
Tchklinxa's picture
April 27, 2016 - 4:52am
Dralasite culture idea thread:

Written language: I was thinking yesterday as I was at work... and it hit me their writting would not be at all like other races, I think to other races it would look like Ink Blot Tests or QRC or even bar codes or combos of them. All black and white and everyone else alwyas wondering how in the hell they can read that.
 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

iggy's picture
April 27, 2016 - 9:02am
I like this and it has my imagination going about ink blot hieroglyphs.  I don't think thay are just an alphabet but rather like Chinese or Egyptian where symbols mean whole words or phrases. 

Tchklinxa's picture
April 27, 2016 - 11:22am
I also had this thought of Dralasites thinking who ever came up with the Hu-man Ink Blot Test was a brilliant poet or philosopher or joke writer or all 3 combined and the whole use of them for psychology for humans would fascinate them. 

Imagine a Pan-Gal Scout Ship lands on a planet that turns out to be a retro Human Colony's first contact with aliens, and the Dralasite is the one trained in archaic Human tongues and so in some little room under the white light treatment the Local National Government psychologist is trying to do the Ink Blot Test to try and understand "the alien mind" and the Dralasite is trying to translate the brilliant work of a gifted mind as the answer to "What do you see?" from his perspective... oh so much potential. 

I am thinking Ink Blot would be the calligraphy and ancient pictograph/logographs and one image would convey a lot of information in the way a short cuneiform text is translated into multiple paragraphs in modern writing. It is absolutely amazing the amount of info in those Clay Texts and how much paper and ink it takes to write the translations. So I think Dralasite writing should be treated like that just like you are thinking with Chinese or Egyptian symbols sometimes as whole phrases, tons of info in one image. 

The QRC style would be modern print/electronic style. 

The Bar codes could math/scientific type equations or info.

Naturally there could be mixed formats with all these images and artistic competitions in Blot Writing.

If dralasites discover Human Ink Blot Tests you can bet books of them would be on the Best Seller List of ancient literature.Foot in mouth

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

Tchklinxa's picture
May 2, 2016 - 6:23pm

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

JCab747's picture
May 2, 2016 - 9:36pm

Yes, don't forget the Drowlasites. I though that was a niffty fan-created race.
Joe Cabadas

Tchklinxa's picture
May 3, 2016 - 4:29am
Yeah I think I will try and do something with the idea, as I submitted the Positan & Negaton subraces. 

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

JCab747's picture
May 3, 2016 - 8:48am
I had managed to copy much of Capt. Rags' website before it went down. Here's his take -- his because he is their creator -- on Drowlasites:


AVERAGE HEIGHT: 1.3 m tall, 1 m wide



REPRODUCTION: hermaphroditic, budding


TYPE: Omnivore

Source: Ragnarr


Physical Appearance and Structure

Drowlasites are short, rubbery aliens that have no bones or hard body parts. Their skin is a flexible membrane that is very rough and scratchy. It generally is dull black with darker veins that meet at the Drowlasites two eye spots.

The internal structure of a Drowlasite is very different from the other races, although nearly identical to that of the Dralasites. The Drowlasite's central nerve bundle (brain), numerous small hearts and other internal organs float in a pudding-like mixture of protein and organic fluids.

Drowlasites breathe by absorbing oxygen directly through their skin, so they have no lungs. They are carnivores, but eat by surrounding their food and absorbing it, so they also have no digestive tract or intestines.

All Drowlasites go through male, female, and neutral stages during their lives (these phases can be controlled with medicines). Males release spores into the air, which drift until they become attached to a female. A young Drowlasite then "sprouts" from its mother, eventually maturing and dropping off.


The most important sense for a Drowlasite is smell. They breathe directly through their skin, and the entire membrane is sensitive to odors. Their sense of smell is so keen they can identify persons by smell alone and can recognize familiar smells on objects or persons. The membrane also is sensitive to touch and vibrations, allowing the Drowlasite to hear and feel. Drowlasite see only in black and white. They see shapes and light and darkness very clearly, and can see the difference between distinct colors (blue and green, for example) because one is darker than the other, but they do not see actual colors.


Drowlasites have a voice box, but it works like a bellows because they have no lungs. A Drowlasite's voice can vary from a soft whisper to a thundering roar and from a bass rumble to a piercing screech. Among themselves, they also use shapes, odors and touch to communicate.

Society and Customs

Drowlasites are stoic in their mannerisms. Their communities are usually large, with many Drowlasites preferring to travel in groups (or "gangs"). Drowlasites only care about wealth, power, and status symbols. They judge themselves by their ruthlessness and cunning in achieving their goals. Drowlasites often hold secretive meetings to discuss plans and strategies that will bring them more of what they desire most.

Steam baths are a usual Drowlasite recreation. They will mix intoxicants with the blood of recent victims in the steam. These effect Drowlasites the same way that alcohol does a Human or Yazirian.

Drowlasites are widely known for their nefarious plots and sinister activities. They despise humor in any form, and perceive it as a weakness in any creature who partakes in it. Any Human comedian who attempted to find work in a Drowlasite community would quicky be imprisoned, tortured, and executed.

Drowlasites do not normally wear clothing, because it makes breathing difficult and interferes with their sense of smell. They usually carry their equipment on web belts. When they must wear clothing to protect themselves, they use special materials that let air reach their skin.


Drowlasites find it difficult to like any creature that is not of their own race, but have a special hatred for Dralasites. While they realize that they are nearly identical to them in physiology, the Drowlasites view Dralasites as disgusting mutations that need to be annihilated as quickly as possible.

Special Abilites

Elasticity: A Drowalsite's skin is stretchable and supported by a complex muscle structure. This allows them to change the shape of their bodies, within limits. They can "grow" arms and legs to use for walking and handling tools and weapons, and re-absorb limbs when they are not needed.

A Drowlasite can have a number of limbs equal to its Dexterity divided by 10, rounded up. The player must decide whether a limb is an arm or a leg when grown. For example, a Drowlasite with a Dexterity score of 45 can control up to five limbs. It could have three arms and two legs, two legs and one arm, no legs and five arms, or any other combination that adds up to five or less.

Growing or absorbing a limb takes five minutes. Only one limb can be grown at a time. A limb can be up to 1 meter long, and no less than 10 cm thick. "Fingers for handling items can be up to 10 cm long and no less than 1 cm thick.

Even though a Drowlasite can have many arms, it can not fire more than two weapons at once. When a Drowlasite player creates limbs, he must specify one as the dominant limb, the same way a Human must choose to be either right or left handed. Also, despite a Drowlasite's stretching and shrinking, the patterns of veins and ridges on its skin does not change, so they have a permanent "fingerprint" for identification.

Sleep Touch: Drowlasites have the ability to render another character unconscious. Cnidoblasts in the Drowlasite's epidermal skin layer are able to inject a toxin much like that of sleep darts. A creature touched in this manner that fails a STA check will become unconscious for 5d10 minutes. Note that Vrusk, Demu, and Mirelurk characters are protected from the Drowlasite sleep touch by their thick carapace. A Drowlasite character begins with a Sleep Touch success rate of 5%, and the ability can be improved by spending experience points.

Joe Cabadas

Tchklinxa's picture
May 3, 2016 - 10:19am
Oh thank you, I am also going to check the mag, I think a write up or mention was in one of them as well. 

Ameboid Races: I have more ideas some critters to convertand why they are different from standard Drals or how they are related but not Drals.

I started looking at Ink Blots on the net, I have no good digital art programs on my current computer... so about all I can do is make Ink Blots the old fashion way to scan... I need to see if I can find free ink blots. 
 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

JCab747's picture
May 3, 2016 - 12:26pm
I don't think a full description of the Drowlasites ever made it into either Star Frontiersman or Frontier Explorer. I remember seeing a mention of them with a story about making customized armored vehicles (an updated version of the old Dragon magazine articles "Tanks a Lot" and "Tanks Again"), but that was it.

The could make an interesting adversary, or a captive race of the Sathar or Clikk. Maybe they are the missing link to the Dralasite's existence in the Frontier.
Joe Cabadas

Tchklinxa's picture
May 3, 2016 - 1:34pm
I am thinking they could be an allie to sathar, or maybe they are a group that is at war with the ruling drals for some reason still kicking ideas around... Probably should make a list of background options.

What if the sabatoged the dral colony ship?

They could have been a caste within tje dral populace

 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."