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Volturnus World Map Without the Triangles
July 24, 2016 - 1:00pm | The original image had just one southern ocean, so as you'll note, I've added a northern polar sea. Next I'll try filling out the massive land mass and then add a few salt flats where seas and oceans used to be and would have connected the northern and southern polar seas. Although Volturnus appears to have one Pangea continent, it probably has several continental shelves and ocean plates grinding around, which accounts for the mountains and volcanic activity. I've also shifted the color spectrum so it appears more red, but vast deserts will need to be added too. I'm probably going to shift the Volturnus player's map to more of a southern area, maybe right along the coast of the southern polar sea. Then we need to do some brainstorming about what the Eorna were really like at the height of their civilization. How many were there? Perhaps they were more clustered in cities by the time the Sathar began their genocidal attack. That may help account for the fact that there is still a wide variety of life left elsewhere on the planet. Joe Cabadas |