Welcome interns, to Bestway Recovery - a Brixton Corporation subsidiary.( As you look at the signage on the building you see Bestway Recovery & other services - apparenty the '& other services' was scrawled in there by someone. ) Bestway Recovery's mission is to collect assets that are missing or overdue. As the corporate recovery agents of the city of New BrixtonTM, owned and operated by the Brixton Corporation, your duty is to retrieve these assets in a timely manner. We will supply you with the job brief and tools that you need to be succesful. |
Chronical 1 Overview
Adventure starts on the planet Pale in the year 116 F.Y.
The story begins with the players being hired on as interns for a recovery and repossession service called Bestway Recovery which is a subsidiary of the Brixton Corporation.
Starting on the icy planet Pale, in the roving mining juggernaut city of New Brixton, the characters will encounter layers upon layers of intertwining adventures. What was once thought a long gone threat, now has been resurfaced through a secretive shadow group that manipulates the world around them.
Nemesis Boss Hierarchy
Graylo Demorgal
Cygnus Borman “Smiles” (independent business man)
Cryzak Ch’tock (Drop point Warehouse Mgr)
Krrk (link)
Low Fi Spinner Gang
Hurfl Grulog
Thrax Plastar
Hamish Blastworthy
Brook Oberhausen
Target Boss for Chronical 1:
Graylo Demergol
Official: Bestway Recovery Jobs
Unofficial: & Other Services
Mission 01 (Official): recovery from warehouse (Combat mechanics)
Mission 02 (Official): recovery from Low Fi gang (Vehicle mechanics)
Mission 03 (Unofficial): investigation of lost explorers (site of stolen artifact) (Planet exploration mechanics)
Mission 04 (Official): Delinquency (Robot mechanics)
Mission 05 (Official): Track Bait Car (introductory to plot characters) (Grenade/explosive mechanics)
Side Job (Designer): The Designer asked them to find ProtoZortium - (Jetcopter / Cave mechanics)
Mission 06 (Official): Kidnap and Start of Sathar War (Spaceship combat mechanics)
Mission 10.1 (Mechanic-Conditional): Mechanic Missing Bots
Mission 07 (Official): Missing Jet Copter. Introduction to a crashed spacecraft the players can try to rebuild.
Mission 08 (Official): Recover bots. Another Hook for the Nora Blue (downed spacecraft the players can rebuild)
Mission 10.2 (Official): Tornadium Run (Zero gravity combat mechanics)
Mission 10.3 (Official): Stolen Trucks, Operation Bit Delete Phase 3
Jail Time
The party gets framed for 3 or 4 things by ????? [Lackey: Detective Cryohal]
Destruction / Murder of an Exploration Team (mission 3)
Theft of an artifact (mission 3) labeled as pirates
Operation Bit Delete: Sabotage of the Drill foundation
4 cars stolen, all having tracking devices, we have a computer to track
On the way to the first car, have another car blow up a drill - and have dispatch announce there are bombs on board, and to stop the cars at all costs.
Robot Suicide Drivers
No time for police, we will notify them, but right now it's up to you!
Det. Cryohal - “perfect crime, using the cover of being repo-men to do crimes in already marked stolen vehicles.”
NFF will deny this.
Ray Campos breaks them out of jail and put them up in a Safe House
But the party has to lay low for a bit and be criminals in the underworld.
Remove Graylo Demorgal from office and out of the picture
Removal of other Chop shops and tying Graylo to the underdealings
Sabotaging his emissary work with nefarious players
Disrupting the flow of assets he acquires for Zerom
Ray Campos Helps Party Escape New Brixton
Has connections with N.F.F.
Need to Transport some goods (Smuggling)
Message Delivery - customer gets angry targets 1 of player characters to send message home
Bounty Hunter Missions
A Package was lost outside of the City, and they must survive the Frozen Lands
Help from the nomads
Explorer goes missing
In a cave
Journey through underground tunnel
Beasties attack
Abandoned town with infected
Tunnel Boring Machine (Tech L1 can operate) drill into caverns with underground monsters - goal is to search for potential veins of ore or to reach some stranded assets
Rich Elitist has heard of the party's reputation, and want to hire the party to do things
Recover an artifact from someone or something
Seeks a skillset from one of the party members, but has nefarious ideas
Possible Boons: New hardware, Information and Data, a vehicle, a new set of jet gliders
A chance to go back into history and create one off characters.
Knight Hawks 2nd Sathar War board game
Ray Campos storyline
Job Brief
Map(s): Small Wharehouse Map
The doors have interfaces on them to plug in
There is a front door here with Level 1 Locks on them and L1 Security
There are 2 garage doors which are locked, and can only be opened from the inside..
A Security Guard Patrols the front walking back and forth
Door has Level 1 Locks on them and L1 Security
At back door / alley, roll for a random encounter
There are 3 Lockers here
The Crates contain large machinery, nuts, bolts, Cogs, etc
There is a Computer in here that Controls all the garage doors L1 Security (Password)
Stairway going up.
If they saw the front garage doors, they noticed that these garage doors look different.
2 Bikes are located here covered in tarps
L1 Computer Terminal L1 Security controls doors and building security
Computer 1:
Level 1
Security Level 1
[BONUS PROOF] In the Computer: there will be a list of vehicles with original serial numbers mapped to fake ones. The 2 bikes are on there and yet to be processed. The names Jerry and Mathias are on the documents.
There are 3 searchable Lockers
1 - 3XP for 2 bikes
1 - 3XP for bonus
Job Brief
XP: 1
Parking lot with a mix of vehicles in there. You can hear the slow low thump of the bass from the club. Neon signs in the window emit light in the shape of musical noise. No one is in the parking lot.
The Skimmer with the ID BRX:SA:763 is located there.
Supplied Administrative Key should bypass the door locks and ignition
During time of entering skimmer:
Dralasites come out of the bar and hop on hover bikes to chase.
Stolen Skimmer Driver (Will Jump On Hover Bike B)
XP: 1-2
There is a car blocking the Up entrance to the upper levels.
They will give chase.
Vehicle Retrieval: 3
Searching Fromeltar: 1
(random) Ambush: 1
Chase: 1-2
Roadblock: 1-2
An Under the Table Job
Ray wants to see you in his office. Follow me…
[Trudy leads the way and opens the back office door. She walks in and says: ]
“Here ya go boss”
[ She waits till everyone is in, leaves and closes the door.]
“I gotta job for you Reco’s . And since you've been doing so well so far, I figured you might be up to the task. We need to find a missing Explorer.”
Explorers were sent to an area [Brixton Sector Mu-8] to test the ores mineral content of the planet - but they never came back
But here's the catch…
Request comes from the Science Division. A friend of a friend asked Ray Campos for this favor
Because Brixton B.O.D. did not want to spend money on it. This is funded through “creative means” by the science friend. So this is strictly under the table.
Find out what happened to Unit EMA-340, and retrieve any data if possible.
Will be undercover as a Support Unit S-340 to back up the EMA-340 team.
Estimated 3-5 days
Find out what happened: 300CR
If any Data: 300CR (not to be disclosed)
Ray will then show them to the back garage. Where an Explorer will be parked.
Explorer vehicle 50km/hour 400km a day = 8 hours of travel (4 hexes)
1 Sonic Disruptor w/ Pack
2 Laser Rifles w/ Clip & Scope
3 Laser Pistols w/ Belt
3 Electrostunners w/ Clip
Med Kit
10 Days Emergency Rations
3 Civilian Skein Suits with the Science Decals
5 Extra Clips
5 Doze Grenades
Built-in RadioPhone (1000km range)
2 - Type 3 para batteries 2000km range
Required paperwork [ Falsified ] - Routine Maintenance
Random Event (Roll for 35% chance per 100km, only one event per day)
Another wreck + creature ambush (1-3XP) 2 packs of 15 army rats. E.E. Explorer wrecked ( 1 loot table Item)
Find a stash, abandoned camp / Cave (3 crates - loot table) (1XP)
Nothing Happens
Cry for help from another Unit + Defend (1-3XP)
Nomad local tribe from the Frost Lander (Good ally, not terrorists) + Gain Ally (1XP)
Luze Shiplander
Nothing Happens
Cold Snap, Roll your stamina, if you fail, you get 1d10 damage
White out, lose a day
Nothing Happens
Vehicle breaks down losing ½ day + creature ambush (1-3XP) Roll Vehicle Breakdown table pg.15
Loot Table
*can only get once
When they get there.. Roll Intuition to see some craft fly off in the distance.
Destroyed Explorer vehicle - Intuition Check: appears to be looted.
CLUE: A partial Data Computer inside Explorer that can show that:
Rich Mineral Deposit Report
“Found an **``^**8 artifact”
Some notes: “URG666T! Must re*&$rt to *9&^%$W## Cokjhasdfand”.
## 0 ##
## 1 DIG NOTES ON HOLE MU-7.523.223.1 ##
## 2 Rich stibium mineral deposits located 5-157m ##
## 3 Found **``^**8 artifact ##
## 4 URG666T! Must re*&$rt to *9&^%$W## Cokjhasdfand. ##
## 5 ##
Alien vehicle - Completely destroyed - Repairing Skill using Technical shows that it was self destructed
5 Dead Bodies of Explorers (1 Spy from the Echelon Enterprises - used by S.M.)
Blaster wounds
Also partially eaten
Intuition Check: The items on all bodies look looted. There was another party (bounty hunter) that took all, but left in haste
Missed Key Items on Mole:
Items that showed that they worked for Echelon Enterprises. 40% chance of finding
1 Echelon Enterprise standard issue compass
Note with signed initial “Remember, this is important Trent, immediately contact me thru [**BLOOD SPLATTER] our usual communications if an[**Blood Splatter**]ything comes up -S.K”.
A Bloody mound of Flesh
Mostly eaten but its a worm
Bloody mound of flesh was destroyed beyond recognition. Medical Diagnosis to determine that it was a Sathar.
Backstory [ Not Known to Player ]:
Trent, The Echelon Enterprise mole alerted his E.E. employee contact, who was his direct manager, Rifta Alsagi, who was directed by an agent of the S.M. “Zerom”/A.Abernathy), about a prime spot for ore excavation based on findings of the explorers and a relic being found. The ore sample showed high potential for profits. A Sathar Artifact was also found.
The Sathar got word from S.M. and sent a Sathar agent to kill the whole team (including the mole) and retrieve the artifact.
As the Sathar was going through the findings, it was attacked by 2 Ice Felkai’s. A clean up crew with bounty hunter Dol’tred was hired to clean up any mess. Dol’tred retrieved the artifact, and destroyed the alien vehicle along with any data that would lead them back to S.M. or E.E. In a rush due to the party arriving, Dol’tred could not fully destroy all evidence.
Dol’tred did miss an item - a compass with ‘property of Echelon Enterprises’ engraved in it. A note from R.A.
Meanwhile S.M. Agent swayed the B.O.D not to support a recovery team and planted the idea to hire under the table to frame them and shift blame. So in future can label the players as pirates and murderers.
Job Brief
A combat robot was deployed to a logistics company by the terrorist group Order of the New Frontier. The robot murdered the employees (3) and secured the assets. If anyone were to attempt to retrieve the assets, the robot would attack them - trying to take out as many corporate employees and disrupt the movement of goods.
Not S.M. sponsored.
The doors are unlocked
2 dead Yazirians, 1 dead human
As soon as people are in the building, the robot locks the doors.
Destroy Robot: 2
Robot Hack: 3
Job Brief
The Assets Administration has noticed that there has been an increase in asset theft, so they enlisted the help of the Investigation Bureau (I.B.)
No Capital Police available - their resources were diverted elsewhere. Its up to the Repo Business
The IB has put in a hidden tracking device on a bait vehicle.
The job is to follow that vehicle track where it is headed and see where it goes.
Retrieve any possible assets.
If successful, this catches the eye of Zerom.
Let the team take the company car and do a little shopping if they want.
Stores are plentiful in the city of New Brixton.
During their exploration, Over the comms a message comes in:
..and the bait car had just been reported stolen.
[ In the Evening ]
Low-Fi Spinners(Hurg,Draboo) steal the bait vehicle, start at the Tectonic Drill Bit
Meetup with link, Krrrk Krrk (vrusk) in an empty lot
Krrrk Krrk hands off the credits and trade 200CR
Krrk Krrk optional mission to divulge information
Krrrk Krrk Drives around the block twice initiating cloak device
The tracking beacon goes dark in mid destination
Krrk Krrk has a device that can cloak the tracking device.
Its tech no one has seen before
If taken to a shop and someone can identify the hardware can be traced to a Programmer in a bad part of town.
Zu “The Designer” or “The Shèjì shi” Shen can be referenced (phonetically) Zjee Tu Shi)
Krrrk Krrk goes to an unnamed warehouse (just owned by Brixton Co.)
Warehouse has 4-vehicles which is slated to go to a warehouse in an Frostlander City
NFF intercept 3 Vehicles and get away to a transport, launch attack at warehouse led by Magra Zuum & 3 others
Any surviving thugs “Smiles won't be happy, he will be coming for you.”
“Smiles”(Cygnus) is gonna be mad
Detective Cryohal will show up because of explosions
Some thugs from the chopshop have stolen Krrrk’s disabled son’s (Krrrk Aphix) exoskeleton that helps him move. The thugs are using this as leverage to use him as a Link and to extort his services for the Exoskeleton returned.
He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, to get him here. (was caught off guard while visiting the Designer to help his son with an exoskeleton)
Those things are expensive and if you can retrieve it he will bargain for information. They are charging him 5 times the original cost. 10,000 CR with interest!
Eventually leads to a warehouse thugs Apartment. 3 thugs in generic apt.
Unit 208
Evidence can also show some vital information about the Chop Shop
Reference to “Smiles” is mentioned
Warehouse address mentioned
Reference to Cryzak Ch’tock
Cloaking Device can be found
Zu “The Designer” or “The Shèjì shi” Shen can be referenced (phonetically) Zjee Tu Shi)
3 Items from Loot Table
If accomplished. Krrrk has wanted to move off city or off planet. As soon as he gets the exoskeleton.
1. Thug (human, M) -
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Brass knuckles
2. Thug (yazirian, M) -
STR 35/35 | DEX 50/50 | INT 50 /50 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
2 Axes
3. Thug (yazirian, M) -
STR 35/35 | DEX 50/50 | INT 50 /50 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
Loot Table
*can only get once
Krrrk Krrk (Vrusk) one of Smiles Links
Hurg & Draboo (lo-fi gang)
Warehouse is 2 stories. Windows on upper floors. Fire escape top floors
The Foundry Level 3
Drop Point Warehouse Manager: Cryzak Ch’tock (vrusk)
4 Mechanics / 5 Thugs / Cryzak
1 combat robot (in charging station),
1 service robot (cataloging vehicle numbers in their database for trade manifests)
1. Cryzak Ch’tock (vrusk)
STR 40/40 | DEX 50/50 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
Cryzak attempts to get away
2. Mechanic (human, F) -
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
3. Mechanic (dralasite, Neutral) -
STR 50/50 | DEX 40/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS3 | IM 4
4. Thug (human, M) -
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
5. Mechanic (vrusk, M) -
STR 40/40 | DEX 50/50 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
6. Mechanic (dralasite, M) -
STR 50/50 | DEX 40/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS3 | IM 4
7. Thug (human, M) -
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Brass knuckles / club
8. Thug (yazirian, M) -
STR 35/35 | DEX 50/50 | INT 50 /50 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
2 Axes
9. Thug (yazirian, M) -
STR 35/35 | DEX 50/50 | INT 50 /50 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
10. Thug (dralasite, M) -
STR 50/50 | DEX 40/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS3 | IM 4
Inside there are 5 Assets
2 Ground Cycles
1 Hover Cycles
Hover Car
(new) bait Car
Computer terminal will tell where the assets will be going:
FrostPort 76
Magra Zuum has infiltrated this warehouse. Sniper hidden in the loft. Magra planted bombs on doors and around supplies as a diversion and waits to take out combat robot. Smoke grenade to hide. Sniper Needles thugs.
Magra and 2 others will only be able to steal 3 vehicles. Race those vehicles through the exploded doors and to their refitted assault shuttle where they can immediately depart.
Magras Team:
(in getaway shuttle) Shaky, Pilot (vrusk, M) - Technician 7 | Computers 3 | Robotic 3
STR 60/60 | DEX 55/55 | INT 60 /60 | PER 55/55
B. Brady, Sniper (human, F) - environment 7 | Beam 4 | Projectile 4
STR 55/55 | DEX 65/65 | INT 55 /55 | PER 55/55
Needle rifle - sleep
A. Doc, Medic (dralasite, Neutral) - technician 3 | medical 7 | Beam 3
STR 60/60 | DEX 55/55 | INT 60 /60 | PER 45/45
Sonic stunner - stun
D. Laslo, Tech (human, M) - robotic 5 | computer 5 | martial arts 2 | Beam 3
STR 60/60 | DEX 55/55 | INT 60 /60 | PER 45/45
Sonic stunner - stun
Explosions will send Detective Cryohal into it
Cygnus was pressured to do something about the interruption of his goods. Someone from the top (Graylo Demorgol) wants him to deal with it.
In order to send a message, He arranges an ambush to kidnap one of the teammates. (person with the lowest STA)
He has a lower person set it up like Cryzak, to send out his thugs
2 lookouts of Thugs
1 Hover Transport (2 Drivers, 1 in the cargo hold)
The 2 lookouts will Subdue one character and move him/her into the transport
Immediately take off.
Tangler Grenade
Needler to pass out
2 thugs push the player into transport and then close the door and leave
Blindfold, bind, and gag
Drive to the Hidden Location (Empty Storage Facility)
Lucky “Old Gray” Deemus came by to free the rest of the party, to offer a drink and a story - and possibly a lead.
The Character Player will be blindfolded, gagged, bound, and in a chair.
Waking up, comm is taken off
Upon removal of blindfold the character will see:
It is dimly lit, except the light in face method
If INT save 70%
What looks like an empty storage facility. There are no windows, a loft.
Some thugs there that were from Cyrzaks warehouse if passes INT check. 20%
There are:
1 interogater
1 puncher
3 thugs onlooking
Punching ensues
“Boss says you're disrupting his operation and he wants you and your team to stop.
He wants you to not take any more vehicle repo jobs or else bad things may happen, beyond just us beating you to a pulp.” you are just a message.
Beat to pulp, knock out, and then throw the body out of the car on the 1st level Foundry.
1 XP if you get a good description of the Culprits.
1XP Bonus, for anything else.
The Drunk’s Tale:
Start of the 2nd Sathar War - The Doliin Bay
80FY (36 Years ago from 116FY)
Gruff 135 year old Yazirian Granger “Old Yazzi” Deemus
“Call me Deemus”
Blackened out goggle lense from missing an eye.
“It was way back in the Federation Year of 80. I was in my youth at the spry age of 99, manning a console on the Dolin Bay…”
Refer to Knight Hawks Basic Rules Scenerio 1
A pair of UPF Ships - the frigate Z'Gata, commanded by a man named Beril Gamache, accompanied by the assault scout Stiletto - have been dispatched to guard the small space station Doliin Bay, and its mining colony on the planet Kenzah' Kit which is on the very edge of the Frontier.
In the second week of Commander Gamaches routine duty, the Doliin Bay Space Station’s powerful sensors detect a pair of ships entering the system from the Void. As they streak closer, the computer sketches the sleek outlines of a Sathar heavy cruiser and its destroyer escort.
The UPF crews, facing a far stronger enemy, realize they must flee, but they cannot leave the Doliin Bay garrison defenseless against the invaders!
You will have to evacuate the Doliin Bay Space Station
In this scenario, the Sathar player is Player A and moves first.
The UPF player is Player Band moves second.
Evacuating Doliin Bay. The Z'Gata must spend three complete
game turns docked at Doliin Bay in order for the station's crew
to get aboard. These three turns need not be consecutive; the
ship can leave the station after one turn and return later for
two more turns to rescue the station crew.
After Doliin Bay has been evacuated, the station's weapons
cannot be used.
Victory Conditions. If the UPF player evacuates Doliin Bay
and flies the Z'Gata off the map, the UPF has won this battle.
Any other result is a Sathar victory.
“What this group did not realize was that the attacking ships represented only one prong of a huge attack against colonized planets along the edge of the Frontier.
The Second Sathar War had begun!”
However much damage their team receives, take a percentage and give that percentage damage to the kidnapped player.
The Storyteller at the bar served with this guy who was a survivor from the Battle of Doliin Bay
“I knew a guy on the Dolin Bay, a real prick! His name was Lt. Eli Bor’man, anyhow, I guess being a prick runs in the family - because he got this son named Cygnus, see - the type of guy with a reptilian smile. - well, I have been told that if you ever need things to be ‘cleaned’ so to speak, he is the guy to talk to.”
Information about Cygnus. Lieutenant Eli Bor’Man (Cygnus Father)
Like father like son, they both deal in shady deals, even during the war Eli was the person to turn something that was shit into something useful
Had friends in places that could help
Cygnus learned a lot from his dad.
Kidnapping doesn't sounds like a thing Cygnus would do, but I have seen those transports around - thems are his
But Cygnus also can be useful
Some of those miners' families that died during that Battle of Doliin now reside here. The families never quite recovered - some of the kids took to becoming thugs. That Transport that took your friend, had a miners symbol guild on it.
That truck looked like a mining transport
They may have taken your friend somewhere in Foundry’s 1st level
Sorry thats all I have
Allow users to place UPF ships either docked or at least 6 hexes away from Space Station
Accompanied by a Stiletto class assault scout ship. the UPF
Frigate Z'Gata cruised toward the orbiting station Doliin Bay.
The ship's commander, Beril Gamache, was nervous. Doliin
Bay, and its mining colony on the planet Kenzah' Kit. were on
the very edge of the Frontier. Reports of unfamiliar ships had
been trickling in from this area for the last few months.
Suddenly, the frigate's sensors lit up; long range detectors
reported two ships emerging from the Void inside the system.
Immediately, the commander ordered all hands to their stations.
The UPF crews, facing a far stronger enemy, realize they must flee,
but they cannot leave the Doliin Bay garrison defenseless
against the invaders!
You will have to evacuate the Doliin Bay Space Station
The Stranded Jetcopter
Link to Public Job Brief:
A mining scout team of 2 were scouting in a jetcopter out in the frostlands.
Pirates attacked and the scouts took evasive action and piloted into a cave - losing the pirates. Due to them in the cavern, they lost radio contact. While navigating the cavern, they damaged the jetcopter and had to soft crash land.
The pirates lost them, but are still in the area.
The last tracking was in Sector Rho-09
Random Events
Random Event (Roll for 35% chance per day)
Another wreck + creature ambush (1-3XP) 2 packs of 15 army rats. E.E. Explorer wrecked ( 1 loot table Item)
Find a stash, abandoned camp / Cave (3 crates - loot table) (1XP)
Nothing Happens
Herd of Omnivores
Nomad local tribe from the Frost Lander (Good ally, not terrorists) + Gain Ally (1XP)
Nothing Happens
Cold Snap, Roll your stamina, if you fail, you get 1d10 damage
White out, lose a day
Nothing Happens
Vehicle breaks down losing ½ day + creature ambush (1-3XP) Roll Vehicle Breakdown table pg.15
Loot Table
*can only get once
Roughly ‘Sector Pi-10’
They see a crashed abandoned ship
Roving Pirates
Jet Copter (3)
2 ground cycles (1)
Pirates will run if health below 20
Pirates will run if out of ammo
Or if the Leader is killed or runs.
Pirate Leader Human (Jetcopter)
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Automate Rifle (10 rounds)
Projectile L2, Melee L1
Dralasite (jetcopter)
STR 50/50 | DEX 40/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS3 | IM 4
Automatic Pistol (10 rounds)
2 dose grenades
2 frag grenades
Melee L1, Explosives L1
Human (JetCopter Pilot)
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Gyrojet Pistol (10 rounds)
Melee L1, Projectile L1
Yazirian (Motorcycle)
STR 35/35 | DEX 50/50 | INT 50 /50 | PER 45/45 | PS 2 | IM 5
Gyrojet Rifle (10 rounds)
Melee L1, Projectile L1
Human (Motorcycle )
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Automate Rifle (10 rounds)
Melee L1, Projectile L1
Melee L1, Projectile L1
The Jetcopter was damaged, but can be fixed by a person with Technical Skills.
Roll 1d10 to determine the amount of time it will take to repair. Felkais will attack during the repair
2 Ice Felkais are blocking them in
Mission 8: “Shuttle Assistance”
On delivery from a Cargo Freighter in orbit, the shuttle BCS-237 was struck by something and caused a technical malfunction. The Shuttle crashed in sector Xi-7.
The crew were alive, but are waiting for the Shuttle Hauler for repairs
Brixton Corporation could not wait, so they sent a recovery team to recover their assets.
They spot the crew and downed shuttle, and can also radio to them for coordinates.
They could pick up the Bots and be on their way home.
Hook to the Nora Blue mission
“Zerom” put out an order for the S.M. to frame the Repomen since they were meddling with the shipments and artifacts. A lower S.M. operative who works for E.E. ( Dralasite Hurf’l Grulog) contracted the ONF to attack and hijack 4 trucks, plant bombs and destry the drilling cores. Which would set back Brixton Corporation. He would use the O.N.F. to execute the plan while making it look like NFF Leaving artifacts of NFF for the repo men to find and pinning the repo man for that crime. O.N.F. will leave an anonymous phone call to the police.
Zerom, unknown
Hurf’l Grulog, Dralasite, E.E.
Operation Bit Delete Mastermind
Thrax Plastar, Vrusk, O.N.F. Operative
Plan Execution
Hamish Blastworthy, Human, O.N.F. Pirate
Acquire Robots
Acquire enough Tornadium explosives to blow the 6 drill mechanical housings
Acquire Vehicles & Begin Operation
Acquiring the robots was the first phase of Operation Bit Delete.
Thrax had a group of his O.N.F. Terrorists hijack the shipping container, knowing there were robots in that container through their information resources. They knew it was a black market deal and the robots were prime materials that could be used in their operation.
The team attacked the shipping container killing the crew and stole the goods. Unknowingly the Pilot (Razz Yadinski) survived and was in critical condition. They stole the robots and headed to Brixton.
Thrax had to explain to Hamish that they had to wipe the robots, reprogram them, and then store them until the time was right.
One of the pirates (Hamish Blastworthy) had a connection to an upper echelon society person (Brook Oberhausen) who knew how to deal with under the table things like this. (she knew of “The Designer” - who would be able to wipe the robots and insert the operations data disks.)
Hamish gives Brook the data disks that had a secured lock on it, to install on the bots. The data disks are the commands for Operation Bit Delete.
Brook has her team take it to The Designer for the bots to be reprogrammed, paying a heavy price. It was a BIG favor she had to pay back for Hamish.
After programming them, the designer copies those disks, but the copies have corrupted data.
When the robots were ready, Brook had her team pick up the robots - and stashed them at a warehouse, on the 3rd level of the Village, for the ONF connection to later pick up.
And from there, they would start Operation Bit Delete.
A Shuttle, departing from the orbiting space freighter , carrying cargo with mining supplies. Crime has been high lately and The Brixton Corporation would like shipment to arrive safely and securely.
Bestway Recovery was hired to make sure the cargo makes it safely to Brixton.
There is a problem though, the shipment was purchased from the Pan Galactic Corporation. The Streel Corporation does not look too kindly on this and will try to eliminate the competition in any way possible.
As soon as the shuttle enters the atmosphere:
The Streel Corporation will fly up to shuttle looking like they will detain and capture - but instead Pirate Vessels hired by the O.N.F. will attack and try to board. This works in Streel Corps favor and they will leave letting the Pirates deal with them.
“Shuttle BX-023, you are carrying contraband not permitted in the Pale atmosphere. Return to your Star Freighter, or be ready to be boarded.”
[Enter O.N.F. Pirates]
“Shuttle BX-023, since you are dealing with our competitor, you lose the protection of the Streel Corporation Pale Security Guard. GodSpeed.”
And the Streel Corp takes off.
O.N.F. Pirates will attack and try to board to Hijack the Cargo Shuttle
Begin Struggle.
Pirates Board and do a diversion tactic of trying to take over the bridge, while releasing the cargo to steal the cargo.
Ensue a Spacecraft Battle. The Pirates will run after the cargo is jettisoned
00:00 Pirates arrive
05:00 Pirates dock ship
10:00 Pirate Group A take Make their way through Bridge
10:00 - 15:00 Distract the Players while Group B hack into a computer and open the cargo hold
15:00 - 15:15 jettison the tornadium
Team A
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Laser pistol
50 SEU
Space Suit With Armor
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Laser pistol
50 SEU
Space Suit With Armor
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Laser pistol
50 SEU
Space Suit
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Laser pistol
50 SEU
Space Suit
Team B
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Laser pistol
50 SEU
Space Suit
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Laser pistol
50 SEU
Space Suit
STR 45/45 | DEX 45/45 | INT 45 /45 | PER 45/45 | PS 3 | IM 5
Laser pistol
50 SEU
Space Suit
6 Trucks have gone rogue. Tracking devices were tampered with. When the report came in, only one truck was tampered with
Call for one truck comes in. last seen at a destination
Hunt for the truck
Find the truck, find explosives
After they capture the truck find the Suicide Robot using a Holo-Screen with projection of on of the Player Characters.
There is a briefcase in the vehicle with some documents with Players Character Names ( a setup of a frame job)
Find some remnants of NFF paraphernalia / documents referring to party . Insignia possibly. Was planted by the O.N.F. Possibly there is a watermark within the Suicide Robot that ties back to the O.N.F. hurfl grulog hired them
If they check the back, there are explosives
Get a communication from headquarters - 5 more trucks with tracking devices are tampered with
Before they can find the other trucks they explode and destroy 3 drill sites
The team is arrested.
Chester “That's a great cover up”
Checks the briefcase and finds damning evidence that it is the Players characters
Take them in for questioning
Jail time?
“Zerom” put out an order for the S.M. to frame the Repomen since they were meddling with the shipments and artifacts. A lower S.M. operative who works for E.E. ( Dralasite Hurf’l Grulog) orchestrated the attack to hijack 4 trucks, plant bombs and destroy the drilling cores. Which would set back Brixton Corporation. He would use the O.N.F. to execute the plan while making it look like NFF Leaving artifacts of NFF for the repo men to find and pinning the repo man for that crime. O.N.F. will leave an anonymous phone call to the police.
Thrax Plastar, Vrusk (ONF operative who masterminded the mission)
In Ehud Gat's Lilith: Operation Genesis, ProtoZortium was an alloy of metal that was partially grafted onto biological matters (proteins, possibly). The matter was 20 times more resilient than steel or biotungsten and could partially deflect beam weapons (such as lasers). being quasi-alive, dents and holes would regenerate over time. The super-metal was used for armors of ships and the likes but could also be laced into the bones of a human subject to form a bond that makes the bones nearly indestructible.
Used for a new cybernetics project.
To find a metal in the Frostlands
It's in a subterranean ice catacomb, but hard to get to and there are many obstacles.
Roll 1d10 for amount of Hours to Mining
Every hour roll percentile for random encounters.
Crag within the “Morgon’th X Crater”
1 abandoned camp site
2 Storage Crates
3 Remains of Dralasite
4 Storage Crates
5 Ore Deposit ( ProtoZortium )
Lootable Campsite
6 Ore Deposit ( ProtoZortium )
7 Wypong Camp
8 Ore Deposit ( ProtoZortium )
A 10 Flitters
B 2 Felkais
C 1 Dropper
D 10 Flitters
E 1 Pale Cave Bear
F 5 Frost Wypong
Level 1
Level A
Level B
Outdoor Loot Table
*can only get once
Cygnus wants Graylo off his back. Graylo has been increasingly getting more dangerous due to all the repos that Bestway Recovery has been taking.
Cygnus needs help in removing Graylo from the picture.
Ways to remove:
Lower his standing in the elite
Have him appear inept
Lose trust amongst his peers
Graylo is heavily guarded and is hard to get to. Basically an untouchable until his renown comes down.
Ways to Bring down Graylo
Take down other chop shop services that Graylo was using
Competition is messing with Cygnus deals
Take out a warehouse that Graylo stages the stolen assets before they are shipped out.
Cygnus will go half with the stolen assets, and is sure that there are a few items in there that are on the repossession list. Some even unlisted.
Somehow tie Graylo to shady dealings to bring down his renown in the public eye.
Sabotage a lucrative deal that Graylo is doing
Graylo will fight back and have things done to the Players. Items
A Cygnus Bor`Man Mission
Cygnus had a blackmarket order for a robot team to help him “clean” vehicles at his chop shops. But the ordered robot team went missing. Last he heard it was slated to show up at a warehouse, but they never showed up.
He called the shipping warehouse, but all they say that it was never recieved and been marked as “Lost” - “Damn warehouse jockeys, don't know anything. They just said to refer to the insurance claims - and all they know is that it is “Vehicle Parts''
He wants the team to find and retrieve his robots,and find out anything about who may have taken them.
Missing Several Robots (9)
1 robot brain
Programmed with hack codes to change vehicle information
4 service Robots
Equipped with Brixton proprietary tools to work on Brixton owned assets
4 security Robots
Shipping Warehouse
The shipping warehouse will not speak to outsiders.
The shipping warehouse just wrote it off as an insurance claim - saying that the insurance policy will deal with it.
Computer Hack | Social Methods: Manifest shows the shuttle name and the pilot.
Insurance Company
Marked as “Lost”
A claim has been filed
Investigation is ongoing
Public Information
Via the News and research: The Hijacking was off city. The ruins of the container are still there.
Pilot is still alive, but in the hospital.
“The Designer”
may know something of a new shipment of robots coming in that he had to re-programming.
A group of people on behalf of a rich client came to me with robots and wanted me to reprogram these bots on the sly. But the existing programs on these things were black market. Discretion is my thing.
I copied some of the disks but they were mostly corrupted
Op~~///89tion Bit ^D\\..**le##e
Driving programs
“They kept calling me ‘Corporate Scum’ - before they took everything!”
Knew The Pirate Shuttle was ONF (Markings on it).
“The ship's recorder may have captured something. Its protocol to turn on the recorder”
Investigation of the Crash Site
ONF Graffiti shows the symbol (Lightning Bolt with Molecule Swoops
Ship Recorder recorded Audio of the hijackers
Would hear a “Thrax” talking to a “Hamish”
Would hear that they need to get it to the leased warehouse Thrax got.
Hamish mentions, “I got a person who may be able to help.”
Thrax cuts in, “Person? What person?”
Hamish replies, “Brook”
“Brook? Brook who?”
“... Oberhausen, Brook Oberhausen. She owes me a favor”
“Can you trust….” [ BREAK TO STATIC ]
Brook Oberhausen Interrogation
She is oblivious to the project
Hamish was an old boyfriend of hers. She hated working for him, but had to repay a BIG favor to him. She is now done with him.
She knows the Designer
She knows the warehouse the goods were dropped off at
Services of “Cleaning” things.
Of course at a price. Can be haggled down.
This is just to trust you with my services. And I may have new job opportunities for you as well.
Acquire Robots
Acquire enough Tornadium explosives to blow the 4 drill mechanical housings
Acquire Vehicles & Begin Operation
(Mastermind: Dralasite Hurf’l Grulog, E.E.)
Hurf’l Grulog hired Thrax Plaster of the Order of the New Frontier (O.N.F.) to initiate “Operation Bit Delete”
Acquiring the robots was the first phase of Operation Bit Delete.
Thrax had a group of his O.N.F. Terrorists hijack the shipping container, knowing there were robots in that container through their information resources. They knew it was a black market deal and the robots were prime materials that could be used in their operation.
The team attacked the shipping container killing the crew and stole the goods. Unknowingly the Pilot (Razz Yadinski) survived and was in critical condition. They stole the robots and headed to Brixton.
Thrax had to explain to Hamish that they had to wipe the robots, reprogram them, and then store them until the time was right.
One of the pirates (Hamish Blastworthy) had a connection to an upper echelon society person (Brook Oberhausen) who knew how to deal with under the table things like this. (she knew of “The Designer” - who would be able to wipe the robots and insert the operations data disks.)
Hamish gives Brook the data disks that had a secured lock on it, to install on the bots. The data disks are the commands for Operation Bit Delete.
Brook has her team take it to The Designer for the bots to be reprogrammed, paying a heavy price. It was a BIG favor she had to pay back for Hamish.
After programming them, the designer copies those disks, but the copies have corrupted data.
When the robots were ready, Brook had her team pick up the robots - and stashed them at a warehouse, on the 3rd level of the Village, for the ONF connection to later pick up.
And from there, they would start Operation Bit Delete.
Crashed Exploration Ship
Page 16
Crashed 109 F.Y (7 years ago) During the Corporate Wars. Was part of a now defunct Corporation - Jimenez Galactic. Was shot down by mercenaries hired by Star Law to curb the Corporate Wars. This was a victim of such action
Upon the way, the recovery team will encounter the Nora Blue, a retro-fitted exploration ship, that had crashed there years ago. Since then a pack of beasts took shelter in the hull. Roughly ‘Sector Nu 8’
Skeletal remains
The Nora Blue technical Spec sheet
The Team could potentially use this hull for a future spacecraft.
35% Chance of running into Marauders
Mercenary Work/Jobs for the F.E.L.F.
F.E.L.F. smuggles them out of the system
Possible ways off of Pale
Pirates C.M.S.25
Enough money for junker
Robot Revolution!
Warbot (1) and a platoon of Combat Robots (16)
Hijacking food transports from the port (C.M.S.25 ?)
Planet Pale
Pale is one of the planets in orbit around Truane's Star, the other is New Pale.
Strike Force Nova Fleet shares this
Government: Truane Star Nation
Strike Force Nova Base
Economy: Most of the economy is based on mining. The planet is rich in metals and fossil fuels. Industrial plants and factories serve as the main employers. The population is large enough where raw materials can be mined and processed for export.
Food on Pale is hard to come by due to the extreme weather conditions. Most of their food is exported from New Pale. Economy has been in recession and there has been a large population exit due to the war between Pale and New Pale. Since the conclusion of war (F.Y. 63), Pale has been climbing out of its recession.
Defense: The Truane's Star National Defense Force is a militia fleet sporting three Assault Scouts, and a Frigate in their national colors: black on gray.
Government: Truane Star Nation
Streel Corporation City
Mining Juggernaut owned by The Brixton Corporation
Current Location: Sector Nu-10
Mining Juggernaut owned by Echelon Enterprises
Current Location: Uknown
Government: Indigenous (Frostlanders)
Trrch’l Divide
Narrow’s Knife Ice Sheet
O’Briens Pass
The Great Collide
Salt Sea
Morgon’th X Crater
Founded 70 F.Y.
Owned by The Brixton Corporation.
New BrixtonTM is considered a Class II Mobile Mining Juggernaut City. The juggernaut seeks potential mining sites and sets its operation there.
The juggernaut has 6 enormous drill bits and a piping system that extends several stories deep, which can penetrate the planet’s crust depending on how many pipe casings it is equipped with.
The city is based on a capitalist arcology system. There are 9 platforms each 3 stories tall that are layered on the bulky tank tracks that allow it to be mobile.
City Platforms
Corpo-Town - Level 1
Xylers Mech Shop