pocket Tool
- Staydose
- Stimdose
- Sungoggles
- Survival Rations (5 days)
- Water Pack (5 days)
Part One: Inspection Duty
Mission 1: Kidnappers!CREDS:
Mission 2: S.O.S.
- Slade received 3XP for his services on which he spent on STR/STA and was promoted to Corporal
Mission 3: The Sting
- Waiting for XP from SS, 1000Cr
Mission 1: Kidnappers! - 1283
Mission 2: S.O.S. - 3000
Mission 3: The Sting - 0
TOTAL : 2958
Refer to: Mission 1: Kidnappers! Game Summary 11/15 (a document page from the Online Star Frontiers Games project).
Refer to: Mission 2: S.O.S. (game summary 11/29) (a document page from the Online Star Frontiers Games project).
Refer to: Mission Three: the Sting (a document page from the Online Star Frontiers Games project).