Sounds of Fury: New Sonic Devices for the Frontier

JCab747's picture
February 28, 2016 - 9:52pm

I am a new member to your website, though I've been reading the materials posted here for some six months. I would like to submit a few sonic devices for your review. This one is based on some non-lethal weapons technology that police have used recently.


Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD)

Skill:                      Beam Weapons

Cost:                     6,000 Credits

Weight:                 20 kilograms

Hard Points:         1 (small)

Rate of Fire:         1         

Damage:               Varies

Ammo:                  100 SEU pack

SEU:                      Varies

Defense:               Sonic or Sonic/A-S implant

PB:                         0-10 m

Short:                    11-100 m

Medium:                101-200 m

Long:                     201-300 m

Extreme:               301-500 m

The LRAD, also called a sonic stunner cannon, is a bulky police/paramilitary weapon used for crowd control. Often mounted on vehicles, robots, remote sentry units or on a tripod, it is an area effect weapon that can hit all beings within a cone out to its extreme range. It has four settings: Irritation, Stun Level 1, Stun Level 2 and Stun Level 3. Each setting has a different power consumption rate and damage effects.

The Irritation setting is probably the most common used and normally non-lethal. It broadcasts a loud, disruptive sound within a 90 degree cone in front of the device with the purpose of trying to coax beings to leave the area. Targets within point black and short range suffer a -20 percent modifier to all skill and status checks. Targets within medium range suffer a -15 percent penalty; -10 at long range and -5 at extreme range. It hits automatically and consumes 2 SEU per minute of continuous use.

Stun Setting 1 acts like a sonic stunner, except it affects targets within a 5-meter-wide cone in front of the device. Use the burst-fire modifiers for determining the chance to hit. Targets must make a successful Stamina check to avoid being stunned. It uses 5 SEU per shot.

Stun Setting 2 acts like a sonic stunner but also causes physical damage to targets within a 5 meter wide cone in addition to a stunning effect. Note, a target gets to make a current Stamina check after taking the sonic damage. At point blank and short range, it causes 2d10 of damage; 1d10 damage at medium and long range; but only the stunning effect at extreme range. This setting uses 10 SEU per shot.

Stun 3 causes more damage in addition to a stunning effect. At point blank and short range, targets take 4d10 damage, at medium range, 3d10 damage, at long range, 2d10, and 1d10 at extreme range. This setting uses 15 SEU per shot.

Joe Cabadas

rattraveller's picture
February 29, 2016 - 12:35pm
OK sound like an interesting police/corporate security weapon. Does it come in any other sizes like one mounted on a vehicle? Is there any consideration of different effects for different species?

Why the two different ways to shot? Irritation sounds good but in use a being would be standing on average within 30 meters of beings they want to dispurse who may just as easily turn violent and try to shut the noise maker off.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

ChrisDonovan's picture
February 29, 2016 - 10:22pm
"Irritation" is understating things.  I've read about these things.  "Irritation" is "feeling like your ears are gonna burst" and "someone sets your skin on fire" levels of pain.  Nasty nasty stuff.

JCab747's picture
March 1, 2016 - 8:41am
Dear Rattraveller:

You raise a few good questions.

I was trying to provide ranges for an LRAD based on the Alpha Dawn rules for sonic weapons. For instance, the Sonic Devastator only has a maximum range of 100 meters and no extreme range.

But, you prompted me to look up the technology a bit more. A website called Tech-Faq (  ) provides this information about modern-day LRADs:

"The LRAD or the long range acoustic device that has been developed by American Technology Corporation is capable of emitting a maximum of 151Db sound within 30 degrees of where the device is pointing. This device can be used as a combatant deterrent weapon or crowd-control device by emitting sounds that are painful to the ears.

"The LRAD weighs about 210 kilograms and is capable of emitting sound within a 15 to 30 degree beam. The range of the LRAD is 300 to 500 meters and, at maximum volume, it can emit sound 50 times greater than the human threshold for pain so it can cause permanent damage...

"The primary advantage in military and law enforcement circles is that the LRAD is a less than lethal solution that has the potential to prevent antagonists from continuing their unwanted activities, without endangering the friendly personnel.

"The major disadvantages of the LRAD system are:

  • The loud sounds the LRAD emits may cause permanent hearing damage to those within its range.
  • The LRAD sound wave can be cancelled altogether through the use of common earplugs. The better the earplugs are at blocking sound waves, the less effective the LRAD is.
  • Sounds emitted from the LRAD can be reflected back to the source by using a flat solid object."
So, I guess I made the range of my first iteration of the device a bit too wimpy.
Joe Cabadas

JCab747's picture
March 1, 2016 - 8:55am
Q. Why the two different ways to shoot?

If you are referring to the LRAD either being able to send out an irritation sound at a 90-degree coneor the stunning effect with only a 5-meter wide cone, my thinking there was I didn't want to make it too overwhelmingly powerful. But, I am open to other suggestions on its capabilities for a Star Frontiers setting.

Q.  Does it come in any other sizes like one mounted on a vehicle?

I'll turn to wikipedia, "According to the manufacturer's specifications, the systems weigh from 15 to 320 pounds (6.8 to 145.1 kg) and can emit sound in a 30°- 60° beam at 2.5 kHz.[2]The manufacturer also produces systems for public address and mass notification use that broadcast 360°."

So, yes, it can be smaller or larger.

Q. Is there any consideration of different effects for different species?

I would think if a creature is more succeptible to sonic waves, it would take more damage, and I can image there would be other species that are less succeptible or even immune to its effects. For example, the SF Basic Game features the hydra with the following information: "Earlier in the day, when the hydra started to bud, the creature's handler tried to move it to a larger pen. The sonic prod he used enraged the creature and it attacked the handler... The zoo owners then brought a subsonic projector to soothe the creature with low-frequency sounds, but these only made the creature madder and it broke out..."

It sounds like a hydra doesn't like sonic weapons.
Joe Cabadas

JCab747's picture
March 1, 2016 - 9:03am
Revised statistics:

Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD)

Skill:                      Beam Weapons

Cost:                     6,000 Credits

Weight:                 20 kilograms

Hard Points:         1 (small)

Rate of Fire:         1         

Damage:               Varies

Ammo:                  100 SEU pack

SEU:                      Varies

Defense:               Sonic or Sonic/A-S implant

PB:                         0-10 m

Short:                    11-100 m

Medium:                101-200 m

Long:                     201-300 m

Extreme:               301-500 m

The range now reflects modern-day technology, though one can assume larger versions would have an extended range. I've also bumped up the weight and cost because it now out shoots a Sonic Devastator... maybe the cost needs to be higher?

Joe Cabadas

JCab747's picture
March 3, 2016 - 7:16pm
I'll try posting another sonic device for your consideration.
Joe Cabadas

JCab747's picture
April 16, 2016 - 11:43am
Sonic Prod

Skill:                      Melee or Beam Weapons
Cost:                      400 Credits
Weight:                  1 kilogram        
Rate of Fire:           1
                                  Setting 1            Setting 2             Setting 3
Normal Damage:    1 point              Stun                1d10 + 5 + Stun
Against Hydra:        1d10                 1d10 + Stun      2d10 + 10 + Stun
Ammo:                  20 SEU clip
SEU:                      1 SEU               1 SEU               2 SEU
Defense:                 Sonic                Sonic / A-S       Sonic / A-S
PB:                        1-5 m                "                       "
Short:                    6-8 m                "                       "
Medium:                 9-10 m              "                       "
Long:                    11-12 m            "                       "
Extreme:               13-15 m            "                       "

This sonic device is used as a means of goading livestock into moving in a desired direction. Instead of physically touching an animal, the farmer or rancher can stand back at a distance and use the prod to deliver a painful, but superficial sonic shock to encourage them to move in the direction opposite of the sound waves. Because of the wide-variety of livestock available on the Frontier, the sonic prod can deliver more than just superficial damage.

It is baton-like with a two-pronged end with the coiled sonic emitter. It concentrates the sonic beam at close range, hence its longer Point Blank and Short Ranges, but its usefulness rapidly falls off at greater distances.

Sonic Fence

The sonic fence is used to contain livestock in a certain area while discouraging predators from entering. It generates a sonic field between and immediately around the 3-meter-tall emitter poles. When a character or creature or robot approaches the field or the poles, the sonic waves grow in intensity. Depending upon its usage - out in a pasture or in an enclosed space - the owner can adjust range which the emitters activate.

For example, at a distance of 2-5 meters - zone 1 - the emitters can be set to generate a warning noise that causes an unshielded target to suffer a -10 percent penalty to all ability and skill checks.

At 1-3 meters - zone 2 - the warning intensity increases, causing unshielded targets to suffer a -15 percent skill/ability check modifier. Additionally, the sonic field it will cause 1d10 points of damage plus a stunning effect. Characters and creatures must make a current Stamina check (with the -15 percent modifier) to avoid being stunned. Robots and vehicles are unaffected by the stun damage.

At less than 1 meter - zone 3 - the field will cause an additional 2d10 points of damage plus a stunning effect. Again, unshielded targets suffer a -15 percent skill/ability modifier.

Right around the poles or in the field between the emitters - zone 4 - it will cause an additional 3d10 points of damage plus a stunning effect. Unshielded targets will still suffer a -15 percent skill/ability modifier.

Hydrae and hydra take double damage from the sonic emitters.

The owner/operator can manipulate the different zone levels to ramp down or even turn off some functions. However, the field cannot be "ramped up." For example, the operator can not make the sonic fence inflict 3d10 worth of damage in zones 1 -3, however, he could power down the system so it will only cause a stunning effect rather than actual damage.

In standby operation, the poles use 1 SEU every two hours. When a creature or character enters zone 1, when the warning sound is activated, it uses 1 SEU every minute. Once a creature enters zone 2, the poles use 2 SEU per turn, 3 SEU per turn for zone 3 and 4 SEU per turn for a creature or character in zone 4.

Once a character or creature moves out of the field, or stops moving, the sonic fence returns to standby mode.

Each emitter pole has miniature sensing units - infrared, motion and shape - and a chronocom-like transmitter so it sends its data to a control unit which has the equivalent of a level 1 security program and a level 1 installation security program. The owner can set the control unit to recognize certain shapes - like human, yazarian, dralasite and vrusk characters - to permit them to enter the field without taking damage.

While the emitter poles have an emergency 20 SEU power clip, but they are typically powered by a parabattery or are hooked into a generator or power grid while electrical lines run between the poles. Sometimes landowners bury the power lines underground.

A creature or character could dig a hole or tunnel to get under the sonic field. Or they can attempt to go above it by flying - or climbing a tree or other object or structure where they can get above the field.

Each emitter pole will take 60 points of structural damage before it stops working. The maximum distance between the poles is 10 meters.

Emitter Pole Cost: 500 Credits per pole plus one 10-meter power line; or 1,500 Credits for a package of four poles plus 40 meters of power line; or ten poles plus 100 meters of power line for 4,000 Credits. (Note: at least two emitter poles are needed to generate a field). This price includes the emergency 20 SEU clips but not any parabattery or generator costs nor the control unit.

Emitter pole weight: 5 kilograms
Control Unit Cost: 400 Credits
Control Unit Weight: 3 kilogram
Replacement power line: 20 Credits per 10 meter line
Joe Cabadas

JCab747's picture
March 4, 2016 - 8:25pm

Medium Sonic Cannon (Devastator Mk. II)

Skill:                      Beam Weapons

Cost:                      8,000 Credits

Weight:                  28 kilograms

Hard Points:           2

Rate of Fire:           1         

Damage:                20d10+20/15d10+15/ 10d10+10/5d10+5/1d10

Ammo:                   100 SEU pack or 250 SEU econopack or 1,000 SEU drum

SEU:                       20

Defense:                 Sonic

PB:                         0-10 m

Short:                     11-100 m

Medium:                 101-200 m

Long:                     201-300 m

Extreme:                301-400 m

Large Sonic Cannon (Devastator Mk. III)

Skill:                      Beam Weapons

Cost:                      12,000 Credits

Weight:                  65 kilograms

Hard Points:           8         

Damage:                 30d10+20 / 25d10+15 / 20d10+10 / 15d10+5 / 10d10

Ammo:                   250 econopack or 1,000 SEU drum

SEU:                      30

Defense:                 Sonic

PB:                         0-20

Short:                     21-120 m

Medium:                 121-250 m

Long:                     251-450 m

Extreme:                451-650 m

While most militaries tend to use kinetic and laser weapons, some mercenary units incorporate sonic weapons into their arsenals. This weapon fires a concentrated beam of chaotic sound that is clearly recognizable as a ball of shimmering air disturbance as it speeds at its target. However, the greater the distance the target is from the weapon, the less damage it does. One major drawback of sonic weapons, however, is they cannot be used in a vacuum and their effectiveness is reduced on planets with a thin atmosphere.

Joe Cabadas

jedion357's picture
March 16, 2016 - 10:25am
If you composed an article on sonic devices, I thought of a greater title: The Sound and the Fury. Subtitle: New Sonic Devices in the Frontier
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

JCab747's picture
March 18, 2016 - 5:52am
jedion357 wrote:
If you composed an article on sonic devices, I thought of a greater title: The Sound and the Fury. Subtitle: New Sonic Devices in the Frontier

I like the headline.

I am also working on another sound spy device. I had read somewhere that an LRAD-like unit can be used to beam sound to a specific location within a line of sight. This would allow the sender to communicate with a person without others nearby from hearing what is said. I need to do a bit more research, however.
Joe Cabadas

jedion357's picture
April 21, 2016 - 6:13am
I think the components of the sonic fence are a bit pricey, and by that I mean that even with a justification of them being pricey my gut says still to pricey. Compare the cost of a regular fence pole: 10-20 credits. Who's going to drop the money for the sonic fence? That complaint aside the prod and sonic fence suggest a starting adventure on a AG colony where something bad has happened. PCs start off as colonist and or recent visitors. The bad thing could be pirate attack, sathar attack, xenomorph (aliens & face hugger), corporate aggression, of variation on xenomorph where local critter is a bullette or shark (Jaws). My gut says the bad thing should be so bad that it explains colonist leaving the world when adventure is over since some where colonist and it would be natural for them to try to rebuild. 
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

JCab747's picture
April 21, 2016 - 8:48am
jedion357 wrote:
I think the components of the sonic fence are a bit pricey, and by that I mean that even with a justification of them being pricey my gut says still to pricey. Compare the cost of a regular fence pole: 10-20 credits. Who's going to drop the money for the sonic fence? 

I'll look into that and make some revisions to the pricing scheme. Thank you for the critique
Joe Cabadas

JCab747's picture
April 21, 2016 - 10:53am
jedion357 wrote:
I think the components of the sonic fence are a bit pricey, ... 

Let's see if this is a bit more reasonable.

Emitter Pole Cost: 100 Credits per pole plus one 10-meter power line; or 250 Credits for a package of four poles plus 40 meters of power line; or ten poles plus 100 meters of power line for 500 Credits. (Note: at least two emitter poles are needed to generate a field). This price does not include the emergency 20 SEU clips nor the control unit. Any power generators or parabatteries needed to run the sonic fence are an additional cost.

Emitter pole weight: 5 kilograms
Control Unit Cost: 400 Credits
Control Unit Weight: 3 kilogram
Replacement power line: 20 Credits per 10 meter line
Joe Cabadas